A1 - Seminar 7 - Perspectives on Tourism
Slovní zásoba: Turismus a cestování.
Jazykové schopnosti a dovednosti: Schopnost umět správně vyjádřit názor. Dovednost porozumět obtížnějším odborným textům v psané i mluvené podobě.
In the seminar “Perspectives on Tourism” you will look at issues relating to travel and tourism from various viewpoints. It will be possible to consider tourism in relation to its economic, environmental and cultural impact, both negative and positive. The article helps you develop reading and comprehension skills through an interesting look at eco-tourism. The listening task, an authentic interview, tests your ability to fill the gaps with appropriate vocabulary. The table below shows a brief overview of the grammar, vocabulary, language functions and skills covered.
Grammar: Word forms and prefixes
Vocabulary: Tourism and travel
Language functions and skills: Expressing opinions; understanding advanced concepts in written and verbal form