Relevant Literature: SYRIA Akkermans P.M.M.G. & Schwarz G.M., The Archaeology of Syria. From Complex Hunter-Gatherers to Early Urban Societies ( ca. 16.000 – 300 BC), Cambridge 2003. LEVANT Levy Th. E., The archaeology of the society in the Holy Land, London New York, 1998. In Google Books: ociety&ots=tFf5i7q0ig&sig=eAnkN4_m3m62SHwvMmS6REGEQ4Q#v=onepage&q=levy%20the%20archeology%20of%20th e%20society&f=false MESOPOTAMIA Crawford H., Sumer and Sumerians, Cambridge 2004. Frankfort H., The Art and Architecture of the Ancient Near East, Yale 1996. Roaf M., Cultural Atlas of Mesopotamia and the Ancient Near East, Oxford, 2000 (reprinted). Cotterell A., The Penguin Encyclopaedia of Ancient Civilisations, New York 1980. Heinrich E., Die Tempel und Heiligtümer im Alten Mesopotamien, Berlin 1982. Heinrich E., Die Paläste im Alten Mesopotamien, Berlin 1984. Klengel H., Geschichte und Kultur Altsyriens, Leipzig 1979; Wien 1980. Kuhrt A., The Ancient Near East c. 3000 – 330 BC, London-New York 1995. Mazar A., Archaeology of the Land of the Bible, 10.000-586 BCE, New York 1990. Moorey P.R.S., Ancient Mesopotamian Materials and Industries: The Archaeological Evidence, Oxford 1994. Orthmann W., Der Alte Orient, Berlin 1975. Sasson J. M., Civilisations of the Ancient Near East, 4 vols., London 1995. Walker, Cuneiform. Reading the Past., University of California Press 1987.