A1 SEMINAR 7 Environment – KEY Task 1, 2 and 3 – based on class discussion Task 4 1. disturb (Point 9) 2. respect (Point 2) 3. familiarise (Point 10) 4. appreciate (Point 3) 5. exploit (Point 8) 6. encourage (Point 14) 7. introduce (Point 5) Task 5 1. an ecotour operator (Paragraph 1) 2. local (Paragraph 4) 3. positive (Paragraphs 3 and 5) 4. guests (Point 1) 5. respect (Point 2) 6. soap (Point 11) 7. endangered (Point 14) Task 6 – Listening (video 2:36 minutes) – The Story of Stuff Do you have one of these? I got a little obsessed with mine. In fact, I got a little (1) obsessed with all my stuff. Have you ever wondered where all the stuff we buy comes from and where it goes when we throw it out? I couldn’t stop wondering about that. So I looked it up and what the textbooks said is that our stuff simply moves along these stages: extraction to production to distribution to (2) consumption to disposal. All together it’s called the materials economy. Well, I looked into it a little bit more. In fact, I spent ten years travelling the world tracking where our stuff comes from and where it goes. And do you know what I found out? That it’s not the whole story. There’s a lot missing from this explanation. For one thing, the system looks like it’s fine. No problem, but the truth is that it’s a system in crisis. The reason it is in (3) crisis is that it’s a linear system and we live on a finite planet; you cannot run a linear system on a (4) finite planet indefinitely. Every step along the way this system is interacting with the real world. In real life, it’s not happening on a blank white page. It’s (5) interacting with societies, cultures, economies and the environment. All along the way, it’s bumping up against limits. Limits we don’t see here because the diagram is incomplete. So, let’s go back through, let’s fill in some of the blanks and see what’s (6) missing. One of the most important things that is missing is people. Yes, people. People live and work all along this system and some people in this system (7) matter a little more than others; some have a little more say. Who are they? Let’s start with the government. Now, my friends tell me I should use a tank to symbolize the government and that’s true in many countries and increasingly in our own. After all, more than 50% of our federal (8) tax money is now going to the military. I’m using a person to symbolize the government, because I hold true to the vision and (9) values that governments should be “of the people, by the people, for the people”. It’s the government’s job to watch out for us, to take care of us. That’s their job. Then along came the corporation. Now, the reason the corporation looks bigger than the government is that the corporation is bigger than the government. Of the 100 largest economies on (10) earth now, 51 are corporations. As the corporations have grown in size and power, we’ve seen a little change in the government where they are a little more concerned in making sure everything is working out for those guys than for us. Transcript viewed at www.storyofstuff.com/pdfs/annie_leonard_footnoted_script.pdf on 15.8.2010. Task 7 – based on student homework that can be checked against the transcript that is available at www.storyofstuff.com/pdfs/annie_leonard_footnoted_script.pdf. Task 8 – Grammar – Suffixes and Prefixes Verb Noun Adjective Adverb doubt doubt doubtful, -less, -able doubtfully conserve conservation conserved, -ing - destroy destruction destructive destructively empower empowerment empowered, -ing - consume consumption consumable, -ed, consumingly force force forcible, forcing, forced forcibly subsidise subsidy subsidised - develop development developed, -ing - benefit benefit beneficial beneficially inexperienced; unconscious, subconscious, self-conscious; misjudged; overvalued, undervalued, unvalued; abnormal; unstable; self-aware, unaware; invaluable; immature; irrational; overloaded, reloaded, under-loaded, unloaded; dishonest; illegible; unspoilt. *Other forms do exist, but these are rare or obsolete.*