Attitude measurement Attitude measurement * Self-reports of attitudes are highly context dependent and minor changes in question wording, question format, and question order can profoundly affect the obtained results * Key components of the response process: Comprehension ­ retrieval ­ judgment ­ formatting - editing ˇ Question comprehension * Information retrieval and judgment Question order effect Response order effect * Response formatting Categorical response alternatives Rating scales * Response editing Question comprehension 1 9 4-4 How successful have you been in your life? Information retrieval and judgment Question order effect Response order effect Question order effect General satisfaction Marriage satisfaction General satisfactionMarriage satisfaction 1. 2. 1. 2. r= .43 r= .67 "We now have two questions about your life. The first one pertains to your marriage and the second to your life in general." r= .18 "Aside from your marriage, which you already told us about, how satisfied are you with your life in general" r= .20 WHAT TO DO? Response order effect * Written vs. Read alternatives * Written ­ primacy effect * Read ­ recency effect * Response order effects are more significant for older and less educated respondents Response formatting * Categorical Response Alternatives Any opinion omitted from the list is unlikely to be reported Q: "What is the most important thing for children to prepare them for life?" A: "To think for themselves" * Rating Scales The effect of numeric values Context dependent (answer is compared with previous answer) 61.5% 4.6% Advice: Provide "I don't know" alternative Response editing * Respondents may hesitate to report their attitude when they are concerned that their answer may present them in a negative light. * Social desirability Attitude measurement tools * Likert scale * Semantic differential * Error choice technique Likert Scale * An one-dimensional scale that consists of attitude-related statements and asks individuals to indicate their agreement/disagreement with each statement along a numerical scale Stan is the best teacher in the world. Strongly agree Somewhat agree Neutral Somewhat disagree Somewhat disagree How to create the Likert scale? 1) Generate more questions than you need 2) Get a group of people to score the questionnaire 3) Sum the scores for all items 4) Calculate the intercorrelations between all pairs of items 5) Reject questions that have a low correlation with the overall score 6) For each item, calculate the t-value. Reject questions with lower t-values (higher t-values show questions with higher discrimination). Semantic differential * Osgood, Suci, Tannenbaum (1957) * Respondents rate the attitude object on a number of (typically) 7point bipolar scales that are end-anchored by evaluative adjective pairs * (connotative meaning of words (freedom, marriage); ideas (capitalism); products (cell phones); brands (Volvo); etc...) good harmful kind cruel beneficial dishonest bad honest Barack Obama Error-choice technique (Hammond, 1948) * Attitudes can be indirectly measured by the bias shown in answering a mixture of factual and nonfactual questions concerning a given topic * Respondents think it is a knowledge test The average IQ of black people is: A: 87% B: 113% The average IQ of Japanese people is: A: 85% B: 115% Summary ­ Attitude measurement * Comprehension ­ retrieval ­ judgment ­ formatting ­ editing * Likert Scale * Semantic Differential * Error-Choice Technique