Administration and Knowledge: Warren Hastings and Early Oriental Studies 14. 10. 2008
Bernard Cohn: 'Colonialism and its Forms of Knowledge. The British in India', In: Bernard Cohn
Omnibus, Delhi: OUP, pp. 57-75.
David Kopf: British Orientalism and Bengal Renaissance, Calcutta, 1969, pp. 13-22.
Try tö clarify the relation between knowledge and power adopted in Hastings' policy in India.
Try to explane the difference between the "despotic" power image of Indian government and the Hasting's understanding.
Explain the reasons leading to a need of British to understand the Indian law system and to identify and translate certain law documents.
Explain Jones' idea of proper law codes for India and its relation to the project of identification and translation of original Hindu law-book.
Clarify the distinction between Jones' and Colebrook's view on Hindu law and its bacgrounds.