The Reichenau Glosses The Reichenau glosses to the Vulgate Bible of St. Jerome are called so because they formerly belonged to the abbey of Reichenau, on an island in Lake Constance, Germany. It is supposed that they are compiled in the 8th century. The vocabulary of the Reichenau glosses appears to be French in flavour (e.g., arenam sand glossed by sabulo, French sable; vespertiliones bats, by calvas sorices, French chauvesouris), and some words of Frankish origin appear (e.g., scabrones beetles is glossed by wapces wasps, respectant they look about by rewardant). The glosses provide some evidence of morphological simplification (e.g., saniore healthier is glossed by plus sano more healthy and cecinit he sang by cantavit), but for the most part only lexical items are regarded as meriting comment. I. Manuscript of Karlsruhe 115 A. List of Words that are to replace the corresponding Classic Latin words in French: · onustus pro carcatus (carricatus, OF chargié) * binas pro duas et duas (F deux et deux, deux à deux) * profertus pro alatus factus * transgredere pro ultra alare * opilio pro custos ovium vel berbicarius * aper pro salvaticus porcus * fusiles pro fundutas (F fondues) * gecor (jecur) pro ficato (ficatum; OF feie, foie) * offendas pro abatas (OF abates af) * oves pro berbices (verveces; OF berbis, F brebis sheep) * mares pro masculi (F mâles) * oppidis pro castellis vel civitatibus (F châteaux, cités) * hiems pro hibernus (F hiver) * forum pro mercatum (F marché) * emit pro comparavit (OF comparer to buy) * mercator pro comparator * femur pro coxa (F cuisse) * arena pro sabulo (F sable) * cecinit pro cantavit (F chanta) * canere pro cantare (F chanter) * si vis pro si voles (F si [tu] veux) * pallium pro drappum (F drap, of Gaulish origin) * lamento pro ploro (F pleurer) * liberos pro infantes (F enfants) * ictus pro colpus (F coup, of Gk origin) * ensis pro gladius (F glaive) * uvas pro racemos (F raisins) * sortilegus pro sorcerus (F sorcier) * tedet pro anoget (inodiat, F ennuie) * viscera pro intralia (F entrailles) * vespertiliones calvas sorices (F chauves-souris bat) * coturnix pro quaccola (caille quail) B. Words implying a series of analogies: · singulariter pro solamente (F seulement): -mente is already used as an adverbial suffix * optimos pro meliores (F meilleurs) * saniore pro plus sano * transmeare pro transnotare (transnatare): the developping substitution of â by o is observed (as L natale > F noël) C. Germanic loan-words: · pignus pro wadius (F gage) * respectant pro rewardant (F regardent) * Italia pro Longobardia * Gallia pro Francia * turmas pro fulcos (F foule mob) * caemrentariis pro mationibus (F maçons) * non pepercit pro non sparniavit (F épargner to spare) * galea pro helme (F heaume helm) D. Words with new meanings: · ager pro campus * cenacula pro mansiuncula (F maison) * caseum pro formaticum * castro pro heribergo * contemeliam pro verecundiam (F vergogne) * cuncti pro omnes * destestare pro plasphemare * fatigatus pro lassus * ferus pro durus * flare pro suflare * gehenna pro duplex pena * gratis pro sine mercede * Italia pro Langobardia * in ore pro in bucca (F bouche mouth) * rostrum pro beccus (F bec beak) * isset pro ambulasset (F aller (?) to go) * ita pro sic * jus legem pro vel potestatem * liberos pro infantes * milites pro servientes (F serjants) * nonnulli pro multi * pronus pro qui ad dentes iacet * prumptus pro paratus * pulcra pro bella (F belle) * rerum pro causarum * ruga pro fruncetura (ruga means already street) * scurris pro ioculator * saga pro cortina * sagma pro soma vel sella * semel pro una vice (fois) * sopor pro sumpnus * umo pro terra (F terre) * vegitat pro portat * vitiosior pro callidior (vitium takes the meaning of trick, guile, as in the Modern French expression avoir du vice = être rusé) * vectum (