(ni Ol. mi Di Haut ly when in lim they're |uü sisivn; ihcir penun * like- cvvrvhiEy ľIsľ. Sl>vv, alicí having given Ľirinj fHiriŕraph like ihi>. I've f&t m awful L Hli! m nil s Jsi JEiílií IrJmiä'íiifiJiífii Tik- priihk'iii uii«. Rfcrlpji wd.ir it» <*i «iih ihm Kjtíi ■■■ *'ll. ..... ,,tai,„„'j„llk. Miiüii »ubjm „I g« (;„ The jwictKle™ d li» iL" * haMuh^b™,,.,., U lhi.1 lun-« u. «.-flni« '™ P"ap.ph Wiilh a htnrihk' ""7.....*......u '"" •"■'tiimt u. reali» ,hai I uili,|iim|,i "T-" Ihr..*,, ., (.„„„„fl, hku(. ,„ I,,,, ■*H II M kM ili'ľ.ipi ihr \„pí I'.ikii'i..|>Ii. ■ liiüi. hn..Uľ« ii- in('-. In.I bCWI ■ ■■ fot, ll.lmjU t.MI«-^ P m li k j um ■ mudifvi. The main ľ!ni'-ľ",'!l '/,',"''.ľ ■ ■ ■ftí (wrw 4^ i. heen sold in ihc «„ MILL M« ,.; MMHthhl :H tili.' ,ih|o.1.iii- iiiuu..... ,,|, r-mahk- h both .peak.T and lisienr. Knikyu-li, ,,,».. u- >ti /uiui M v *"* "< »'" wait £ ni nvun *H*b» Hrtan -Iiľti I ■ i> be I'uund under the iluiihciioantlk-.i». «if«*« I ' c. Ill Mtak 5»iJ WH« "Tin- Tkanine «Í *h*i i \m -« h t ihiit so-and-su but "jih-and-twh.1 hi speeth. ™ iAi hamtracMl to n Ju ur H dťsu t" skii-, »id m feminit* spcĽcti> rndmgs ulien trier nm to wiy ,.,. ■-.;, I,,,, Iv... ..„:! hut to the obieeme «HUBOH M ta ta« ipMfcn -jtiJ Uro* io oh*™. Anthony Al-m HairiNw m »Irtlrj *"h lh1, M*p*ttaJ tanm^m ir. both meinbtr-. ül wtft* ľľuIiI k ironsItKed "B It in .-linĽ." r hwvMn vwk M * * uue*""«! wu ™uU ,4l wM jbmi .i ho,» k «KB. OpWWM 'i Ott* *■ * " ,L.ii,n sou wnU "nil «I tmaat [nsfrhf a SwM iw atimlion i- visihli absothed. ui who. has broken : esublnheii to ihJi poini. usuall» in ihr I« t li.Tvlliirir pulftll ihr " O' "" Í" J .e moJjMni. -henám m., h is a minakc le -,i..1i.jiľ. |iisi a liille with u.hilh the sentLt.u .taiud.ll> : I hi- mi dr.. At -uhJĽcl ni» ilutnjKd I aboul I hi- subjni In* lín prutabh i-. Ill Ihink." Whelliei ur nul you .ifi »nh m ilium Hra pronouns, T i* tfcitly Ihc subject I^UllmMll ." tulluwinaj .1 ■■ "I- ii Ivhii- IntfdrIK nortfcii. drndliil AM .j ^ iniLiv.ľiriť''' tliimhtn'i. whiih mudifícn ff. ti Hubicu, ihc Hm piunuun sMndinr far ihc- : is lulled m ihr brutiicli. II, Dr.,,..' ,/|...f: M i- .imph ri puliiť Itnprwnci «Iter lile adjetiiw, whilť ihe tine aiicr ihr ff ü Ihc cupula. "Docs A = B?" When M lak.- awls litinu«. OmufVi.™:' and Onunhi mi tu arc as blunt as »* can rnnkt ihc «.un......11 tnttvii 'ik Ji'su iu fWufumf «i *u ;ind Ommŕiimi fit/' are IfIumi iif ,mnih,i- .iT-ii'ii. .if OminAinii Hir/rw U Hm, il„ ,1., ■ ,-... mull 111 ĺ , p [--Ľ d. hui ,i .tniw( up again In I recenil» came actiss ihc Mtaftaj luii.i.khn,!. «jfa Ii u lilir BMAiPl »f yi-ur brlna hen] H thai yew h*ve should not be hem. Because ii't lhai »™ "i* her* 1" mud* F.njlnh and Icom ahoul ■Vnentun tutlum. u ■■ nancselramim.il The Enilr.li ■■■ ■lrunl reml "'"I"1 " ítÄTw» v"u «■ hM » «udy fflglish and um about American luhuir. iwl to pi«." In 'I» r>P™« . „ ..... , .m ii.i. ■ .-ľ'........■ nd ».»iní h*. Ij» "her"!) fln.er at ihe hrft.» hiSh .h,„l k.d- Wt» ptärMH* fc ""■ ■ «•* Lr«1"h bul .ugh 1o be ahlc lü have ■ llllle fun. luu. CM hiahli mlWTir) [wrapaph mm Min.ik.ľ' lunik, - .mri, ahuiit Ihc dimppEadhg rSiphait prmiric. u* v„h KM (inr cample- ui IbM IMP» W • "• „„„Mm a«xl m.n-uir. «t ■lamina !"•'" lor nw /,, ,v If«* MJHMM h (Íujjb Miji-Ai FIC V.iíUI n keiei-nun o riyü ni heisa sareta toki, dúbutsu-tadú wa dubutsu-torihiki chCíkui-gyôsha na te o lôshile zenkoku no döbutsu-en ni hikiiorareie inu no da ga. sono :ô tlaku wa toshi o torisugile iru icimc ni. hikiuke-te o mitsukem kolu ga dekinakatta. Duno döbuisu-wi mo sude ni jübtin na dake no kazu no :ó o tttůfli ihitů nu '■h: into ni ma sltinzô-hossa o okoshiie shinde shi-niaisu na yobuyobo nu za o hikilom yó na monozuki de yoyü no aru döbuisu-en narile hitulsu mo nakutta no da Sutina wake de, sono zö wa nakama no döbutsu-taehi ga minna ippiki-nokoraztt sugutu o keshile shimutta haikyu no gotoki döbttisu-en m, natu u sum to mo naku—io iite mo motomuto toku ni nanika o shite ita to iu wake de wa nai no da keredo—sankugeisu ka yonkagetsu no aida tatta hiiori de inokoriisuzukete ita. The elephant's advanced age is what led lo its being adopted by the town (the town I live in). That is to My thai, when the little zoo in the suburbs suffered the closing of its doors due to financial problems, the animals were taken in by zoos throughout the country ihrough the mediation of an animal dealer, hut because that one elephant was too old, it was impossible to find anyone to take it in. Thai is lo say that the zoos all had plenty of elephants, and there was not one single 200 that had the wherewithal to take in, on a whim, a feeble, old elephant that looked as if it might die of a heart attack at any moment. For ihui reason, the elephant stayed atone for nearly four months in the decaying zoo from which all of its companions had without exception disappeared, with nothing to do— though saying this, ii is not that t mean that it especially had anything 10 do before." luh BOT AIMSO 84 This is a grammatical translation that not only forgoes any sense of style in the English but also raises the question of what all those explanations are doing there- some of them sounding rather forced. To be sure, a stylistically smoother English version is probably not going to leave much sign or the explanatory phraseology. Kor example: The elephant's age is what led to its being adopted by our town. When financial problems caused the little zoo in the suburbs to close its doors, an animal dealer found places for the animals with zoos throughout the country, but no one wanted to take such an old elephant. The zoos all had plenty of elephants, apparently, and not one of them was willing to take in a feeble old thing that looked us if it might die of a heart attack at any moment. And so. after all of its companions had disappeared, the elephant stayed alone in the decaying /oo for nearly four months with nothing lo do—not that it had anything to do before. Granted. 1 may have smoothed over more than I had a right to, but what hus happened to those oven verbalisations of explanation? Well, often, we jusl don't say such things in normal English. Who needs 'em? Remember that I said before that both Qmoshinn desu ka and Ortíusŕiiroi n děsu ka could be translated, "Is it interesting?" Typically, in English, we don't distinguish verbally between the two situations, at least not by such a subtle shift in phraseology. Omoshiroi n des\i ka might come out "Interesting, huh?" or "Hey, I see you like it" or "'Jeez. Frank, you're making a mess of that shin," but lapanese is routinely going to both ask for and offer explanattoas of contexts far more often than English does. THE EXPUIMF.RS 85 wMy every Kmenu, "The yhjcaivťty iruc ťtploraii »h« I juil uid i> . " Ha du i* iM funcrliHiinn in cam a> tomt kind uf imurpbuut emphatK wldiinr I jimľiiijr ■ («plain or nm It. ii k funiiiunitig u- .. rutiHut whu >pr«ti j' «n cjmjisi ut anlhukifl/i:) ui clip pn at rwwpipĽi euturaní. such j- ta rurraiur of Mu rukami * -l mi, ami oflen »uhly h iut: ubwtvini). ^uc-nonin^. juitfr