Computer Metaphors & Reality §People are just sitting on the curb of the information highway §Old browsers are roadblocks, detouring the surfer from third-generation sites. §Examples úOS, graphical OS: Desktop, Windows, copy&paste, open, close, tiles, scrapbook, drag & drop, bootstrapping úComputer medecine: virus, worm, antivirus, infection,… úWeb - ocean: navigation, surfing, browser, piracy úNetworking: mail, client/server, peer-to-peer, star, token ring network úProcess control: Semaphore, traffic control, mutex, round-robin, killing a process, stack (LIFO), queue (FIFO),flags, handshaking úSocial interaction: network native, flamewar, flamebait, elf, troll, phishing, mail, chat úResource management: starvation, deadlock, idle, busy, sleeping, sandbox, data mining, writers and readers úIT humour: more/less, BASH (Bourne-again shell), GNU (Gnu’s not UNIX) ú ú Internet §Global, worldwide §Network of networks §Run on TCP/IP, a suite of accessory standards §Heterogeneous & homogeneous §Media aggregation §No centralized governance §Robust, fault-tolerant, distributed § Visionaries §Kurt Gödel (1906-1978), Bertrand Russell §Norbert Wiener (1894-1964) §Alan Turing (1912-1954) §John von Neumann (1903-1957) §Claude Shannon (1916-2001) §Douglas Engelbart (1925) §Ted Nelson (1937) §Tim Berners-Lee (1955) §Vinton Cerf (1943) & Robert Kahn (1938) §Steve Jobs (1955-2011) § Alan Turing •Logicien, mathématicien, chercheur en cryptoanalytique, fondateur de l’informatique théorique moderne •Machine de Turing •A Bletchley Park, il a décrypté le code de la machine allemande Enigma – exploit qui a probablement rapproché a victoire des Alliés Deuxième guerre mondiale § Transistor, IC 1947 (Bardeen, Brattain, Shockley) § WWW (Web) §Founder: Tim Berners-Lee, CERN (1989) §Global set of documents, texts, images and other resources §Connected by hyperlinks §URI (URL) references §HTTP §Browser dependence § Networking, TCP/IP §No central governing body §Origins in the USA/USSR military race §DARPA net §Reliability, disaster survivability §Packet switching technology §Complex system of IP addressing (IPv4, IPv6) §Stateless protocol § § § Code §code, in communications, an unvarying rule for replacing a piece of information such as a letter, word, or phrase with an arbitrarily selected equivalent. The term has been frequently misapplied and used as a synonym for cipher. In the past this blurring of the distinction between code and cipher was rather inconsequential; in fact, many historical ciphers would be more properly classified as codes according to present-day criteria. §In modern communications systems, information is often both encoded and encrypted (or enciphered), and so an understanding of the difference between the two is important. Both codes and certain kinds of ciphers—substitution ciphers—replace elements of a message with other symbols; however, unlike codes, ciphers do so in accordance with a rule defined by a secret key known only to the transmitter of the information and the intended receiver. Without this secret key, a third party cannot invert the replacement to unscramble the cipher. §During the early years of the 20th century, elaborate commercial codes were developed. One such system was the Baudot code, which encoded complete phrases into single words (five-letter groups) for use by telegraphers. This type of code proved inadequate for radio, however, and other, more advanced forms of communications subsequently developed. In recent years various codes have been introduced to accommodate computer data and satellite communications. See also cryptology; cipher. § Code - properties §Conventional (symbolic) – no link to real world whatsoever §Homogeneous – twofold: inside & outside the code §“Double (multiple) articulation”: bit, byte, kB, … §Unambiguous – 1:1 correspondence – 255 is coded as 11111111, 11111111 gives 255 §Code translation (homomorphism): e.g. bin2hex 1011 0101 = B5. § § File:Piet Program Hello World(1).gif File:High Capacity Color Barcode.png File:MaxiCode.svg Piet, Helloworld in Piet Qr High capacity color barcode Maxicode QR code generator § Binary, hexadecimal, ASCII code § Exercices §Write in hex: 1101 1001 1100 0010 1111 1010 0101 1000 1010 §Decode into ASCII: 43:41:52:50:45:20:44:49:45:4d %4C%61%20%76%69%65%20%65%73%74%20%62%65%6C%6C%65 §Add 1101 + 111 = … §Compare by size: 1000 ? 1011 §Multiply 11000 úby 2 úby 4 § Projekt - prezentace §Představit prototyp projektu, nápad, umělecké dílo, didakticky materiál… §…. Ve stylu grantové přihlášky §Prezentace bude obsahovat úTypologické zařazení (viz, jasné položení problému a cílového publika úPožadované prostředky a „lidské zdroje“ úPřibližná cena úPředstavení prototypu samotného, včetně základní kostry (např. série obrázků bez nutnosti vytvořit hypertext samotný) úZhodnocení přínosů a omezení daného díla §Prezentace česky, francouzsky, anglicky ú úPříklady: úCvičení na spojení jazyka a vyhledávání v Googlu úHypertextové dílo (didaktické či literární) úPoesie – vhodné spojení slova a hypermédií, kinetická poesie úSlovo & obraz úCvičení / testy na daný jazykový jev s vhodným využitím hypermédií Návrh na zpracování jednu z kategorií NLP ve francouzštině ú