AI SEMINAR 4 – ANSWER KEY University Task 1 1 ¯ Chancellor (honourary title), Vice-Chancellor (GB); President (US), Rector (EU) 2 ¯ Vice-rector 3 ¯ Dean 4 ¯ Sub-dean (GB); Vice-dean (US) 5 ¯ Head of Department 6 ¯ Deputy Head of Department 7 ¯ Professor 8 ¯ Reader (GB) = Associate Professor (US) 9 ¯ Senior Lecturer (GB); Associate Professor (US) 10¯ Lecturer (GB); Assistant Professor (US) 11¯ Assistant Lecturer (GB); Instructor (US) Task 2a 1 Lectures, 2 Seminars, 3 Practicals, 4 Consultation, 5 Fieldwork Task 2b The courses given by a COLLEGE or university are called its curriculum. The PROSPECTUS of the institution OUTLINES the complete CURRICULUM. It gives the REQUIREMENTS for entry to each course, as well as the credits given for the COURSE. Each course is designated as giving a SPECIFIED number of credits. These are usually equal to the number of CLASS HOURS devoted each week to the course. For example, a course that meets three times a WEEK usually gives THREE credits towards graduation. Schools using the semester CALENDAR require about 120 credits for GRADUATION. Between 30 and 40 of the required credits must be in the student's MAJOR subject. Schools vary considerably in the AMOUNT of freedom given students in SELECTING their courses. Almost all schools have a certain NUMBER of required SUBJECTS. Students can also usually choose non-required courses called ELECTIVES. Liberal-arts colleges usually give students more OPPORTUNITY to choose than do TECHNICAL schools. Task 2c The student body of a UNIVERSITY or college is divided into GRADUATES and undergraduates. Graduates have already received their BACHELOR'S degrees, while UNDERGRADUATES have not. The undergraduates belong to one of four CLASSES according to their YEAR of study. These are FRESHMEN, sophomore, JUNIOR and senior classes. Most schools also admit SPECIAL students who take a number of COURSES, but are not working towards a DEGREE. Student BODIES vary considerably from SCHOOL to school. Some institutions are CO-EDUCATIONAL with both men and WOMEN students. Others admit STUDENTS of only one SEX . A CO-ORDINATE institution has SEPARATE men's and women's colleges. They are controlled by the same central AUTHORITY and are usually LOCATED on the same campus or nearby CAMPUSES . Task 2d Grading is a METHOD used in schools to RECORD student achievements. Almost every SCHOOL keeps a record of each student's ACHIEVEMENTS in order to have some basis for measuring his PROGRESS. The record supplies information for REPORTS to parents. Universities and COLLEGES often use this information to help determine whether they should ADMIT a student. For a long time, the most COMMON method of recording achievement was by PERCENTAGE, with a mark, or GRADE, of 100 per cent representing PERFECT achievement. The MINIMUM mark for a PASS was usually 70 per cent, and for AVERAGE work about 80 per cent. Today, the letters A, B, C, D, E, and OCCASIONALLY F are much more commonly used. The mark A stands for exceptional achievement, and E or F means FAILURE. A few schools use no MARKING system at all. Instead, each TEACHER writes a detailed LETTER to the parents. Such letters report the student's progress, ATTITUDE, activities, and social ADJUSTMENT. Task 2e Dear Mr. Delgado, I am writing to ask for information on/ about courses at the Faculty of Humanities. My name is Kemal Alpay. I am 19 years old and I live in Istanbul. I left school a year ago and I am working in a museum as a guide. I am interested in the courses in history and museology. Could you please send me information about the courses and the entrance exams? I would also like to know when the next term begins. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely, Kemal Alpay Task 3 1 When was MU founded? 2 Who is the highest administrator of the university? 3 How many years does it take to complete a Bachelor’s degree? 4 How long does it take to do a Master’s? 5 What has the new credit system done? Task 4 1. Could you tell me at which faculty you study? 2. Can I ask you if you have any practicals? 3. Do you know whether attendance is required at all your lectures? 4. Do you mind if I ask how many seminars you have per week? 5. Can you tell me whether you are studying for a Bachelor’s degree? 6. Do you mind if I ask whether you are carrying out any research? 7. Can you tell me if you have taken any notes at this lecture? 8. Would you mind telling me if you receive any grants? 9. Do you know who is giving the lecture tomorrow? 10. Can I ask if you have completed your first degree?