' Ail Dl LI Ú KĚ Lesson 6 — x £iH Shěngcí New Words (45) (*) (So) (if) (3fr) (45) (ffr) (SU) elder sister to look, to see a structural particle to know 1. ^SLiS. (45) 2. % (ffr) 3. # 4. $&i& CW) 5. ^ (f&) hän 6. -fr-^- (íg) qíngnián 7. ^ (fft) gěi 8. -$HÜ" (šfr) xiěxie to thank 1-10 Counting from 1 to 10 -, ^, =-, \a? (si), i TT, -fc(qT), /V, ^L(jiü), -t(shí) Hx i£3t Kěwén Te to cry out, to shout young man to give Li Danian and his elder sister pick up a book that someone has lost on the road. 45! Li: Jiějie, ní kán, zhě shi shéi de shü? jiějie: Bů zhídáo. Li: (Hän) Zhě shi shéi de shü? Qíngnián: Wo de shü! Ná shi wo de shü! Ä: Ü*L# ^ 45 "5,? jiějie: Zhě shi ní de snu ma? ■f"-^: *t! iŽ-^L^Ó^J^o Qíngnián: Dui! Zhě shi wo de shü. $. IHfco Li: Gěiní. "fr-f-: itHIH'Mn ! Qíngnián; Xiěxie nimen! : ^i%\ : Bú xiě! jiějie li Zhúshi Note Xiéxie is used to express gratitude. There are various possible replies, the simplest being bú xiě. YüyTn Phonetics ť&jglfiMe The compound final ie The e in the compound final -ie is pronounced [e] and is a bit louder and longer than i. BSUflm Yüfö Grammar £$ ft 1" Eft " The structural particle de (tfj) The structural particle Efö is used after attributives. However, ÉŔ is optional when a singular personal pronoun serves as the attributive of a noun showing kinship and the like. In such cases, it usually is not used in spoken Chinese. 37 m% T'C-jg Attri. Modified word shéi de shü wo de shü ní de shü ta de shü women de shü nímen de shü tarnen de shü wo jiějie de shü Zhäng läoshi de shü Li Dänián de shü I> ^53 Liänxi Exerc 1. jS|S Tones 1) m^í-^M The four tones jiä jiá jiä jiá qiü qiú qiü qiü xiön xián xiän xiän ting ting ting ting 2) W^^EÍ^jSfelc Two third-tone syllables in succession + v + " + ' NT häo! Gěi ní. Wü běn. Gěi wo. Wo yě shi. Ní yě shi Gěi nímen. Gěi women. Gěi wo ma? Gěi ní ba. 2. i#H Sound discrimination: ou—UO 1) gou guo dou duo lou luo 38 sou suo zhou zhuo 2) Öuzhöu zhuóluo döusöu guöhuö köutöu duöluö 3) söusuö zuöyöu göuhuö guöyöu shöuruö luöhöu ÍľM%k>l Build-up exercise shü zhi wo de shü tä de zhi shi wo de shü shi tä de zhi Zhě shi wo de shü . Nö shi tö de zhi. ma huäbäo •» huör ma shéi de huäbäo ní de huör ma shi shéi de huäbäo shi ní de huör ma Nä shi shéi de huäbäo? Zhě shi ní de huör ma? 'MiCfr'ß'iJTiiXi'ili Compose dialogues following the models. 1) M Model: A: Zhě shi ní de shü ma? B: Bü, zhě bú shi wo de shü. A: Zhě shi ní de báo ma? B: Dui, shi wo de báo. 2) M Model: A: Zhě shi shéi de shü? B: Bů zhidáo. A: Ní zhidáo ma? C: Wö yě bü zhidáo.