A1 - Seminar 10 - Popular Culture
Gramatika: Příslovce. Jejich tvoření a pozice ve větě.
Slovní zásoba: Populární kultura.
Jazykové schopnosti a dovednosti: Čtení obtížnějších odborných textů. Formulace myšlenek.
In the seminar “Popular Culture” you will focus on refining your abilities to read and understand more advanced texts, which will involve interpretation and the subsequent formulation of thoughts derived from the readings. There are tasks that allow you to test and deepen your vocabulary and comprehension, either through gap-fill, table completion, listening activities and true/false questions. The table below shows a brief overview of the grammar, vocabulary, language functions and skills covered.
Grammar: Adverbial formation and sentence position
Vocabulary: Popular culture
Language functions and skills: Reading of advanced texts; idea formulation