301 EMERGENCE OF THE HUTTĽIUTES eventually disappeared from the historic stage. The Philipites turned Swiss. Gabriel developed in a spiritualist direction that had been latent among certain Anabaptists from the beginning but was likely furthered by dialogue with Schwenckfeldians and or Czech Brethren. His synthesis of Anabaptism and irenic spiritualism, with its nostalgia for uncoerced first love and its evident disillusionment resulting from quarrels and schisms, betrays also certain Nicodemite tendencies. How much ordinary members understood of his finer distinctions between divine and human wisdom, his desire for a more liturgical celebration of the Lord's Supper, or his baptismology is unclear. Representative of the first-generation charismatic leadership, Gabriel may have become too dazzled by the inner light to lead the way to needed organizational structures that might have assured the survival of his people as a distinct group. No successors with the required leadership qualities emerged after his death. Even before his death in 1545 a number of his followers joined the Hutterites. A small remnant did so in 15 65 .'°5 With them the Gabrielites,like the Philipites, the Austerlitz Brethren, and the Pilgramites, would disappear. The followers of Hutter, on the other hand, survived. They too had been forced to disperse in 15 3 5 and in number of martyrs outsuffered the other groups. Led by Hans Amon, they clung to Hutter's instructions and to Moravia in the hope of better times with the goal of reverting to communal living as soon as possible. This strategy, although severely tested not only in 1535-36 but again in the 1540s, proved correct. When conditions finally improved, the survivors rallied to live in strict community. By 15 60 they stood on the threshold of their "golden years." ) APPENDIX A Three Early Anabaptist Congregational Orders I The Swiss Order [1517] or The Congregational Order translated hy John H. Yoder II The Discipline [1529] or Discipline of the Believers; How a Christian is to Live translated by Robert FrLedmann HI The Scharnscblager Order [1540] or A Church Order Tor Members Of Christ's Body Arranged in Seven Articles by Leopold Schamschlager translated by \V[]l];im Klassen - V Since the almighty eternal and merciful God has made His wonderful light break forth in this world and [in this] most dangerous time, we recognize the mystery of the divine will, that the Word is preached to us according to the proper ordering of the Lord, whereby we have been called into His fellowship. Therefore, according to the command of the Lord and the teachings of His apostles, in Christian order, we should observe the new commandment in love Since the almighty God and heavenly Father is permitting His eternal and all-powerful Word to be proclaimed to all creatures in the.se most perilous times (Colossians 1) and has called us at this time out of pure grace into His marvelous light (1 Peter 3) to one body, one spirit, and one faith, united m the bonds of love (Ephesians 4; 1 Corinthians 1), to which we have all agred, in order that our calling be found worthy, not oniy with the word of the mouth but in the truth and power (2 "Children, let all your works be done in order with good intent in the fear of God, and do nothing disorderly in scorn or out of its due season."—Testament of Naphtali II, 9 Paul says in 1 Corinthians 14:40, "Let all things be done decently and in order." Likewise, Colossians 2:5: "I rejoice when I see your order and the steadfastness of your faith in Christ." (Marginal glosses beside the quote from Naphtali read yesterday, beside the quote from Paul, today.) Since our heavenly Father, to whom be eternal praise, honor, and thanksgiving, has in these last days called us from darkness into his marvellous light through knowledge of his holy truth, and since we are ail baptized and have decided to become one body in Jesus Christ regardless of where we may be located in the world, therefore if we are to achieve our calling not only in words bur also in deed and in truth, it is necessary that we follow the order through which ) 304 ÄFFEND IX A I TheSwiss Order[x^zj] or The Congregational Order translated by John H. Yoder one toward another, so that Love and unity may be maintained, which all brothers and sisters of the entire congregation [Gemein should agree to hold to as follows: 1. The brothers and sisters should meet at least three or four times a week, to exercise themselves in the teaching of Christ and His apostles and heartily to exhort one another to remain faithful to the Lord as they have pledged. II The Discipline Li 5 29] or Discipline of the Believers: How ü Christian is to Live translated by Roben Friedmann Jil The Scharnscblager Order li54o|ot A Church QrdsrFör Members Of Christ's Body Arranged in Seven Articles by Leopold Scharnschiagcr translated by William Klassen Thesalonians 1; 1 Thes-salonians 1; 1 Corinthians 4; James 1), we have all in one another's presence openly agreed to regulate everything in the best possible way. For the improvement of our brotherhood [Gemein, so translated throughout], for the praise and honor of the Lord, and for the service of all the needy, we have unanimously agreed that this Ordnung shall be kept among us by all the brethren and sisters. When, however, a brother or sister is able to produce a better Ordnung it shall be accepted from hnn at any time (1 Corinthians 14). 2. In the second place: we shall sincerely and in a Christian spirit admonish one another in the Lord to remain constant (Hebrews 10:1; Acts 14, 15, í8;Colossiansl).To meet often, at least four or five times, and if possible . . . even at midweek (1 Corinthians 11, 14; Acts 1,2, 9,11,20, Hebrews 10; 2 Corinthians 6; Matthew 18). we exist in love and can be exhorted and corrected, since indeed all things exist through order. In the following such an order is written down in articles. Nevertheless daily changes for improvement according to the nature and opportunities of the times we allow for. 1. First: because manifold deceptions are everywhere making inroads it is necessary that the called, committed, and obligated members of Christ's body, wherever they may be in the world or in distress, insofar as it is possible, should not neglect the assemblies (Hebrews 10:25), but wherever and however they may, according to the place and the persecutions gather together for the sake of their love for Christ, be their number small or great, 2> 3, 4, 6,10,15,20, more or less. Such meetings should take place with Three Early / ihaptist Orders 305 The Swiss Order [152.7] or The Congregational Order iranslated by John H. Yoder 2. When the brothers and sisters are together, they shall take up something to read together. The one to whom God has given the best understanding shall explain it, the others should be still and listen, so that there are not two or three carving on a private conversation, bothering the oth-. ers- The Psalter shall be read daily at home. The Discipline [1519] or Discipline of the Believers: How a Christian Is to Live translated by Robert Friedmann 7. In the seventh place: in the meeting one is to speak and the others listen and judge what is spoken, and not two or three stand together (1 Corinthians 14). No one shall curse or swear (Matthew 5; Romans 3; James 5) nor shall idle gossip be carried on, so that the weak may be spared (1 Corinthians 1; Ephesisais 5; Colossians 3; 2 Timothy 2; Psalm 118). yCescbichlbMch here circs only Ecclesias-ticus23.j HI The Sdmrnschlager Order [1540] or A Church Order For Members Of Christ's Body Arranged in Seven Articles by Leopold Scharnselilager translated by William Klassen wisdom, skill, reason, discipline, friendliness, and quiet demeanor especially since we see the day of the Lord drawing near. Tlie Lord says: "Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there 1 am in the midst of them" (Matthew 18:20). 2. Secondly: when they come together, they shall, where there is no special leader f Vor-steher\t select someone competent from among them, and admonish him in a friendly and loving manner to read or speak to them according to the gift which he has received from God. Someone may also volunteer to serve out of love. One may follow another in speaking according to the way in winch they receive, as Paul teaches {3 Corinthians 14}, and thus exercise his gifts for the improvement of the members, so that our fellowship may not be the same as that of the falsely renowned, where only one and no one else can speak. Before, however, they begin to speak let them fall on their knees (1 Timothy 2:1) and faithfully call upon God that he may add fruit ro their speaking. After the talk 3oé APPENDIX A I The Swiss Order [1527} or The Congregational Order translated by John H. Yoder II The Discipline [1529] or Discipline of the Believers: How a Christian I- to l.iľc translated by Robert Friedmann 1. And beginning when the brethren arc together they shall sincerely ask God for grace that He might reveal His divine will and help us to note it (Psalm 86, 11 8) and when the brethren HI The Scharnscblager Order [1540]or A Church Order For Members Of Christ's Body Arranged in Seven Articles by Leopold Schamschtager translated by William Klassen diligently admonish one another to walk according to the will of the Lord, to remain constantly in him, to watch faithfully and to wait for the Lord until he comes (Matthew 24:42; 26:41; Luke 12i35rf.) that we may be found without blemish before him (Phi-hppians 2:15) and that not only here but much more in the next world we may together he with the Lord and also may rejoice eternally (Isaiah 4:21). Furthermore, before dispersing call upon the Lord and intercede for all members, also for cases of special need, and for all men according to the directive of our beloved brother Paul (1 Timothy 2: Iff.). Thanks-giving for all of God's gifts and good deeds (1 Thcssalomans 5:17f.) should also be expressed and upon occasion according to convenience before dispersing, bread should be broken together in memory of the death of the Lord (1 Corinthians 11:24). ( Three Early Anabaptist Orders 307 1 The Swiss Order [ 15 27I or The Congregational Order ■ translated by John H. Yodcr The Discipline [1529] or Discipline of the Believers: How a Christian Is to Live translated by Robert Friedmann 3. Let none be frivolous in the church of Godj neither in words nor in actions, Good conduct shall be maintained by them all also before the heathen, 4. When a brother sees his brother erring, he shall warn him according to the command of Christ, and shall admonish him in a Christian and brotherly way, as everyone is bound and obliged to do out of love. part they shall thank God and pray for all the brethren and sisters of the entire brotherhood (1 Thessalonians 1,5; 2 l'hessalonians 1, 2; 2 Corinthians 1; Colos-sians 1, 3, 4). 6. In the sixth place: decent conduct \ebrbarer Wandel] shall be kept among them (Romans 12, 13;PhiIippiansl,2; 1 Peter, 2, 3; 1 Corinthians lT3;Galatians5; Ephesians 5) before everyone (Titus 3; Matthew 5; 1 Peter 3) and no one shall carelessly conduct himself before the brotherhood either in words or deeds (Romans 1, 6; 2 Timothy 2), nor before those who are "outside" {\ Thessaloni-ans5; 1 Peter 3). 3. In the third place: when a brother or sister leads a disorderly life it shall be punished: if he does so publicly [he] shall be kindly admon ished before all the brethren (Galatians 2, 6; 1 Corinthians 5\ 2 Thes-salonians 3); if it is secret it shall be punished in secret, according to the command of Christ (Matthew IS). Ill The Schamschlager Order [i54oJor A Church Order For Members Of Christ's Body Arranged in Seven Articles by Leopold Scharnschiager translated by William Klassen 6. Sixthly: when a brother or sister is overtaken by vices of the flesh, false teaching, licentious living and being, or in other cases of word or deed, there shall always be disciplined, modest, sincere admonition and correction from the leaders in trembling and fear of God, in love (Galatians 6:1; Matthew 18;15rf.) Diligent attention is to be paid in each case of transgression be íl secret or open, large or small, one warning or < 3°8 APPENDIX A I The Swiss Order [152.7] or The Congregational Order TTiinslared by John í I. Yodcr The Discipline L1529] or Discipline of the Believers: How a Christian Is to Live translated by Robert Friedmann III The Schanischlager Order [1540] or A Church Order bor Members Of Christ's Body Arranged in Seven Articles by Leopold Schanis c hi age r trans lace d by William Klassen 5. Of all the brothers and sisters of this congregation none shrill have anything of his own, but rather, as the Chnstians in the time of the apostles held all in common, and especially stored up a common fund, from which aid can be given to the poor, according as each will have need, and as in the 4. In the fourth place: every brother or sister shall yield himself in God to the brotherhood completely with body and life, and hold in common all gifts received of God (Acts 2 and 4; I Corinthians 11,12; 2 Corinthians 8, 9), [and] contribute to the common need so that brethren and sisters will always be helped more, how the person is dealt with according to gentleness and sharpness, patience and impatience. For correction and excommunication must be distinguished according to the actual circumstances and according to the witness of the Scriptures, so that everything take place according to the spirit of love and not according to the nature of the flesh (Titus 3:13; I Corinthians 5:1 rf.; Romans 2:1 fr; Ephcsians 5: II f.; 1 Corinthians 6:5). The power of Christ is not a power to destroy or to exercise tyranny, but to improve, that also for Christ his bride may be kept pure, everywhere, both for those within as well as those outside the church so that an honorable, inoffensive walk may result and that no one block or make difficult the way and road to Christ and his kingdom. 5. Fifthly: since the example of the primitive church in Jerusalem (Acts 4:32-5:11) is misunderstood by some giving rise to error and contempt, special sects and the like, and some have made of this example a law, a requirement, a fetter, even almost a carnal righteousness, demand, and the like, therefore let us ( Three Early Anabaptist Orders 309 1 The Susiss Order f j 52.7] or The Congregational Order translated by John H. Yoder IT The Discipline [15 2.9] or Discipline, of the. Believers: Húw a Christian Is to Live translated by Robert Friedmann apostles* time permit no brother to be in need. (Romans 12); needy members shall receive from the brotherhood as among the Christians at the time of the apostles (Acts 2,4, 5; 1 Corinthians 11,12; Ephesians4; Proverbs 5; Matthew 8, 15,16,17,19: Luke 3, 6, 8,9,10,12,14,18; 1 John 1, 2, 3, 4; Mark 3, 10, 12; Galatians 6; Hebrews 13; Daniel 4, 8; Luke 6,8; 1 Timothy 1; 1 Corinthians 14,16; Romans 6, 18; James 1; Philippians 2). Ill The Scharnschlager Order [1540] or A Church Order For Members Of Christ's Body Arranged in Seven Articles by Leopold Schar n sch lager translated by "William Klassen recognize that in the early church at Jerusalem the sharing of goods was a voluntary matter and further observe what took place after the dispersion of the church from there. Even Paul wrote about sharing material possessions and community of goods (Romans 15:25 ft; 1 Corinthians 16:1 rf.; 2 Corinthians 9:Iff.) and we likewise in true apostolic character arc to pay heed that the bride and flock of Christ be not forced, but may be lead and fed voluntarily. Therefore the one who gathers funds [Steuer-samtnler] is to pay heed, to accept the smallest gift without despising it, just as he docs the greater (Luke21:l-4) from both the ťich and the poor, and faithfully thank both God and the giver. After that leave it to the Lord. For even though someone says, with worldly wisdom, "Ah, after all everyone has agreed to this and committed himself to it, why not diligently demand whatever is necessary?" we answer: The order of the Holy Spirit will not permit it. This work is not of man, just as it was not the flesh which initially promised or agreed. Therefore it must be < 310 APPENDIX A 1 The Swiss Order L1527] or The Congregational Order translated by John H. Yodei II The Discipline [1519] or Discipline of the Believers: How a Christian h to Live translated by Robert Friedmann 6. Al] gluttony shall be avoided among the brothers who are gathered in the congregation; serve a soup or a minimum or vegetable and meat, für eating and drinking arc not die kingdom of heaven. 8. In the eighth place: when the brethren assemble they shall not fill up with eating and drinking, but avoid expenses [reduce expenditures] to the least, feat] a soup and vegetable or whatever God gives (1 Corinthians ll;lPeter4;GaIatians 5; Romans "13; Ephesians 5; Ecclesiastes 37; Luke 21), and when they have eaten, all the food and drink shall again be removed [Geschicbtbuch: "from the table"] (John 6; Matthew 4; Luke 9; Mark 6), for one should use with thanksgiving and moderation the creatures which God has created, pure and good^ for our subsistence. ill The Schamschlager Order [1J40I or A Church Order For Members Of Christ's Body Arranged in Seven Articles by Leopold Scharnschkger translated by William Klassen sought not in the fleshly nature but in the spiritual. Otherwise we disrupt the voluntary nature of God's relation to his people. 4. Fourthly: since there is a shortage of faithful workers who correctly, wisely and in good conscience faithfully seek for the lost and labor for the Lord in his vineyard (1 Thessalonians5:12f.) and in turn daily causes much confusion, error and offense, there is an urgent need that when such a faithful worker is found and detected he be given due respect (Hebrews 13:7) and obeyed, for he is worthy of a double honor (according to the words of Paul, 1 Timothy 5:17). Share with him every good thing (Galatians 6-.9Í.) and all the support possible, as he may need h\ addition to work he is able to do on the side, so that he may not depreciate the messengers and workers of the Lord for whom wc pray daily (Luke 10:2) lest the Lord allow us to be scattered abroad without shepherds. This applies not only for the sake of die ones who have seen the truth but also for the sake of rhe weak, milk-drinking vegetarians < Three Early Anabaptist Orders 3ir 1 The Swiss Order ^1527] or The Congregational Order translated by John H. Yoder II The Discipline [152,5] or Discipline of the Believers: How a Christian Is to Lice translared by Robert Friedmann The Scharnschhger Order [1540]or A Church Order For Members Of Christ's Body Arranged in Seven Articles by Leopold Scharnschkger Translated by William Klassen 7. The Lord's Supper shall be held as often as the brothers are together, thereby proclaiming the death of the Lord, and thereby warning each one to commemorate, how Christ gave His life for us, and shed His blood for us, that we might also be willing to give our body and life for Christ's sake, which means for the sake of all the brothers. 11. When brethren and sisters arc together, being one body and one bread in the Lord and of one mind, then they shall keep the Lord's Supper as a memorial of the Lord's death (Matthew 26; Mark 14; Luke 22; 1 Corinthians 11), whereby each one shall be admonished to become conformed to the Lord in the obedience of the Father (Philippians 2, 3; 1 Peter 2} 4; Romans 8; 1 John 2. Obedience: Romans 2; Philippians 2; 2 Corinthians 2, 10; 2 Thes salo mans 1; 1 Peter 1). 1 Corinthians 3:2; Hebrews 5:12; Romans 14:2) and for the sake of those who in the future will be gathered to the Lord. 7. Seventhly: concerning teaching, baptizing, and the Lord's Supper, these are to be observed according to the content of the commission and practice of the Lord and his apostles, nor changed or perverted, nor anything to be added or taken from it (Deuteronomy 4:2; 12:32; Proverbs 30:6), as it happens among the antichrists and the falsely renowned. At all rimes each brother and sister is to be guided in all their actions by the secrets of the essential Christian faith, and whatever the Lord has entrusted to htm to bear before the world with a clear conscience, to prevent the blasphemy of Christ's name> Word and honor. Whatcver other matters and errors arise in daily life, they are to perceive them and act with godly fear according to the gos-pel of Christ (Philippians 1:27), corresponding to rhe faith and serving for the improvement and edification of everyone. We are to follow him faithfully and renounce < 312. APPENDIX A The Swiss Order [1517] or The Congregational Order translated by John H, Yoder The Discipline [152.9] or Discipline of the Believers: How a Christian h ta Live translated by Robert Friedmann III The Schartischlager Order [1540] or A Church Order For Members Of Christ's Body Arranged in Seven Articles; by Leopold Scharnschlager translated by William Klassen 5, The elders [Vorsteher] and preachers chosen for the brotherhood shall with zeal look after the needs of the poor, and with zeal in the Lord according to the command of the Lord extend what is needed for the sake of and instead of the brotherhood (Galla- ail unrighteousness of words, works and manner of life, flee from it, abstain and separate ourselves from it (2 Corinthians 6:17), To the honor of God and of our bridegroom Jesus Christ in order that when he comes we may joyfully appear before him iu holy adornment arrayed in the Hoiy Spirit (Matthew 24) so that he may fully possess what he acquired for us and prepared through his precious blood (John 14). Therefore we pray to our heavenly father that be may help us to accomplish this and achieve it through Jesus Christ his beloved son, our Lord, to whom be praise, honor, and majesty in the Holy Spirit from eternity to eternity. Amen. In Christ the Lord, a brother by grace and a servant of the iruu\ also a partner in the tribulation which is in Christ, Leupolt Schartischlager. 3. Thirdly: when assembled in this manner, a leader if present (if not, any other elderly brother fl Corinthians 14]) shall remember for the sake of the Lord the poor members with words that are wise, sincere, gentle, transparent, not pressuring and yet earnest, em- ( Three Early Anabaptist Orders 313 1 The Swiss Order [152.7] or The Congregational Order translated by John II. Yoder II The Discipline [152-9] or Discipline' of the Believers: How a Christian Is to Live translated by Robert Friedmann tians 2; 2 Corinthians 8, 9; Romans 15; Acts 6), Additional Articles in the Discipline with no precise overlap. 9. In the ninth place: what is officially done 111 The Scharnschlager Order [1540] or A Church Order For Members Of Christ's Body Arranged in Seven Articles by Leopold Schamschlager translated by William Klassen phatic words, that thereby hearts may be moved to a voluntary expression of compassion and grow into the nature and power of Love which is genuine and pleasing in the sight of God. Above all, there should always be present a brother with a purse of money known to all the members of the church, so that each member either in the meeting or after, when the Lord admonishes him to, may know where to place his free-will offering and his gift of gratitude so that at: all times when the need arises the poor can be assisted according to the amount available at the time. Then the brother who cares for the fund shall distribute it with a good conscience and in the fear of God, paying diligent heed, whether they are needy or not, whether greedy or not, not as the world deals with the poor without testing and inquiring about their manner of life and walk. For this is a holy commission (Acts 6:1 ff.)- ( 314 APPENDIX A I The Swiss Order [1517] or The Congregational Order translated by John H. Yoder The Discipline [1519] or Discipline of the Believers: How a Christian Is to Live translated by Robert 1 Tiedmanri among che brethren and sisters in the brotherhood [Geschichtbuch; "or is judged"] shall not be made public before the world. The good-hearted (an interested tritt not yet converted or committed] person, before he comes to the brethren i n the brotherhood shall be taught [Geschichtbuch: "the Gospel"] (Mark 16; Romans J; Colossians I). When he has learned [Geschichtbuch: "understood"] and bears a sincere desire for it, and if he agrees to the content of the Gospel, he shall be received by the Christian brotherhood as a brother or a sister, that is, as a fellow member of Christ (Mattehew 7; Proverbs 19, 29; Colossians 4; Romans 14; 2 Corinthians 6; 1 Corinthians 10; I Timothy 6"; Matthew 10). But this shall not be made public before the world to Sparc the conscience and for the sake of the spouse (1 Corinthians?, 10; Matthew 1J). 10. In the tenth place: all the brethren and sisters after they have committed themselves, shall accept and bear with patience all that He sends us [Geschichtbuch; 111 The Scharnschiagcr Order [1540] or A Church Order l:or Members Of Christ's Body Arranged in Seven Articles by Leopold Scharnschlager translated by Willi.»!! Klassen Three Early Anabaptist Orders 3*5 The Swiss Order f 1517! or The Congregational Order translated by John II. Yoder II The Discipline [152.9] or Discipline of the Believers-. How a Christian h to Live translated by Robert JHriedrnann III The Schamscblager Order [1540] ör A Church Order For Members Of Christ's Body Arranged in Seven Articles by Leopold Scharnsclibiger translated by William Kliisstfii "accept with gratitude and bear with patience"] (Romans ň; John 13; Matthew 16; Luke 9; 1 Peter 4; 2 Corinthians 12), and [shall] not let themselves be easily frightened by every wind and cry. 12, In the twelfth place: as we have taught and admonished the brethren and sisters we shall always watch and wait for the Lord that we may be worthy to enter the kingdom with Him when Me comes, and to escape or flee from the evil that will come to the world. Amen. (Matthew 25;Luke21;lTkes-salonians S; 1 Peter 5; 2 Peter 3; Romans 2), Arranged by Werner O. Packull, using the Swiss Order as a reference point. This document was created with Win2PDF available at http://www.win2pdf.com. 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