Personality characteristics and persuasion  Need for cognition  Self-monitoring Self-fulfilling prophecy  Sebanaplňujúce sa proroctvo je fenomén, kde očakávania budúcich udalostí vedú k správaniu, ktoré zapríčiní, že sa daná udalosť skutočne stane.  Realizácia je známa jako Pygmalion efekt Pygmalion effect Rosenthal & Jacobson (1968/1992) PROCEDURE: 1. Intelligence test was given to elementary school pupils 2. 20% of those pupils were randomly selected. 3. The teachers were told that these pupils have "unusual potential for intellectual growth“ 4. 8 months later, the researchers came to re-test the pupils RESULTS: - Those labeled as "intelligent" children showed significantly greater increase in the new tests than the other children. - These kids were also rated by teachers as more intellectually curious and happier. EXPLANATION: The change in the teachers' expectations (consequently also in behavior) regarding the intellectual performance of these 'special' children had led to an actual change in the intellectual performance of these randomly selected children. Confirmation bias  Tendency to search for information that confirms our decision or hypothesis  How to use it? After having persuaded a person of something, help them feel good by letting them find examples that confirm their good judgment Halo effect = concluding from a perceived single trait a general assessment Halo effect Halo effect Halo effect - Conclusion  Don’t get swayed by the “halo”