1. The `Enlighteneď city part 1 Theoretical frame / Research design / global results 2. The `Enlighteneď city part 2 Case studies and oral historiesCase studies and oral histories 3. Film audiences reconsidered Experiences from contemporary audience research: LOTR / art house / young people in Flanders Philippe Meers Visual Culture Research Group University of Antwerp Mazaryk University, Brno, 15-16 December 2008 The `Enlighteneď city Screen culture between ideology, economics and experience. A study on the social role of film exhibition and film consumption in Flanders (1918-2004) in interaction with modernity and urbanisation The Glow in their Eyes Global perspectives on film cultures, film exhibition and cinema-going International Conference, Brussels, 15-16 December 2007 CARL DE KEYZER Men waiting in front of a film theatre. Hyderabad, India, 1985 History of Moviegoing, Exhibition, and Reception HOMER Project http://icarg.wordpress.com/ institutional context of the project * Fund for Scientific Research FlandersB l iBelgium * 4 year funding / two researchers (2005-2008) * promoters: * Philippe Meers, Dept of Communication Studies, Visual Culture Research Group & Dept Of Communication (UA) * Marnix Beyen, Dept of History, Centre for Cultural and Urbany , p y, History (UA) * Daniël Biltereyst, Working Group Film and Television Studies, Dept of Communication Studies (Ghent U) theoretical framework Film audiences history Film history has been written as if films had no audiences or were seen by everyone and in the same way, or as if however they were viewed and by hoe er the histor of `films' as distinct from and pri ileged o er the histor ofwhoever, the history of `films' was distinct from and privileged over the history of their being taken up by billions of people who have watched them since 1894. (Robert C. Allen, 1990) theoretical framework New cinema history For cinema history to matter more, it must engage with the social history of which it is part, not through the practices of textual interpretation, but by attempting to write cinema history from below; that is, to write histories that areattempting to write cinema history from below; that is, to write histories that are concerned not with the kings and queens of Hollywood but with their audiences and with the roles that these performances of celebrity played in the ordinary imaginations of those audiences. (Richard Maltby, 2006) theoretical framework The spatial turn in film historical research (Robert C. Allen, 2007) The social geography of cinema goingThe social geography of cinema going (Jancovich et al. 2005, Nottingham project) Triangulation through multilevel analysis: (re-)constructing cinema culture in Flanders context: screen culture * screen culture in Flandersscreen culture in Flanders commercialised, subject to international tendencies pillarisation and the struggle for modernity context: screen culture * film as a case in pointfilm as a case in point tension between commerce and ideology prominent part of cultural and social life in metropolitan, provincial and rural contexts top down economic and ideological forces actual experiences and embeddedness in everyday life context: screen culture * new perspectives:e pe spect es pillarisation, film & ideology as lived experiences vs ideological strategies of the elites interaction with urbanised culture metropolitan ­ provincial ­ rural areas central aim * A diachronical analysis of the social role ofˇ A diachronical analysis of the social role of screen culture in Flanders (1918-2004) as a result of the tensions between commercial and ideological forces (in particular `pillarisation') and the actual consumption, through a study of cinemas and film consumption in interactionp with modernity, public space and urbanisation. structure of the project * part 1: map of cinemas * an extended inventory of existing and historical cinemas iň an extended inventory of existing and historical cinemas in Flanders with attention for the geographical distribution and the relations between the commercial and the pillarised circuit * part 2: institutional developments, geographical location and programming trends * analysis of the interaction between ideology, economics and screen culture through diachronical research on cinemas, film exhibition and programming in metropolitan (Antwerp & Ghent), provincial (Mechelen) and rural context structure of the project * part 3. audience and film experiences in b d l t turban and rural contexts * Analysis of the interaction between ideology, economics and film consumption through historical audience research on the role of cinemas and film consumption in the experience of leisure culture in different cities and areas Research in practice * Part 1. Inventory of movie exhibition places in Flanders * construction of a database Fl d d B ľ Flanders and Brussels * 1924 - 2005 * Part 2. Case-studies * institutional evolutions, geographical sites, and programming * case studies: * Ghent and Antwerp * MechelenMechelen * rural areas * Part 2. Audience research * experience of movie-going * oral history Roma, Berchem, 2006 www.deroma.be Part 1. Inventory Mailings and follow-up mailings * Archives and local governments L l hi t i tiˇ Local history societies * Local heritage associations Sources collected * Industry yearbooks * Local publications * Material collected in archives: building plans, company files, licence applications,... Ph t hˇ Photographs Problems with historical data gathering * Inconsistency of different, non-continuous sources Rubens, Antwerpen, 60's Collection Paul Corluy Part 1. Inventory Information collected in database * Movie theatres: location / name / address / opening and closing date / number of screens and seats / architecture / ticket prices / ideological and economical identification * People: names and functions of cinema-employees * Companies: name and organisation of companies behind movie theatres + management * Films and exhibition: frequency of exhibition + titles of films mentioned in sources * Database : +37.000 entries Results * Large scale analyses of major tendencies and changes: movie theatres and screens * Tension between metropolitan, urban and rural areas * `Pillarisation' Part 2. Case-studies * Aim di h i l h i fil hibitiˇ diachronical research on cinemas, film exhibition and programming in metropolitan, provincial and rural context * Case-studies - Metropolitan level: Antwerp & Ghent - Urban level: Mechelen - Rural level * Data gathering * Local and private archives - Contacts with local heritage associations - Contacts with key-players in local exhibition industry C it l G t 60' Part 3. Audience research * Aim * historical audience research on the role of cinemas and film consumption in the experience of leisure culture in different cities and areas * Method: oral history * Metropolitan level: Antwerp & Ghent - Selection of respondents - interviews are conducted by students * Urban level: Mechelen * Local heritage society of Mechelen conducted interviewsLocal heritage society of Mechelen conducted interviews * Rural level * Reseach topics - Role of cinema in everyday life - Importance of context of moviegoing - Influence of `pillarisation' Palais du Cinéma, Gent, 1907 Collection UGent Work with students * Local cinema history - 2005: 49 students (University of Antwerp & Ghent University) did research in their home townhome town. The data they gathered were added to the database - 2006: 16 students (Ghent University) did research on their local cinema history * Film experience - 2005: 17 students (University of Antwerp) interviewed 173 people in 21 villages on their film experience in historical perspective (1930-2005) - 2006: 11 students (Ghent University) and 16 students (University of Antwerp) did historical reception reseach on film experience in Antwerp (155) and Ghent (61) Interview data CITIES VILLAGES 173 interviews216 interviews in 21 villages 80 93 216 interviews Antwerp: 155 Ghent: 61 71 84 34 27 Plans for the future * map of cinemas in Flanders * GIS softwarě GIS-software * Searchable database (levels of entry) * Open page for respondents * Integration in www database HOMER * Case study on Antwerp * Commission for the MAS * City of Antwerp Museum * Concept for museum * installation/website Results from part 1 a diachronical overview of cinemas in Flanders and Brusselsand Brussels Number of cinemas and screens in Flanders (various sources) / cinema attendance 1000 1200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 1920 1925 1930 1935 1940 1945 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 number cinemas in Flanders (yearbooks) number screens in Flanders (yearbooks) statistics Flanders (yearbooks) NIS Flanders VKBB Inlichtingsbulletijns cinema attendance in Flanders (in milj.) (*10) Urban vs. rural cinema exhibition Asse, advertisement for Kinema Elisabeth, (Heemkundige Kring Ascania) Antwerp, Vendôme, '50s (Private archive Paul Corluy) Geographical spread of the number of cinemas in Flanders according to population density (1924-2000) 400 450 200 250 300 350 400 0 50 100 150 1924 1930 1947 1961 1969 1991 2000 Large cities (> 1000 inh./km) provincial cities (600-1000 inh./km) small towns (200-600 inh./km) rural towns/villages (0-200 inh./km) Number of cinemas per province 1924-2000 Antwerpen Brussels Hfdstedelijk Gewest Oost- Vlaanderen West- Vlaanderen Vlaams- Brabant Limburg 1924 125 108 112 69 53 31 1947 176 117 159 114 84 57 1961 228 131 206 153 110 88 1975 83 49 56 60 39 34 2000 18 13 11 16 7 6 Province of West-Vlaanderen population density/ towns with at least one cinema (1924) Province of West-Vlaanderen population density/ towns with at least one cinema (1961) Commercial and `ideologicaĺ cinema exhibition Ninove, Volkshuis De Redding, (Town archive Ninove) Dendermonde, cinema Paleis Koningshof, 1936 (Town archive Dendermonde) Overview of pillars in 57 Flemish towns 35 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 1910s 1920s 1930s 1940s 1950s 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s catholic socialist liberal Flemish-Nationalist Evolution of the number of cinema spaces and the humber of pillarised exhibition spaces (case studies) 300 150 200 250 0 50 100 1910s 1920s 1930s 1940s 1950s 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s no. Pillarized exhibition spaces no. Cinema spaces (total) Questions and discussion Movie Theater in Antwerp Collection Paul Corluy