AI SEMINAR 2 Presentations I PREPARATION – REHEARSAL – TITLE – MAIN BODY – VISUALS What is the best definition of “presentation” for you? Is it… I. the act of performing something in front of an audience? II. the event* at which a new product or idea is described or explained? III. verbal and formal transmission of information to colleagues, higher levels of management, or a general audience? IV. effective speech? V. communication of your vision with passion* and competence*? VI. the act of showing someone something so that it can be checked* or considered*? Discussion I. Do you have any experience with giving presentations? II. What is the point of a presentation? III. What are the features* of a good presentation? IV. What are the most important “don’ts” when giving presentations? V. What kinds of presentations do you think you may need in your career and why? A Brief Structure of the Whole Presentation Process PREPARATION – presentation analysis, planning your time, purpose, topic, audience REHEARSAL* – phrases, timing, body language TITLE – selection INTRODUCTION – your name, position, purpose, topic/title, length of time, handling questions*, outline* MAIN BODY – coherent* and logical structure, natural transition between main points ENDING – signal to end, summary, conclusion, recommendations, closing DISCUSSION – welcome questions, think before answering, clarify* the question, accept criticism, reply positively, check whether the questioner is satisfied CLOSING – thank the audience PREPARATION Nothing will relax you more than knowing you have prepared properly! 1. PLANNING TIME – approximately 50% should go to preparation & 50% to rehearsal (time yourself). 2. PURPOSE – determine* the purpose of the presentation. Write out a single declarative* sentence which states the specific objective* you wish to achieve. Task 1 Which of these purpose statements* could serve as a basis for a presentation relevant* to this course? a) “I hope to persuade the teacher that the topic ‘My Hometown’ is the best and most scientific one, so that I can pass the presentation part of the exam.” b) “I hope to illustrate to the audience the impact* of September 11^th, 2001 on the EU, focusing on its foreign policy, so that they get better insight* into EU policy concerning the Iraq crisis.” c) “I hope to inform the audience about concepts of feminism in Great Britain, the USA, France, Italy, and Spain, all compared to Czech feminism, so that they understand the situation in this country.” d) “I hope to communicate the greatness of ancient philosophy, so that they can admire and love it as much as I do.” Task 2 Here are some examples of presentation themes or topics that are too general for a short presentation. Try to find a more interesting and specific perspective on one of the following topics: 1. Popular Culture __________________________________ 2. Trends for the 21^st Century __________________________________ 3. Human Achievements* __________________________________ 4. Gender Differences __________________________________ 5. The Environment __________________________________ 6. Changes in Society __________________________________ 3. AUDIENCE ANALYSIS A well-prepared presentation given to the wrong audience can have the same effect as a poorly prepared presentation given to the correct audience; both can fail. Proper audience analysis will assure that you give the right presentation to the right audience. Here are some general audience analysis points to consider: I. Who are they and how many will be there? II. What is their knowledge of the subject? III. Why are they there and what do they expect to learn from me? IV. What are my needs as the speaker? What are their needs as the audience? Adapted from Task 3 Try doing an audience analysis for the following examples. a) Working as a team member, you are going to give a presentation at a community rehabilitation centre (to 20 people) concerning a new anti-drug programme. (50 min.) b) As a member of a project team, you are going to present a new project in your field to the Dean’s Project Committee (5 people) at the Dean’s Office. (15 min.) c) You are a student presenting something of interest from your field to this class (15 people). (8 min.)* d) As an MU (FF/FSS) student, you will talk about student life at the MU Open House Day for prospective* students (mostly teenagers, but some parents) in a large hall (150 people). (30 min.) SPECIAL NOTE: In this course, assume that you are speaking to a young, educated, receptive, humanities-oriented audience. Try not give a presentation about something that is “common knowledge”. If you do, then make sure you have an original perspective* on the “common theme”. If you want it to be interesting for others, the topic should be quite specific and you may even want to do some extra research of your own to make it more interesting for you! REHEARSAL First, write down and learn the key sentences and phrases, concentrating on the sequence of ideas. Second, privately practice delivering* the presentation 4-5 times, using all the aids* and/or visuals you will need. Third, go through one final rehearsal to focus on your weak points (poor eye contact, low volume, poor structure, weak dynamics). Fourth, deliver your presentation using only a well-structured outline of main and sub-points.* Do NOT memorize word for word and DO NOT READ! The illusion of spontaneity must be kept!!! Adapted from Http:// TITLE A title must attract your audience, describe your topic clearly, and give a precise* idea about what to expect in the presentation. DON’Ts: Avoid redundant* words and phrases such as “a study on” or “an investigation of” Avoid abbreviations* and jargon* Avoid “cute” or sensational titles Avoid being too vague* or too general Task 4 Explain why you should avoid the above-mentioned points. Task 5 Which of the following titles would be acceptable for an academic presentation? How could they be changed to be more acceptable? 1. A Study of Prisoners and Guards in a Simulated Prison 2. Inner City Problems and Policies: A Conservative View 3. Black Identity and the Role of Reggae 4. Everyday Pills That Kill! The Dangers of Over-the-counter Drugs 5. Narrative Skills in Improvisational Theatre Task 6 Match the specific titles below to the topics in Task 2. A. The Working Week in 20^th Century America B. Vanessa Mae as the Modern Day Paganini C. The True Effects of Having a No Car Day D. The French Colonists of 18^th Century Moravia E. Common Reading Patterns of Czech Youth Today F. Men in Denmark: The Choice to Raise Children and Work in the Home Task 7 You can also extend the title by using a subheading (as in F above). Come up with some inspiring subheadings for some of the titles you have developed in Tasks 2, 5, or 6. Task 8 Look at the following examples of titles of presentations. Which of these enable* you to predict* the content of the presentations? 1. Noise Stress and Human Behaviour 2. The Billion Dollar Question! 3. Industrial Policies of Industrial Countries 4. Out of the Oceans and on to Faster Bicycles 5. The Persistent* Stereotype: Children’s Images of Scientists Task 9 Develop a good working title and a purpose statement for next week’s seminar. MAIN BODY This part outlines the main arguments, sub-points, supporting arguments, and evidence* of the subject of the presentation into a logical and coherent order. What is the most efficient* way of communicating ideas to your audience? (Choose the best answer) a) formulate each complete thought in a short sentence of 15-20 words. b) formulate more thoughts in a short sentence of 15-20 words. c) formulate each complete thought in a sentence of more than 40 words. d) formulate more thoughts in a sentence of more than 40 words. Although the structure should be formal, the most effective speaking manner is usually conversational style (but not too familiar): short sentences, concrete language – give examples; speech that suggests to your audience that you are really talking to them, and ideas that are accessible to a general audience. The ideas should be coherent and follow each other naturally. VISUALS AND AIDS Task 10 Look at the visuals below and try to characterize their qualities. NATIONALISM There are four core debates which permeate the study of nations and nationalism. - Nationalists argue that nations are timeless phenomena. - The next major school of thought is that of the perennialists who argue that nations have been around for a very long time. - Postmodernists and Marxists also play in the larger debates surrounding this topic, the modernization school is perhaps the most prevalent scholarly argument at the moment. These scholars see nations as entirely modern and constructed. LEARNING THROUGH EXPERIENCE Do exercise, carry out task Plan, try out, describe, reflect, make decisions feed back Think, draw parallels EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING CYCLE 1. 2. Task 11 Look at the visual aids listed and discuss their possible advantages and disadvantages. handouts* transparencies (slides)* blackboard with an outline demonstrations graphs, charts, tables (for figures* and statistics) computer, overhead projector props,* objects, items video, film, animation pictures (drawings, photographs, maps, posters, cartoons) Task 12 Look at the titles below and decide what kind of visual aids you would use. 1. Black Identity and the Role of Reggae 2. Some Reading Patterns of Czech Youth Today 3. Narrative Skills in Improvisational Theatre 4. Noise Stress and Human Behaviour 5. Industrial Policies of Industrial Countries 6. The French Colonists of 18^th Century Moravia 7. The Working Week in 20^th Century America 8. Vanessa Mae as the Modern Day Paganini Visuals – Some useful phrases to use Integrate your visuals into the presentation by preparing the audience for what they are going to see using these possible expressions: - “Now, let’s look at the position for …” - “Now, I’ll show you the …” - “For …, the situation is very different.” - “Let’s move on and look at the figures for …” - “The next slide shows …” - “If we now turn to …” Explain what the visual shows. This helps to focus attention and avoid misunderstandings. - “The lower chart compares political parties in two countries …” - “The upper left part of the slide gives information about …” - “You can see here in the middle the development over the past five years…” Some useful DON‘TS: a) Don’t use visuals to repeat what you can say with words. b) Don’t overcrowd visuals with too much information. c) Don’t use too many visuals. d) Don’t read from the visuals. Vocabulary 1 *event událost 2 passion nadšení, zaujetí 3 *competence kompetence, kvalifikovanost 4 *to check zkontrolovat, podrobit kontrole 5 *to consider vzít v úvahu 6 *feature rys 7 a rehearsal nácvik 8 *to handle questions vypořádat se s otázkami 9 *an outline osnova, přehled 10 *coherence / coherent souvislost, spojitost / souvislý, logický, související 11 *to clarify objasnit 12 *to determine určit 13 a declarative sentence věta oznamovací 14 *an objective (goal) cíl 15 *relevant to vztahující se na 16 *an impact dopad 17 *an insight into pohled do 18 *an achievement úspěch 19 *prospective (adj.) perspektivní 20 *perspective (noun) perspektiva 21 *to deliver (a presentation) podat prezentaci 22 aid pomůcka 23 *a sub-point, subheading dílčí bod, podtitul 24 *redundant nadbytečný, přebytečný 25 *an abbreviation zkratka 26 *jargon žargon, odborný slang, frázovitost 27 *vague (unclear) nejasný, vágní 28 *to predict (forecast) předvídat (předpovídat) 29 *persistent trvalý, stálý 30 *evidence důkaz 31 *handout podklad přednášky 32 props pomůcky, rekvizity (divadelní) 33 transparency (slide) diapozitiv, průsvitka 34 *figure (number) údaj, číslo 35 *purpose statement účelová věta 36 *precise (exact) přesný 37 *enable umožnit 38 *efficient účinný Word bank 1. give/make a short presentation on a subject podat krátkou prezentaci na téma 2. present the information to sb prezentovat někomu informace 3. provide sb with information poskytnout někomu informace 4. present in greater detail/in clearer language prezentovat podrobněji/srozumitelněji 5. presenter prezentující/přednášející 6. be familiar with the topic být s tématem dobře obeznámen 7. keep updated stále dodávat nejnovější informace 8. make sb do st přimět někoho něco udělat LANGUAGE EXERCISES Task 13 Translate the words in brackets into English. 1. What is the point of __________ (podávání) presentations? 2. I think I __________ (možná budu) need it in my future career. 3. You should __________ (zapsat si) all the important information. 4. I want to __________ (projít si) these notes first. 5. What do you __________ (čekáš) from a good presentation? 6. He __________ (pokročil dále) and showed us some very interesting figures. 7. The development __________ (za posledních pět let) has been enormous. 8. There was __________ (příliš mnoho) information for me to take in. 9. Let me __________ (abych Vám uvedl) a few more examples. 10. It was really __________ (velmi dobře) structured.