1 <1-4> 3 o — *i i/>*> one li > -5 A, one minute £ 7 n-o cij. unify *ť#íť vi-ati^Sít general, usual, ordinary 0 *nj — (7) XHH»-3t Q one person — A—A ^V-tVV-tf) one (person) by one, one (person) at a time --O t>h^> one (thing) — @ T T/fcft'C at a glance — H 'o^t^ the first (day of a month) — 0 ií»'^t;ľfe one day ,H Id two SľLiij- Ľi»^ two minutes Jľ_A ^-k/t1) two person JLO two (things) ^. 9 AA'5i» the second (day of a month), two days 0 3 [£-3* the twentieth (day of a: month) i| *t$.1zt> twenty years old = A 0 raA 3 ^ three three minutes £ A- three persons S-jO three (things) |f &•>A* the third (day of aj month), three days .s ff-'O-tf K three-way junction ■;; ?,< S crescent moon ;j| ► L ..t A. I. four 1 A,.;;A. four minutes i. i': four persons J: • j -y four (things) § ,t '-?:r four days S 0 L^oi:-}*- April 4 JcoA't crossroads, four-way junction —A(yť)) r.A(^0) =A(^^ľ^) EJAtii-^) iA(íc-U A B -t ■fcA -t five CT^»/v five minutes ZizA, five persons ^>-30 five (things) t>-?* the fifth (day of a month), five days >*;, t;(o), to(o), tfv> 3 < six six minutes ^> < (CA, six persons tfoo six (things) trio* the sixth (day of a month), six days tto •) cutting into six pieces L^, seven titiJLA, seven minutes *3.tfl.zAj seven persons seven (things) •tB 0 -tj? 1 ľ^J /\A AH &CO* the seventh (day of a month), seven days "V^&fffc the Festival of the Weaver, the Star Festival 14 eight (± *> X. A, eight minutes ti^i^A- eight persons eight (things) J: -j * the eighth (day of a month), eight days '^H^1 fruit and vegetable shop 0 /VP'S!/; 0 ^>o£>;fc9 cv. take out one's anger on someone 0 /Xli;*^ J?1i.S"<^ double-flowered cherry tree ► £ * "5, < § n> ■), < nine nine minutes ^i$-)£A. nine persons nine (things) C Z f)tP nine days JLR JlB (#o;;»4> September 9 A, —o(Vfc-p) jr.o(^íľ-o) raou-i-j) Ao(v>o-3) A^>(tf-T5) -to(4'w) A-?(«^o) yL-3(;;^fc%) ^H(A-3*') =.H(*^>*0 23H(i-5*'> iStMW Ä H (trio*) %H(4©*) s\BW}Or) ^LS(rc:«*») -f-HCt**) ^+ a (tt-3*>) 3 |f5 1 7k*Ü <1D-15> + W -f ^ R A ® 10 [> t i), t ±] +A + o +4 11 K m> -J ten t-?.£A, t*:»3>-o.SiA ten minutes UW>-).£sA(£) in full, thoroughly C * t £ A, ten persons £ up 3 C ;5* cross £J} ten (things) tfcii" the tenth (day of a month), ten days t x. tenfold ^(ioA1 the twentieth (day of a month), twenty days &iZtz1? twenty years old ► a-? < < one hundred t> * < X. A one hundred yen ~ y 4" ( ~ hundred EW^+iS SAtM>< < UiSoCTICfe 365 days ^fe^ fruit and vegetable shop WR ± ^P3 •£A one thousand *A;iA one thousand yen ~-=f- ~ttA 0 -f-'Ä**»!* thousand *>LfttLTfc-9 the Kuril Islands 13 3 -^R Rj -^R R R« R* 0 Rv^ 15 2 v*%£A ten thousand if>*>iAi.A. ten thousand yen ; iAfaAy--^ fountain pen £Aif»*> by any chance, if anything should happen iJA"tFA« thorough, all possible (means/etc.) ► A.A, If* *> 4 A x. A ten thousand yen ;i. yen Z-Asttfr rise in the exchanged rate of the yen x.A^-^'f fall in the exchange^ rate of the yen j circular ci A'.'lt. Z> lf>) round, circular T / ') ft A T-^'JÄCA an American c^BA *> «J>-? ^ < t A a Chinese g ^-A l-läACA a Japanese ^bHA *sl.>;L-5 <) ^f-(-£A) ^l-fd^-ft/t) =.^-(3AtfA) ö-fUA-ftA) _5-^f(cr*A) ^-f (%<-b-a) -t^f-Cfcs^A) /vfüi^-tfA) ^-f-d^-^A) — ^"(v**i/0 — A ^y-t1) one person X-A 0 two persons JE. A &Ai^A three persons _2LS ^\A ^-5 < CA five or six persons A T> £ person I? £9 A fcfc£©ttfc man -&r£DA i5A4«y-t woman /^X? U-it/t people ^fcifc adult 0 '^H3 A A^^~5t* go-between, match- maker 0 *-ffrA 4Lot t amateur ❖ *l£A A that day H J*L f-£*l< sunlight H ilfiicfe everyday H ^ CSA, t:-3l?A Japan 7 U*? day off, holiday 0 *$L B t * < to national holiday — B ^-D^iit, the first (day of a month) — B a^oA> the second (day of a month), two days =. a ^-3*> the third (day of a month), three days 0*8^ B 3 < Uo, A£<7)? yesterday 4-3 today <1B-19> ffn *.¥ 0 tomorrow ► Ifo, i-'o ma W~?&7Xf Monday "5? month, moon n% "^1* moon-viewing crescent moon January l(>-pA»l'f'3 one month Ifft, fine weather a AE A A* 0 A*fi * A't; a May &?^SfiX early summer rain ► AN fri-llf Tuesday t/ fire, flame fire, conflagration jrji-tt^ Mars !i**tf light of a fire/flame ► fU "flf^iTC/ Wednesday #"f water i"lf*J^T waterworks, water service, tap water •flfi-lirif* Mercury ^ i * T "C Kiyomizu Temple (in Kyoto) r - * £r i m X <27-31> |Ř1*ŽÍ t>#, - iiii.lV Thursday §t tree ^ I? trees £l<->l?< big tree b < -£v> Jupiter ^iiib/u cotton grove/thicket of trees HI íUŤt; Friday § 4 gold ^ A'h money & -4"# í> & * rich Person £ /(,-£vi Venus á»ít íi Jí' hardware store iyí/ť"j main hall of a temple, golden pavillion 0*^^ gold iBf H tXltf Saturday ±_ -5*> soil, earth i^fe t*. land 0 i'SL t'"*14 Saturn 0 "tS&Wf souvenir ► J:tV Sunday Eg H i ? V day (of the week) 9p O t L fc i.' ■!.) .4 next year S J: HA, last year |j| Ai £ L- this year i§ Sf. £ L year, age C-lf^fciA. (the year) 2000,. 1 two thousand years |ja = 4^ third-year student :8j| *M fa^tfo, iL-ol months and years, time ^+ fci/tDi*-!) the whole year, throughout the year -£l>&/W-3t/ date of birth fjl fi A,. *■ X, pension a. ► i: M i^lsD one o'clock til li*'4 time ~ li*"4 ~ hour(s) w t $ £•£ sometimes l|i £ 5 time ^£rH» clock, watch ■:m ~L-<"fl rain shower in late autumn or early winter >.*j(tt&), fcOMtS), *>(*' a), *»(j6ao) — iwl — minute (s) if* C * "5 enough, suffi- cient 't"V1^54 moisture, water :»3 b*>-6 understand, realize, find out icHt 5 ijltS share, divide jä-frfaZ hfrtlh branch off from ~ cf. "%}> 7 this week £/v!-fO this month i \z % today, nowadays a § i 9 today ^ £ £ L this year this morning ^_ť*EÍT ŽAsKii^/P the reigning emperor ^gíf Í^f/C morning -f" íjt Z í afternoon ŤíJt 5 Bf five o'clock p. m. 29 Taff 9 m *# Ali T -A* i £ in front of, before 4Ji name tftiit in public ^"feiC/LSx. grown-up, independent, full-fledged £H?/C morning (tLft) £ afternoon after that ■flft -t?/^r front and behind, before and after, about W&B »i^Cfe,**S-7t the day after tomorrow ^ h behind, back $>tX- later ~(L/h)^S. ~(Lfc)*t after- t(3 C «*>(5f later ^.^L 5 iJ) be late (for) %k$ttO £T-e<-5 il, 7 fc, "5 i. top; on, above ■5 ř coat, jacket A C J; Ť 1*ir skilled, good (tennis player/drawing/ete.) % U J: ■? on the ground ířfofr?* upper reaches of a river, upstream iaSjrf price increase; cu. raise prices Žitfž raise rise, go up WIS n X'A, L inbound train ©iřži rise, go up (stairs) cf. *3ř5 (Otis) go up, climb 0 JlTŠ) ž -5t>£i>ž be more than, surpass 0 Jl-tí" § have a rush of blood to the head, be crazy about (a man/woman) put on, put something on (top of) ® JlA LillzAs saint *± J: If í ±5 6 7 m 1 <32-36> T 4- m * £. m i: © T AT* T 0 TJL "IT ~óOTT T# T* _tT Tlf « ► *\ If >L fc, L t> fc, SOf 2»), *(**$), "f) unload, drop off (a passenger) H n & go down cf. MS (43 v 1)) get off (a train/etc.) T^t* < ft* 9 L outbound train TŽ ( ft"& go down, fall < it 2 ?> give (honorific) £Tt ( Iff despise, look down on (in contempt) ^^ft & unskillful, poor (tennis player/drawing/etc) the inside; in the middle :<=> H> 7 £ 7 junior high school 41 (1! *»);( China t^i ^ 7 t 7 the Middle East •fy^-CO fefl)'jta/^C7 middle-aged Q rip IC -5 ■*;»«> 7 in the daytime 0 Q \^*gg*i^ IC-o%ito -? j^/.itt'^ Sino-Japanese relations "0 + 0 et 0 ■'P'h'fel 0 £*JI i^*>ic % i: vj> 7 all day long ■It A1 t't* 7 throughout the world L ^ 11* 7 double suicide; cv. commit suicide together ^iJiiLllSJil small and medium-sized enterprises t>i:- £ i side, beside Í CI & cross J; Clŕ'í; profile j ÍJ 7 ftX éu. cross, go across ■; OA? "fi ¥ right Ä^t right hand/arm j *r*L right foot/leg 7 J: < the right wing, rightist; 5 *9> "j -f & control, affect otr/f'J r>ft 9 left V-ft* 0 T left hand/arm *>ft v * L left foot/leg 519> 7 "f £ control, affect £ J: < the left wing, leftist *>*SÄJt^ <37-43> flS 1 15X book S: ~li^ counter for long objects IZilgA. Japan iii. 12 A, LA, one's real intention, one's right mind S/Lf)V» originally, from the first 0 3.A, i. 7 fc truly, really 0 IfiAt'iW true, real 0 & the beginning, the origin ■f JB O < i desk 0 ÍÍLJiíO*£*-i § Ľ Jr 7 07 < 7 ^ armchair theory Jft3- ► t -) OÜ-*a tWL east o y /< fKTV'T WLH-on* Eastern Europe Ufi*LTi>T East Asia *> fl> 7 t ■} the Middle East t 7 S i 7 Tokyo fc 7 J: 7 the East frA^t 7 the Kanto region 40 Ol-L ® i'L west 83-07/'.° CL3 — a-//t Western Europe •57-77 CLTi>T West Asia Affil^Jt i 7 £"^&/U"f< north, south, east, and west 41 ft *V» ± 7 the West *4/L iT7 Hokkaido I^itr-^SI %^■"f < t /^ÄfI,* the North-South problem 0 it^'tii H-s(?7 f> J; 7 t* the Northern Territories ?7 ► a-5 13 7 ' direction, way S 7 C direction 15 7 IS-? here and there, various places fttA^ft way of eating, table manners "feWA'ft the person over there (honorific) At9> < k. whereabouts m 1 7k* <44-49> 6 JK * # ft ± si * «. £ 4P <50-53> g 1 7k* 6 ► tt<, tf* < >L3, Lb, L«(vO L^lf white L % white pure white, as white as snow 0 0 11 OA 6t? B < C /C white person, Caucasian #>W± < £ clear, obvious r/* < nights under the midnight sun Lhtt grow light <£t» black < *> black 6,lT H: 13 < %TV£ black-and-white television < 5 £ surplus, black (as in "be in the black") H**?='{**>i;) deficit, red {as in "be in the red") i-a<%# pitch-black Z. < U A. black person tr). **^(&«)6) iM'lf red red ^b^-li fc£»f>*ä blush 0 ^-aiS1* bright/deep red ■S'ScT'? the equator ■£§!9*V»-gX infrared light D the Red Cross < if-6 bronze(-col-ored) 47 STfc-fr ft ft£ ft^a ftü fts ftt-ftii*r ft£ *± o [>#>£, fcfcO) &j3if blue his blue If pale 4' ^ 4 -3 S £ & deep blue, pale *f<, -£lf L»/kt*!?V youth, springtime of life ■£lfLJ:•5fc^ juveniles, young people h ( U £ "5 copper /green rust, patina ^/L-ttif teacher, master it A, L ^ last week the week before last ■tt-Wo last month •tt/^-ti/Ufo the month before last -ti/vU*3 the other day S'SC previously, beforehand ? § (5 iT a little while ago t>W§ 5), u(sM"), *-x(*t 5), Mias), -5(tf), a (3), ttU4), bo**), -Br/t-tirlf teacher, master A*<*V> student -frlffc pupil, student -£lf ji>"3 living, life "Brlf ^ i "9 growth (of a plant) HoLi'S one's (whole) life 0 S ^ ^ * «" birthday be born 4. fc" "5 tf yield, produce cf. *j£tf (^ tf) bear ^5 5 live £5 £3= L/i *-»§^>SLfc lively, fresh t'frt make the most of, make the best use of If it if* the art of flower arrangement 4b' — JV K&M—IV draft beer 0 4*I?*I£ ^S-^SVi fresh vegetables 4. X. 5 l&sLh grow, come out 0 'Si &LH£. lawn, plot of grass 0 § U cloth 0 4*..% SV»t raw silk 0 4A^A.% J>lffc% one's background, one's personal history, one's origin 50 fi1 -#4P t>4*(Js) A^iZi school a*<-tfrif student < university, college 4*(Ui president (of a university), provost ~tJ* 7 if < cd. enter a school learn i5-? £ "5 school L i 1 A*i Z "? elementary school *> s> ■} aJo cl t junior high school rgj^C high school 'fit'Sl principal, school- master ►*\ tt Ij*^., t fe house, home ( family d1TCt> family, home j6* C housework, housekeeping ^^V" my wife £ -5 state, nation 3 -5 6* novelist, author the Rockefeller family A^?^ i^fiJ?'$^ landlord, owner of a rented house/apartment 4PM 4P* A*4p 4PT 0 ^4p ^4P«0 1*14p if) ^4p -4P 4p^ A4P^ ^■f1 room J&% i 1 department head tX-LI-k personnel department isi* subordinate, one's men tS^J? headquarters, head office A*i**MCO outside, external & If .feC) inside, internal -fcrX,& all a portion, a part of one portion, one part Cv>J;is^ most of ~, the bulk of - 10 11 m 1 <54-59> m. % Of 0^$MT CiSA-SXC-? the Bank of Japan cf. «A6r. H«(C% 3 A,) Aft 55 0 56 H IK .3'! -SI 57 14 12 ili/t-'?' bookstore it&J?5 flower shop ^^fc-?1 fruit and vegetable shop '^'v^ room ^-^ hut, shed ■^ia roof < C J: 7 housetop, roof ■}V < #l>7"—>V indoor (swimming) pool Jj < j!^1 outdoor, open-air trtl < houses ^is ii •S* main building/house store, shop X i 9 store manager I5/C"CX the main office/store LXA, branch office/store L X L *> X. ~j branch manager J; night stall/stand ^-S^ shops and stores ► a3 ^ station ^ £ ;i in front of the station HI Tokyo Station i, S fe ± 7 stationmaster bank 58 J? 4>T 0 4r*3K 0 silver mercury §Xv»?> silver, silvery >W<), «>(<), ¥A.£-) bank 9 i i i trip; ™. make a trip, travel £ 7 3? ■? «>. act, behave, conduct gO *fy> ( i. whereabouts HZLttl do, carry out, hold cf. fthft.$(isZ%htl&) be carried out, be held ii Z. &11 act, action, behavior ¥ ± 7 U event =T J: 7 -ttV1 administration =f ± -5 line (in a text) ~ ? £ 7 line (one/two/etc.) $jA.g*<> pilgrimage; cv. make a pilgrimage >*(■?) i»f>L^> company L-*?**1^ society *»V»i> conversation Z-yir1** the Diet j&*^>£H» academic conference : convention, general; meeting, tournament, rally ii 7 meet iL« < cv. bow slightly | Z. t < CP. understand Ob' meaning of), learn how to do 3t*t urn o fat B2 ~ 7 B Jj4 63 ft t.» a m g it m 1 j^i^L^ company UJ5'*">', society L * *> J: "5 company president L'S'lr^ company employee [i/LL-S1 headquarters, main office LU'? branch (office) ■L% Shinto shrine ► ta L * train "CA,£> telephone X'A, ^ electricity lio-C-X (electric) power generation; cv. generate electricity X'A, V electron X/i*> battery ► U [> < 5 J "C/LU* train UT/tL * bicycle < 5 J car AtfL float, festival car ► U, I l; iT 7 L * car CX/ll,^ bicycle U-Ss^ self, oneself, I by oneself, personally Of* o » lb ■CQ>7 freedom, liberty Ht'A, nature 3&» f> (for) oneself, in per- . son ► f -5 U- ir ■) L * car U f ^ automatic ■5 ^ < move animal cf.*ffil%(Li < JsO) plants c: i ■) . act, behave, conduct C5 ¥5 ft** a 66 12 Hit 0 if«. L; X A L * bicycle ■7/^"C/C cw. drive, work, operate i^^s tumble, fall down C^j&*"f roll (a stone/tire/ etc.) C?>jjs& roll (over), tumble ^ ^:^t^h1'^' go rolling, wander (from one place/job to another) road i"l»f 7 waterworks, water service, tap water C < f 7 national road <5 road 15-?*^» Hi Hokkaido 13 SH** <67-71> Jg -k f 3e. £ £T7, ->f>f^theartofthe tea ceremony cf.*"*;® £ ">) the art of flower arrangement, 'iimCW'/v M ) kendo, swordsmanship, *^®{C^>7 JfT) judo L A, t 3 Shintoism toiCWlAt man to t ^ man -^^istd mountaineer, alpinist, woodsman ;£^-frlf» male, man *> t ■? the eldest son [>*>A,ft, »6 ■&-£>A JJ^^'DU't woman to/C# woman Ci-^t^ female, woman feiiti the eldest daughter -£:*JJ (CirTtS-i my wife %A,lZ£ men and women of all ages -£7 A. IZHZAi woman -jt'ffi ifrfi'fr goddess HTZL.-ic ^toitf) maiden, (young) girl, virgin ^hi woman diver (for pearls/oysters/etc.) •J-& ^fi child, son/daughter cf. Kodomo is normally written as CiT&or -f-ft. gCO-f- i-iMi boy ©CD -^C^-f- girl 0 lost child O'A^f *trTi son 'JfS^-^r §i, f L «> i; A master, proprietor, my husband l.»5>~ subject cf. *j&JS( U*> OCT) predicate t «)^i> subject, theme ^'S'^i UiXJ'/ttS* subjective &) objective 71 12 to & & main V^tfaL owner L'S&L landlord, landowner IS -5 i* Buddhist priest, shaven head, boy D>*5< to < 3 ^ (your/his) wife to < inside, inner part %. to < deep in the mouh- :j| tains to<«S"5 depth to 7 ¥ secrets |A3Cf A'^f *jt ^ fg <72-81> H 1 ► i L fcfct£i/>d* < private university/college cf. HiCAvWC: < D OftfVijJ* C) national university/college, S2i§iK( il) public high school % father & X 5 A "to i ? ? ^ father (polite) X^ ^1? father and mother >t±tt i§- fi(± mother ^•^■^X/ afc*>*3X, mother (polite) fit D MB. iSC i ^ mother tongue ^ 7 <£ wet nurse t main building/house ft [c elder brother i^JrLJA/ " to M l<1 $ A, elder brother (polite) ter(s) brother (s) and sis--Utif1 parents 0 f $ [>JSt9t to i 7 £ younger brother § J: "5 ^fV> brother (s) and sis-ter(s) L "£ li1 children "C L disciple 77 ► L Oifcta ftta elder sister ^ X- "tofci. S A elder sister (polite) L i£ If1 sister If* & 7 t younger sister Lit1 sisters ■5$*K*#*rp LiV>iL sister city >fct> ti^"%> friend cf. Tomodu-chi is normally written as MM. >9>7 V-A, friend (more formal than %.tfr"W%. ^T-Ti^ltK friendly relations At 81 is © t>ftc, *^ ^ C what &,CL; what time cf.-HA, M 0, ffff B, etc. ^X' i whatever &A/"C why (used in casual speech) tt ^ t one way or another, somehow § < geometry >tztl cf. i8 is not a /ovo Kanji, but it has been included in this text. ft *ftL who 14 15 % 1 tK* <82-87> £ it £ $r TJT X ® (1] 'h -ft IS <88-93> £ 1 A% %A m B5 13 ► AV-S * J: -5 iix name L^*!)^ personal name ft«I>t> place name ib i(> D ^ master, expert ad>% fema, Japanese syllabary A& Q traces, remains t?i/*fr£ 7 daimyo, feudal lord kfr'** high, expensive JLAstZti* rise in the exchange rate of the yen ■5 1 &lf sales, turnover d 7 Z. 7 high school illio high (atmospheric) pressure ti jj14 5 rise, be raised J?»i"W'' cheap, inexpensive K^-^-f fall in die exchange rate of the dollar £>/v L cv. feel relieved, stop worrying, feel at ease @ -C'*E (Lcv.beworried, be anxious &/Hf/v safety anxiety $TL^ *fcfcLv> new 0 fSH'ii mtz it L. A^-is/L- newspaper L/CL-t' new car cf. •r'S"^ (ft * 7 £ L ) used car L*9> T -t^1 new student U/i,lCi5>-) L*t»A< hew em-'S ployee & (■> ti -t: new 1 icif>'?^ newly married wife IS iSV> old ^» 6used book •f5^t^""t~ wear out (by use) | 41-^5-i|t. t>*i;Lf used car 0 ^"jflL^ajfe ^L-C^j5^*i< classical literature d.&A ancient writings, clas- i sics C d/ti: 7 2*^ all ages and 0 countries to ;;: 0 a-?k 0 ;fcv^-a^ a'h 0 a*S ah a& al/ž big, large flood cf.*8t*U-7 i f V>) flood ■fc-ftWC very 8 •Sit tf^tfi university, college If ftVL,):? large and small,; size £*V>C i 7 M all right, secure, I safe |fj ftv? soybean < big/powerful natiim'| large amount off money tc t» L ft great, serious, imposj tant, considerable (as in ^ L- 5 timst-iis^) ;s| AťC aa a>* ,Jx$ o A'J> 'J>A 0 0 ->K.% 0 /J> šp-ft t^Lt not very ~, not so much ~ a*5fc4 adult Chotei, the ancient Japanese Imperial Court ; &J$>&bz. Yamato-e painting ► L J: -5 t,^^^ small, little L i i A*t i 5 elementary school ft*^Lil large and small, size L t 7 IzA, children (used in bus fares/etc.) L- £ 7 C A. insignificant person, small-minded person ZVk dwarf d fytf the little finger, the little toe rt1) little bird i^-3"C check kif't) (small) stream "$> "ft adzuki bean &**vi long L- * ^ i company president -fefe t 7 departraent head t> £ 7 'CfrAs for a long time % £ 7 U £ strong point, merit M S3f(ft^L £ ) weak point, shortcoming ftj^feA- for a long time 901 its I ►fc^ 12|7u2-| D>*L**>(v») £g.(.\ ^U*»v-> short 5S^,1 ft^-§* Quicktempered £lftiL i weak point, shortcoming ■fdffii *>J:?ft^ strong points and weak points 0 M'MA^fc ft^?ft:l'>A*< junior college cf. abbr. M*(ft^ft*V») 0 ft^?^?5 short-term t| 3 morning $%Z'UAs breakfast "§rlH every morning bun (a newspaper) ft 93 1_I ft J: -5 t i < breakfast A (t 3 this morning V- £> daytime, noon, midday t>5^'!i^ lunch iAS-^-t* lunch break trží daytime ft 1* •? U ± < lunch D>J:. «t5 * é night i h it dawn, daybreak j;^:*' in the night ClX,-1^ tonight ^» L £ < midnight snack ■tí « A A is .S c 3 c S e 'p -_- -j I) V. c c -ô •H 'P ■fcÉ ~> *H 4< ^ ^\ ^ -K ^ ■K ^\ ■K Í! tí1 v ^ *6 5 JS u * íi S Ír - ^ "Y> *R •« & ▲ A Í! 4« Í! 48 ■tí +3 -Ŕ t* -r ■d nrj cur O O 1« -1 •ŕ s I I o ^ g H g ŕfr 3 03 ■« ■4 Kí K •h 43 A A > M í Í! ŕ í? n" -ft g -a S ±3 -s a ft -3 -r ■Í! £■ 8 ■¥ -i u ▲ A —: t: i S- 'p a C -« o v o P. -é A A í* .1 I ■R I s-o "O -í i -c 1 « S B <£ " "aj c Í! ° £■3 — * t-4 m ^ 1$ 1$ c o M 3 vacat the fo Isticé S3 c S 'C AJ mer V) T-§■ sum 't -i v v. Í5 y: ■ä ~í C e- CO _> f _) 0: c 0 1 -4 & AJ ^, ^ 44. ^ It, £ A A T.' K, « ■Ŕ .3 C Si -> Ctí »ÍH W „2 í.' ■^ r; if * [HR r tí ť , bo *■ R ^ Vi 'n -C tíl B -í >J -í íe's 0 ta all ni aj ■+-H M 'S ■-^ E O ■r-e- late a -i ~< -i M M -g AJ AJ B O Ď -S A A •a U B (U *t -C ■R S 'P 'P" taj bo _ > I tä ■S lá A A ■M B [2 ■u g B «J J -3 f- 'S m ■H 0 •íl &■= 'C OJ 3 u -S 'a _g ;a p. O S. S; a : T 6 1 frm <107—113> af \t. & %. &. a © <114~118> IfM B|{ 5 0 * < h V- the next day Bfifrl) hfr1) light t>irf stay up all night, reveal (one's identity/intentions) 107 13 0 Hf*^; < fjV1 dark, gloomy fc/LLo (photo) darkroom ftvifcA light and shade & A t cv. hint, suggest 103 7 16. >o<0), »<(**). *>< fg, l \ y- < V> low, short iC1S, 3 "Cif> rise and fall, pitch, undulations 0 ^ji\*£E X\i>$$>~3 low (atmospheric) pressure 0 1&#!> 5 t/<#>5 lower 109 7 it ► £a i>t)*4(^) j/rV\ near ifrit. shortcut { tj>jf~3 < approach, come near lit-? A1 shortly, before long ifi?fi[ ^A-Ci neighborhood ijLB + t- l/lUot*^!: soon, one of these days 0 s>I*'fVlh ^/v^1***1 modernization 110 13 5& o its. >tS(lr») far jiv^X-AW eternal jc./^ < (a day) excursion, (school) trip 0 2^-?«£(», oiti 6), I t> strong 'j J; ,t S become strong j| •.i; A strong point cw. study ft liT 9 i strong, power-ful | I? J: 7 HirV* ct>. compel, force forcible, overbe; ing | L,v>?.. compel, force ► Cf ( J; H weak J: fo ^ i> become weak [^(TA weak point .51 ;»< !■•■ < ?: lUi < < a world where) the weak are vic;;| Lin::- of the strong '| ft) wide, broad, large t>^>[£ plaza, (public) square, | open space .3 T> 5 £ h vi. spread, be diffused, become popular V-^ifh vi. spread, extend,^ stretch i Lh^itbh vt. spread, diffuse, disseminate, make something popular Uh\fi> vt. widen, unfold, an roll, spread, extend, expand fctHLfz MWUJ: wide, spacious £A1 . 7 vast >*>$(» <5> l'1 bad, wrong, evil, harm ful speak ill of 0 0* 0* 115 I 9 mm 0 0 0 0 & < KA, wicked/bad person S> < V» ill will, malice Si-oA" cw.fj. worsen 7 to hatred; . hate It/LSi^A hatred, disgust ► L* ts> 7, *> j -7 [ 11 to V" heavy, weighty, serious (illness/injury) if fti<» U » 7 body weight ti9>Tfli< gravity Lt * ■) ^ft5^ serious, important, grave L*XJ}£ Lt^9>7i^¥'±•? heavy industry I CfyiXAr important point, priority, emphasis ['-fit Lt * 7 < company director LT -5 ?S:^» seriously injured/ ill, in a critical/serious condition Hi 7^ precious, valuable L^'fei7:£ prudent, careful, cautious 0 S'fX. tlUi cf. be repeated/ duplicated, overlap 0 ^jt'-i&S t>"Cii» double nega- tive 4^3 3 ■jS'SfaS pile up, repeat 0 /V^*^ -^>i.S' double-flowered cherry tree 116 12 0 0 117 feu light, slight (illness/ injury) ■^fe& easy, simple ^Lfe^ ^A'lilc easily, without reserve feJf'^h- jS^^S1!: joyously, merrily fe1fc it^Li< light meal ft 13 tfl» t £" 7 L ❖ compact car ;*X^ It ^ i 7 ¥i 7 light industry >*^5f careless, thought less, rash, hasty fcKH* early *!> 5 (i^fe 5 move (the date) for- ward *fliJ$><<* quick, agile, nimble 7 % J: 7 early in the morning i 7 L »5> A. early spring 3 -p ■t i immediately, right away ? -7 % P 7 (c immediately r>*»<(a§), e<(6i-)i ~S_l\ to^-v^ late, slow 0 * 0 0 0 118 2ft 7 Wl • *|NHF MIS I"/ /JN a-CP Xs. ■IC ^£ SS *f 'R" UK si b"t 119 12 -I \ < ti 6 be late, be overdue, behind the times fc < ?>i" delay, put off *> £ < w. be late ► Li ab-pi> hot L ± late summer heat V-Liti summer retreat Life*^*^* midsummer greeting card 120 12 0 *$L^CO 121 11 3» 3*^ S trcold £trtf chill, (have) the shivers if-k, § the cold, coldness if'A.^rA, lonely/impoverished village &A,XA, agar Vfh,iFk, £ ^ shallow, slight < £ shallow 123 11 ^-rJ-lffl? 124 4 o ±:m o ±^ 125 |> b-*(lO, &*(5), - 3 iS-?-^1 thin, fine, slim, slender ■S'-frS-t i> become thin, become emaciated Zt^^' fine (line), detailed, trifling, small (change) details fe^fuLi detailed statement "■^S^S light snowfall ^.tv^ thick, big itS grow fat ft^i? the sun ft ^7 (male given name) £ 6 ft log ft ^5 sword >*)*>(v»), 4(L < ti) fo #H» young fcA'foj^L-V1 youthful b «9 young person fc^X (W) young (actor/etc.) 'fit'? t* young person young worker %7 < ^it:t, %7 < %/vK:,i: men and women of all ages 0 J L ( li (iLOJ or, otherwise 12g 6 ft Lv> busy fti^7 * busy ■)t L ^ ft*3r* % be very busy (with work) 127 13 [ft >LA, as 128 10 fa 6 fall asleep, go to bed, lie down T>-i>te nap tafr'f put (a child) to bed, lay down bedroom LA-ftnL-^ sleeping car 0 6(15), fc(Ct), 6) ^fi J •!> is § i> get up, happen, occur J ~f 5 ti-^-fc S -f S get up early fcCf" wake up (a person), raise, sit up, bring about fc Z h happen, occur S *) "3 cv. stand up h (f ^ origin, beginning 123 8 ► L OttU(J5), ttU(*>5) !i t S i> begin, start, commence (± U i 9 beginning (tL*iS begin, start, com mence it C >b outset, beginning As l > L cv. begin, start, commence 0 If* 7 131 132 12 Lli'j the first train/bus of the day ► L «> -5 f3b S end, be completed feiJ end, finish, complete L W> 7 9 i 7 cu. end \*-«P7X'A, the last train of the day iyfPlXA, terminal 7 CO all day (long) L 17 all the time ><(-5), <(fe-a), /=(^5) ft-^S eat tz^i><7) food L i < C meal feii Li ( breakfast ^»Ht < lunch t?> 7 L £ < dinner, supper L- i ( 9 i 7 food, provisions ( 7 eat cf. Kuu can be written as Rft "5 . but It is not a Joyo Kanji. ftX U § fast, fasting; cf. fast ZC^ beggar >fl>(tf) Wtt drink, take (medicine), swallow drink, beverage ^^.yJC cO*^"f drinking water j£;)Sf7JC k^OHt^ drinking water t>iL £ < "CjC restaurant 23 9* 0 ' 1 ?Jc¥ <133-138> * ')f * F£ ft # a A ii # *p ji * <139-145> g 1 driving 133 7 134 10 ><(&), *fc(&), < h come £1<1 if o next month fctiia^ next year f>t>tcto cw. come to Japan 3X V1 originally, from the first ! f^S-Hto/*1 this coming - (date) cause, bring about, lead to 'Jf-5 go back, return, leave (from work/etc.) 0 SKf *} V-&Z. 9 9 j: - 7 day trip 3 ^ i < cw. return to one's coun- try *5 0 jjt-t 135 s ^ ^> i7) 5 get on, ride, take (a bus/ plane/ etc.) 0 ^O^'rlf^ ©H^iii1 motion sickness, carsickness, seasickness 0 ^t#-*# E.f3L + WX train/bus ticket (H A^'tel^ Lt J: i 5 ± -5 Maha-yana Buddhism ® 'J^MAliC LJ7UJ:7.*!->S±7 Hinayana/Theravada Buddhism 136 10 >*(H), is(^-f), Mi) ffi 0 5 to " S get off (train/bus/etc.) ^ f) |% 1 « 0 to 0 getting on and off 0 PW1 0 TFf to ^ "f unload, drop off (a passenger) <*to exit on a train/ bus 137 138 6 fall, rain ; ^ 7 7 0 i 7 (amount of) rainfall 7 cf. descend ► £ <, ^ D>0<(5) *? < ?> make, produce CO Xli^tO handmade ■? < JxA, composition 3-3*' novelist cf. $# (tA -5 ; L-^) writer, a* (*iiL«) author £ ( L * writer £>t>£ < masterpiece, fine piece (of art) 3 < U-A, (artistic/fictional/ etc.) work £ < crop, agricultural product if 7 3 action, movement, motion StS7 manners, form, eti quette ► # «> -5 frt" tf rest, have a day off, be absent (from school/work) ^W^f* summer vacation Good night. ~4>k.<&. yt-^-fA short break h J?'i"ft6 rest, give a rest -j?^.H holiday, day off :3 nx o VPS, mi 0 ira si ■:3 I ^T-A =j i* 7 consecutive holidays 0 if-f^ H *$!] U*7§W>7^.o*MtV> the five-day workweek system 133 7 JL Jf, -5 ^ 4 look, watch, see fbJLlf& tt-hifh lookup %j~T 'h "f" Ato^i" look down (from the roof/etc.) JLTt *** a* MO 10 0 0 fe^v' A { fc*"f despise, look down on (in contempt) A^'fc point of view AiS/L sample A x. S (can) be seen, (can) see, be in sight, appear (honorific) &-iJ h show \*\fh, opinion, idea, suggestion ttX-A* i cv. visit (a factory/ etc.) to leam something & i cf. study ^A*{ < study ^iC"*/^ hardworking, industrious ► L'w -5 >t(tr), t(*-)) "ftf live. U * 7 L i address U * 7 A A inhabitants, residents L' * 11 ( house, residence + iv> house, dwelling 142 3 #0 143 ► L* t>fe(o) o have, take, hold, carry 5 4)*. ft If S lift (up), hold up, flatter, praise J 4> *> feeling, sensation, mood L- C cv. support 0 *p*m 144 10 0 >§*§ 0 145 9 0 L. S know, learn, notice, be acquainted acquaintance, friend % I; (prefectural) governor to L ^ knowledge, information ► Li* ^ It liquor, sake £ jj4-^1 liquor shop SA>(f bar, pub \zXS.k, L «> Japanese sake S V>^L«>7^"C^ drunken driving A to A ^ sake offered to the gods to to ^ tea, Japanese tea Z. 7 to black tea fe * ;b ^ (rice) bowl, teacup to-S't'1^) brown to * CO S living room to4>Uo tea-ceremony room/ house ?iT7, to^f-? theartofthe tea ceremony 2'l 25 146 147 13 ík 14b 1 %(T>i ► To ^ subway, under- ground railway L"CO private railway tojfi railroad "Co iron **< scholar \^\*.-*? doctor -tf A L * the former ;i the latter ^fv»?AL-^ third person, out sider bi'li") young person jf t <7) & W member of one's family/group cf. (X % , L* "3 1 -~> subway, underground railway AT* fe^i'V" ground water t *> land *>#>v» place name hiiy region, district, province, countryside /Ir'Criiii?^ ^ N A.1ř»í Cl%**lř»lř> comfortable/cozy (room), feel at home ULA earthquake l^ibA, surface of the earth, land, ground SÍU&íOíi.'^'1 Al><(;«*^ timid, cowardly ► L «* [>t-o ^Ci neighborhood U 9> T L- i address tfLi place It A § * 1 C £ (research) laboratory, research institute Ltfei^ head/chief/manager (of an office) t » L ± famous place/sight lio-eALi electric power plant *> X ■) L i strong point, merit ■ l| £ A L J: weak point, short-coming L J: t < income /if t kitchen ►aa\ if >*t, s*\ (i-rct), 1*1* d*Vsd < foreign country A*t>£ ( I; A foreigner **V»i < ;T foreign language A*VS f>V'^ loan word A'lf'U^o en. go out *Hi*'\,->9 J: £ -j traveling abroad, overseas trip £ outside (StW another cf. Hokano can be written as fft&V), but the use of this character for hoka is not officially recognized in the 1 _/^rj>0 Kanji. f£"fT take off, remove, unfasten B"f tLS come off/undone, miss (the target) if if surgery 151 f*3 W s§ & « <151-15B> Ml** tli AS -J Ml 152 4 1*1 X 1= < foreign country tJi < i mother tongue fz^'Zi big/powerful nation L J: T i ( small nation t>» 9 ; < China ;6*A>1 < the Republic of Korea, (South) Korea L Z < Shikoku nation ( (C country, nation H r*3#Uf - < 9 £ - 5 travel within a country $fjl*l A'/C^c^* in the building 0 *^UT*5 i^&li* in the station build- ing jfLf*! my wife f*]-?k inside and outside 0 fVM inside 0 *^fcr*9 t}V*fV» precinct (of a tem ple/shrine) 153 10 ► y 9 tale, story, narra- tive 5 talk, chat, tell (a story) ■i>i1i.r)X narrator, storyteller & 5 narrate, show (the fact that ~) mm o mi •lz§J 1^^- ili>; English (language) xlf^iH^fc English conversation ^.l;>£< the United Kingdom 0 AH'^S ^^i^T^C: < the British Empi ■ e 0 W'tWC^ iV>SV>S±ŤVi< special education for the gifted 156 5 ► Urn -y-jd* (<» world ■ttfc care (as in "take care of) -y-^f If > generation !::-£v» second generation (immigrant/etc.) fe^T-g-v* the Middle Ages, the medieval period 21 IŘI** <157-162> # t f 4- H @ 157 9 15« 10 CtOJ: this world, the present life fan! the next world, the afterlife JrO^^ the world, life ■fifH world MA,A* < A41'1 literary world -frv^v* political world cfH*1^ financial world tJXj>Mf limit, bounds i,3 cf. if l.» double, twice, two times ~t£t> --fold, ~ magnification 159 5 ► 0^ ^-r.B^^- C** t (cCt±^ twelve-thirty (4/ttL a half year HXJ^ half jjífíf -tř/Uá^ the first half ^J^. ^ 7 (3X the second half ý^^f- the greater part of, the larger portion of, the majority of, for the most part 0 ^.-Kf^ii* 3A.£w5*!Vir*»fcf one's middle thirties 160 ► if A, iřX-fe all H ^^-gj fcayt-t?^ < all over Japan, all parts of Japan cf. #^ £ < ) many countries 0 3H£j£* 0 £1 -f 161 12 H AíBj 0 -SfBJ 162 6 — 15] v" EI i??') a I JffX,fcV»Li9> totalitarianism I .£ - - .'i < quite, entirely, thor- ]; oughly, completely | 4 -p t -j "t" i> accomplish, ful- S fill li 3&»X, time I JaA,iFÁs yearly, a year | ■^ij'A, at night, night [school) a ášlfiť interval, space, gap, distance I^IŽA,£ Japanese-style room £ 7 t Western-style room h^coi living room \zA,tfA- human being, mankind -frij^ the world, people ► *^\ X. t>jí5(ž), ífcCt) — time{s) -tf/v^lf last time this time C a" li"» next time *»if1 -) c«. reply, answer ít>h turn (round), go (round) Řh^^-ii detour, roundabout way ž. Z ■? cv. hold a memorial service 28 153 11 # # Š1 O g <163-168> 2a V 164 a** ► L 8> 0 -tí-^1,1* 5 last week Cl X- L >5> "5 this week f> li111$ 7 next week ~ Lw> -5 ~ week(s) L*l weekend the five-day workweek system 165 7 i V»fc% every day £ if I * •) every week iMl every month i^tL, ilffa/v every year #. ^fj^f body -f^^? £lf 9 i < physical strength f^*^ ii^i^i physique, build tfufcli* on the whole, by and large, roughly, for the most part; main (points) — tyf. t>-ofctf What on earth (did you do/etc.) —■&•* ^ li»-oftV»(c45 become one with, be united ■Uirrfl# -trltXTif appearance ^'Hl "CV'SV* appearance, form, style 166 16 t>**:í, ^Lí) fa fz á head "f o -7 headache ftSl -tiX t ? the forefront, the head, the lead, the top 0 — £ ? (counter for big ani- mals) Orarfo, Tokyo Dance Song 0 slA*? 167 3 A4lí)í)L; the first letter (of a word), initials ( *j mouth XCj)C (rt entrance 0 0 a'i*'^ -C<'^ exit li^ <*>-£• (speak) fast if Z 7 (volcanic) crater £ ;^D^^>-r>l!t^ oral examination 0*^rUW]*Htli- ^><^il,%i: with one voice, with one accord 168 5 3 t>«>. i i6 eye H'gl-frfrZ) iitbi~frfr& see (honorific) @ ^>^>^" standard, yardstick, criterion SJK'DA *iiW»t one's superior, one's senior @T(OA * t fc £ one's inferior, one's junior @ lltf (-If A, before one's eye, im- mediate, impending @ *6^7 t(tl purpose B'M t < y-J: T goal, objective Sfi @ <£^(;f< face, honor, reputa- tion iW*/;1)^ before one's eyes 29 S5 1 frm <169-174> *F Ä # Ä ©CD'J ® 169 6 o ► L* 'S*- ear ti-^^A sharp-eared Utf* otolaryngology 170 4 "Mt •"HS "5 171 7 -£ o .**T-£ Ä + 0 172 4 >T, ft "C hand Jit (postage) stamp T. £ X. this side X J time, labor, effort "*"C'*'fc? help, assist aUi7 T& skilled, good (tennis player/drawing/eta) '"''s-jfc* unskillful, poor (tennis player/drawing/etc.) -fr/CL* athlete, player 1z~3t( reins * L foot, leg, paw ~-fr< — pair(s) of (shoes/ socks/etc.) J^Z < shortage, insufficiency; ct.m. lack, be short of fr-fJs-Z < water shortage fc 1 i> be enough, be sufficient It "J" add, supply " Tit* Japanese-style socks ► LA, i;^ mind, heart, spirit 15 L A, one's real intention/ mind 0 *> i* T L-/v center, middle *4^L^ concern, interest |j *A,L/v cw. admire, be very impressed *A-L/v* admirable m 0 J^Tf 0 U C >9> ^5 double suicide; cv. commit suicide together **lr»CT"L ^A'loV' comfortable/cozy (room), feel at home 2 %*fj power, force, (physi-;.! cal) strength || UCt physical labor, \ job that requires muscle power jl %ii'b~3X.^ powerful, mighty, strong jb' < *) £ < academic ability !§§ t» 9 J < (physical) strength -if A, 9 * < "C with all one's might, to the best of one's abil- j s ity (0 "j 0 i < ability, capacil v if •) i < effort; cu. make efforts iiAy")X< power, authoriry j nuclear power plant 0 * % id i£<) % horsepower, energy (to do work) 0 fi'W l^ntl ability 174 5 i"3 fco stand up up and take ; iL ^.oh i & tz*,££& stop, halt, pausef jt^-t^? ttWb stand up, standj up and take action, rise (up) @ ji^1 stand out, be conspicu- ous fciili position, standpoint, situation J $L 7 fc^> sudden shower in the late afternoon T-i — ' 9-5 L t -buffet-style dinner party llAA^ r<9-5^>*f< national university ifjtS %*-)i)o;< neutral country O'^jt^tL^ CI A." *^ "-ft."", be built 175 10 176 9 < 0 ^ 0 gl 177 >-f*>(5) 't'foS sit down seat 17 ? bank account >*$(<), *«>(tf) fc"b < walk (5^7 sidewalk IS "I "i L- * pedestrian ~(5 ~ step(s) tru. improve, advance; progress, advance, improvement Mtiy percentage, commission $>tf))#. walking, history (of a company/school/etc.) -S» pawn (in Japanese chess) t>ttL(S) (4 L, 2> run ^H-? runner It7^7 cv. ran in a race t h 11 m 17km 0* N L b i~ December 178 13 It*-** talk, tell, speak ^iL^" l±^t"t speaker t&L^3 t±£L %<»-j (the line is) busy ftL-^T B^L-*? talk, discuss l§L^-V\ (t^tL*v> talk, discussion tfeff^L stand chatting/ talking *C*^i? telephone ipliifo conversation 179 14 o#(<), Mas) ^ < hear, listen US 5 § ? T hearer, listener J (can) be heard, (can) hear newspaper 0 unheard-of, unprecedented 180 14 m >«t(tf) mi? J: tr read Wim ":* < L «t cp. read books i* < L * reader 0 wm "J-? i " ot. chant a sutra o'^M* & < t ■? t >l. punctuation marks 0 t < tit/t reader (as in a textbook) 1S1 ► Li 10 >*•(<) if < write writer 30 31 Ig 1 TMP <182-186> ft f il * X ® <1B7-191> $1*« 0 182 10 it 0 5 183 12 t 0 dictation, teyY quiz preface iT< L± cp. read books U ± title (of a book) L i "C ^ bookstore L±2f7 calligraphy L- £ i -3 books \>i>-(*) t) A"f| 5 borrow, rent 1 debt L-s"? ^^ debt, loan; o>. borrow money L * < rented house ft^L.^ cv. lend and borrow; debt and credit lend, loan frL-Q house for rent L i room for rent if L debt (as in "I am in his debt") ( L ) & L *4 L, ft L lending, loan 0 jjffll ftl<>LJ?'< cv. lend and bor- row; debt and credit i'x.'t" return, give something back 0 JS.Ý *>" < 9 a1*"*' send back> return 0 i&**P 32 ^-A-U «>. answer, reply 'nA, ? ^ < cv. return, repay JLÄI >t(&), fc'(-t) "C*£ go out, attend "CCft exit V?)T sunrise sunset |H©X"(t> 136 2 X -e^ita go out ftT put out, take out & ft L headline, dictionary entry L •» l£"7 cp. depart, leave #*v*Li9>-7 cp. go out L*'=>d < cp. depart from a country L W> § cp. attend (a class/j| meeting/etc.), be present X lr» L- *0 cw. present, submit II -fv> fc -5 A*** 9 cashier, teller „J 1 [>W5), CU»(S) i X5 ii t > 5 enter A*t* W'fLS put in, let in 1 gtc^S like, be pleased (with) XO)n lr> f) <*ft entrance V-m>i) sunset A^ £ * 7 ** < cp. enter a school A4t Ci»H* cw. enter/join a company ABE (Ci^o^'A- cp. be sent to a hospital, be hospitalized AH cv. enter a country, be admitted into a country A# C op 7 D i 7 cp. enter, be admitted 0 *i[XA L n> 7 (C B> 7 income 0 #A 3 A,C ©7 cp. enter (a market) ► fcfcV >-5(6), 7(*LS) 7 6 sell 7 9 if sales counter, department where something is sold 7% 0 3 ? 0 £*t6 be sold out j& ( 0 ) _t (I f) 7 0 * If sales, proceeds 'J ( 1 ) d 7 0 t/v retail store 0 ffvM/T^- £*7nt7^ advance ticket 0 (!)-$■''ftHb 7DTLUJ;7 sellers' market 7 tiž sell (well) cf. ~I±J: < Jfcft.í> sell well tTÍíH-Ít!* sales 1Í 12 IS^XA, stand, kiosk, stall (ilf>Li*/v cp. prostitute í3Xiřv> cv. sell XT "> buy J? (l \) ty$ tř\*%,(ie>(7) 1 It h 7 pay O'jt^A-? Ll*f»7 pay 0*3tfe(^,') Liif>l» payment ]|fj'^,k(\.,>) ii.idTfel» advance payment <> t^'^S. cp. become scarce, run short 0. 190 12 0*-0*^ wipe out cv. sweep away, >#(&), #c*s), o(<), & ä put on, wear S -Or S dress someone §feö7 kimono L ft ¥ underwear ÄTe? swimsuit, bathing suit o < reach, arrive t 7 ft < cv. reach, arrive ~ ft t" < arriving at (time) — ft < counter for clothes ft * < ft * < t steadily, step by step L» cp. start to do, start on *V'ftj?> <, *nl;je< love, attachment, affection Ln> 7 ft* < , L» 7 D* < cp. be attached, stick (to) >*(<*), take off (clothes/shoes/ etc.) ft"^>~3"i<* cp. spin-dry (tlie laundry) ^tV'UH't^ dehy dration ffiL»7 cp. escape, get out of ft-?-*r^ c». be derailed, run off the track, digress (from the subject) ftoc^ < cp. escape from prison 33 mi&m v. ft m »? & ft L®1 ® <200-2Q4> m 1 7jC>t 192 13 ► if-5 >ttfc&(<) lift: £ < work lift & ^ work, workings liftib&t worker "6 v t' 7 work, labor 5 7 t* 7 L * worker, laborer 0 "sMfe'&fi a" laborunion 0'^"HJAQ TotfvC/l^v working population, work force 0 'ifWltl -5 7 fc*7 ") i < manpower, work force, labor force labor shortage m < 153 194 195 9 #0 <* swim ■$"V">x>' swimming £>v,£li' long-distance swimming XJ-hisX "t? breaststroke ► L f >-5o(1"), 7 0(S) 7 copy, take (a picture) L * photograph, picture L-^L-A-*1 photographer L^-ftv ct. sketch wait #^-^b^C^I" 5 S%*b-&(*)-T5 arrange to meet, meet (at) ft~h^h^t & t%i>h-^h arrange to meet, meet (at) ihh^Lo waiting room ^ ft i<> cv. hope for, expect L i 7 ft Ii' cv. invite 196 12 i°b 7 Ii t' 7 promenade 0 #ÄÄJj b<0&ty-$A, pleasure trip ft"*rJi play MMifa !>Ü<.*i amusement park, recreation grounds 197 0 «f*>£. 193 3 ttfj; i^- call, call out to "SM/fB-t" il/ftT ask to come, call up (on the phone), summon M Z. co. breathe cf. * IS, & ~fh (Vh) breathe ........._________________ If ®i t>*e>(-5) f> 7 wash is X $> t> v • lavatory, toilet -tir/Cft < c». do laundry &-^$A' Bfej-Üll -It/LTfc < S washing machine J^'Jt \ 4 V Tii'*/^ M V flush toilet 0 ~dCM\ cv. brainwash 199 8 Ali >-3 *"■(-)) ■oA1! use 'JAH^'ft how to use, method || of use L i 7 ti 7 how to use, method : :| of use ftt>L ambassador LL« messenger 31 200 14 ft* 201 11 202 9 O-jfc, -5ft(-5) 7 ft song 7 ft 7 sing L «?> singer c: -> if national anthem i 7 school song ft/0*1 tonka, Japanese poem of thirty-one syllables hfr waka, Japanese poem of thiry-one syllables ► L * -5 tt h 7 learn i. L i?> 7 cf. learn C L, >9> 7 cw.f z. study by one self J: L- ijo 7 ta. prepare one's lessons i. < L1* 7 cf. review L * 7 t < cv. master L ks> 7 C calligraphy, penmanship ► L i™ ") tti think, guess, believe, feel, consider ßV-itBi" Hi^ti-f remember & ^ N tb -te i V»T? memories Sll-?( fc&l^O< think of, hit on (an idea) ,'SVi^'*tti^ tJit'^lf^ii' unexpected Jfgl^^JJ1) fifeV>(^)#9 to one's heart content, as hard as one can Si O'ft'f 0 -n*-* i)"bfo~T)* unconsciously, in spire of oneself ^ L "*. 7 0 i < ability to think Ä'^^S ii'Llfo"C^» decisionmaking 203 7 O DO 0 f *ft 204 10 a? mo >■-••(?), :t ii» 7 say, talk about, tell li'i'tolf excuse X'As^A, message; cv. give/ send a message if A, Z language B 7 If ^ dialect ^ t If language t> t il i: a word, single word ► o-5, (-5) t •& 5 go along, pass through/along 153 v street iT-fe 1 big street ~ i'iJ n — street/avenue tA £ f i> 9 pedestrian traffic L/i)Ji1 (-Lft)tfe'J as (promised/one is told/etc.) — ü *) ->tiJSn once 0 ~tJ30 ~ ways (of doing something) ill *) >t 7 go to (school/work), go to and from o 7 A" < cv. attend/go to school 0 äi/1t# CP. commute, go to one's office iÜlT "3 7CT.7 traffic; cv. pass, go past/through 07^ ci/. notify, announce ■""^iil -fe/^0 7 ra. correspond (by letters) 35 m 1 ** <205-21D> & ää >6 0 *£it at-a 0 äl 0 ilÄ 205 12 »5 ❖ arm** 206 iioi traffic, transportation ■5 7 C 2> be understood, be connected, run, be open to traffic -3 -5 connoisseur, expert wake, vigil ► t fc> ft: ä go across, go over hk~t lay/build across, hand (over) fc-«V» cv. go to America t C: 7 V- overseas travel expenses th^CA, foreigners who came to ancient Japan, bringing certain expertise i> < ä send &.& < 5 see someone off fclo < 0 seeing someone off iäQsÄ't Ö<0^it send back, return 0 iä^'fö^ fc < 9 conjugational/de-clensional ending added in kana after a Aonjr 7 £ /L- a>. remit/send money 7 Ti*ViU« shipping/ freight company 7 "SOaJpV* farewell party ft-J -t ■) 8 i < broadcasting station, radio/TV station 207 30 ► (J < t ä S stay, stop CB<*o*> (trip of) three days and two nights 0 fe'Jö'J L < (± < V charges for accommodations 203 12 jfe/C^i fctJ;i£ remember, memorize ;C t \. ■> 5 ii'Sit^S remember, have/keep/bear something in mind w. wake up ot. wake up §063 1*11+ A?*Liflt^ alarm (clock) ^o|^ *>^< cw. perceive *iH *■ ^ sense, sensation, feel- " ing 209 7 210 15 >fct(*i&) 61-n.S forget SH^l fc-ttLfe© thing left behind iS^^- l?7fa^*H> year-end (dinner) party ► *> J: -5 f)l-< 5 Lfe^S study, investigate, examine Wl^f-fi*^ *~ l ^JtU'M' be in good : health, be in good order 5£H $ i 7 ^ i cu. emphasize cf. S*S (U* 7 L) o>. attach-: importance to, regard as impor-: tant 0 211 13 m % & * m <211-215> ^ITJC* §1 ;t & ttWx.li prepare something, make arrangements, supply »L*tt 212 6 213 12 1£ S iii. continue 5 li % L -3-3 It £ continue talking/speaking -3-rJ < w. continue .i. 9 0-3* < continue raining cf. -tsuzuku is used only in ft 9 jftfe <. -tsuzukeru is used for other verbs. -3-3" § continuation, continuance, sequel X "3-3* § procedures flX-S'X continuation, series; cv. continue, be consecutive ■?<•?"'' < t one after another, in rapid succession ■?"■) < Cf. inherit, succeed (JViJp < ci>. continue >jM,*<(*.S) ri^**;?. & think, consider, meditate ri'/L^'Xi'j'ft way of thinking, thought, idea #x tt-Astfz. idea, thought, plan, opinion, intention L i 7 thinking; cv.vi. think £ A> £ ~i Li reference book C^jS'! archeology C -) •) i cy. consider, take into consideration i ft: i. 5 answer, reply, respond w ft i. answer, reply, response 214 11 0 |Sc*f 215 12 A1 if* t 7 reply, answer; cp. reply, answer, respond AH11 7 answer, solution; cv. answer, solve 11 -^/L cy. reply, answer, (at an assembly) ► # *-3 i> L z. S teach, tell U L £ d'ft teaching method isihh be taught, be told lii L-3 classroom S i ■) * professor; cv. teach 8 education; cv. edu- cate Iti church Jf'JXrSn Christianity L © 7 § i 7 religion *(<), *(tt*) feitS pi open, make room for, vacate, empty h < vi. open, become empty/ vacant, be through with, be free (as in not busy, have no plans) iF^XA, cv. open a store iH'L cv. start, begin jJ^V^t* cf. open a meeting, go into session d'^A^L % opening ceremony 7 cu.uj. be open to traffic ii < open, unfold, found, establish, hold (a meeting/ party), bloom, blossom 7 ^V S opening a beach to the public for the summer 1 TrCäp <216-220> ± fa >W it I 8 I W <221-225> m 1 0 '«Hfl 21C 11 ana 5 mm 217 4 zl»if !±-"3 cd. develop ~C A. A* ^ cw. develop, unfold >£((;*). fc I (ft 5), U£5) L.*t>& shut, close L J S be shut/closed, shut, close t U S close 'M^TJA. cp. close a shop c». close a meeting, adjur.m 'NV>i*i(>L§ closing ceremony 3j»l,»^i<» cv. open and close ~v(r*c? cv. close (a road/port/ etc.) t&'f shut (one's mouth/a gate/etc.) ► L fc#>S Stop, turn off £ i S stop, halt, be parked ii§/?T,lk.*!> oiCi^ft No Thorough fare ^r7 at *> W>") L c«. stop, suspend, discontinue, cancel 0 '^fit cv. forbid, prohibit, place a ban on ®*&jL3§ ^liiJf wharf, pier 218 12 >*(<), *dts> ( ' 4" < burn, roast, bake, broil, grill, toast, bake, fire (pottery), scorch, be jealous if&tt 3 4» ttS be burnt, be baked, be toasted, be roasted, be suntanned Bfttt V-Wi cv. be suntanned 219 ID 5» i?) -5 4 ij evening glow -t?A L, J: 7 cv. be burned down, be reduced to ashes L i 7 Lo cv. be burned down, be consumed by fire ► L «t -5 lf"f~ extinguish, switch off (a light), turn off (the gas), erase, wipe out, cross out 30 it-f t 9 Iff cancel i'd'L^A rtl-^'A eraser Jit X. 5 # X. S disappear, go out (as in a light/candle), melt (away), die away 0 jft'^C'ISi- l-idi'S fire extinguisher 0 JW'-fh LZ7& cv. digest ^ Liit/L« consumer 220 ,1 > L' tc), £fe"f repair, fix,t correct, revise, improve cf. }Si'(&i3 "J") cure, heal j|,tjj["f" reconsider, come to have a better opinion of it § be repaired, be fixed cf.*fcS(£feS) get well, be cured AifSft fcJ: t <")«!> 7 direct current, DC S*£!&( - 7 0 * 7 ) alternating current, AC AiTlIL i -3 £ 7 t/^t direct flight itiy *>±<-£X immediately be fore it-JIt % J: < £ immediately after Z7\^ £7% Z. { fc£v> selling directly from the factory 0 *Xd 0 it' *> X < *-3 directly ■£ofcj:<& honest, frank, candid, straightforward L i 7 I* S 4" honest Li S t soon, in a short time, before long; immediately £/?*>ie away immediately, right 0 $.1/11 222 SI 0 fL'ft, 223 10 at AS «1 4 ib-<& line (things) up, put side by side, display, list tchJs stand in a line, line up, be parallel row of trees (along a road/etc.) tc hViz and, as well as ^■>C17 L."C (do another thing) at the same time vt. change, alter, reform (a system), amend (a regulation) i*fc5 vi, change, be altered, vary, be amended, be revised, change into li^-^Asft serious, grave, terrible, dreadful ^A,%: odd, strange, queer cv. change, vary, transform; transition >c(s), e>z(T) leave (behind), save (for later use) Z S remain, stay *-5(i5), fcO(**>), &o#)S bring together, gather, collect, call together £>o££ gather, get together, meet, crowd, be concentrated L i* 7 A1!'1 meeting, gathering, assembly L t}> 7 ? A, cv. collect money/ bills L H> 7 ■} «». gather, meet, assemble L»H*1 cv. concentrate, centralize, center on, focus on L W> 7 L *o ■) c«. collect, gather t < L- * 7 special feature; e». feature 225 10 m '7 special issue ■ff A L * 7 the complete works (of) oi*7 gather, get together, meet ► tl [>fcfc(n.i>), fcfc(-r) J>^" knock down, push over, fell, beat, defeat, kill, over throw, topple fc .fctLS fall over, collapse, break down, die, be killed, be overthrown t 7 S ^ cd. go bankrupt; bankruptcy, financial failure 38 3!) 5ft I /Nip MÍB-Í01/ *m ix *>> m \?L i w S ft f <233-238> fi 1 Ttííp ill 22G 11 ► tt>7 ^Ťf/řul^ post office ÍŤÍ Í ct. mail 227 Í fPÍĚ^ I9>7Í/A^±< post office 0 ^"JfJ'fx' A regular service (a flight/etc.) 0 lE^fiJllf tW-DJ-Tta&W jumping on the bandwagon and increasing prices J/A-tirA letter pad ^A, *) & useful, handy ^A t J; lavatory L ± 7 ^A urine ft: J: ^ letter, correspondence, news, tidings 19>-? t/A? Jr < post office Ii7 -? 7 § ± < TV station, radio station [J < ^ i < Bureau for North America li<5ii bureau chief if -j S i < finally, in the end ■ftt'Si < political situation o firs o «0 27.S 7 223 10 ■is A ► I/ J: "5, ^s t/i -3 HA hospital T/iT S illness, sickness, dis ease t/i -5 S ' 7 » 7 serious illness/ a disease j § «^iv>, ^,Ir'-'K'.tv» | incurable/fatal disease J ❖tf fall ill, become sick, suf fer from % L,o"u» illness, sickness, dis-5 ease 11X 7 A- hospital ^fVA* < l^A. graduate school ; (Ci^ti^A ev. be sent to a: hospital, be hospitalized fcir'^/L. cv. leave the hospital, ■'; be discharged from the hospital : i £* window J it*<*% (teller's/etc.) window 1 £* 7 ^ 7 alumni associa- ;j tion $>$b rain i5ii£>i£> heavy rain 6 i fi-~f rainwater rainwear, raincoat,, umbrella 7 n ± 7 precipitation, rain-; fall Aot$> the rainy season 1*1» 7-If/v* A warm front; of early summer rain light rain, drizzle \i 5 ? fä7 Osaka and its neighboring regions 234 3 x.i^Af movie CiTXV" cv. show (a movie) i'Ji be reflected 7 "2*$ reflect, project (ix.S shine, look nice £lf^*J movie u'a1 painter, artist 0 ICBAá* Japanese style painting 0 á1!*1 a* picture, drawing, painting i 7 Western-style painting, foreign film 238 15 15 7 Japanese film H-ü) It^jíi4 < cv. create a plan/ project 236 ft 0 ftx 5 0 *i&tt ► I, u. L- £ work, business, job L-íiITS finish (off/up), complete Lfei1^ be finished, be completed, be ready Li£"CS make (clothes), tailor o^-tl> serve (a person), work under/for waiter, waitress; cv. wait 237 8 ft* A* A* ► L*, f L t work, business, job "C ^ ZT £ event, happening, occurrence h- t ^ beautiful, splendid, masterful &CDCT£ things, matters, eve rything d» t housework, housekeeping if-M, fire t A t personnel affairs important M. tt A incident, affair, matter, case, trouble i 7 -f if- dilettante ► LO, lib, % . L"5 4) A question; w. ask questions L-5 quality cf. *fi (n i 7 ) quantity BALo real nature, sub stance, essence yA.l_o quality of a product cf. *f£*n6 (iti.>»7) capacity/ performance (of a machine) 40 41 6B I /JV-^ NiJS-íťl/ i oj Ts ^ ík, *r 11 ľl 'a ❖ m O "f í 233 11 tiLo nature of the soil, geological features t> t C *> hostage L pawnshop *Nf pledge, word (as in "get one's word") t>t(-5), to), ^ Lo*^ question; cv. ask questions 4> problem, issue, ques- tion (in an exam) & < & ^ learning, study, studies //£*■) o>. ask questions and give answers t V1 question nfl\ \At 5 k 6 make in- quiries (at an office), inquire s vffo^ t^h-b-t inquiry o n 240 10 äff £ .■C-'v', t tv?" wholesale store ► 'J 7 9 ± 7 t*7 -5 toil road C> -fefl-'S Lf Oi'^ food, groceries 241 11 mm 9 ± 7 0 cf- cook; cuisine 9 jb'lo cy. understand, comprehend cf. ftirhibiph) understand, realize, find out LA.*) psychology L ^ 9 < psychology ->kiJ. * 9 geography #51^ j£-o9*«< physics <> -&^> 9 T £ IC physically 9 ô A theory ^9 logic : 0 Ä 'x : i M. Ť£ ; r? =fc & L, L ^ photograph, picture 1^9 truth L ^ < 7 vacuum S -3 I, * pure white, snow-white i-o < pitch-black "i^i^ bright/deep red *" 4 -> ** i5 * deep blue, pale St -3 < b f£ pitch-dark 7C fl # Jf'J <245-248> 1 0 Ä/ZA^V^' *^**W4 (perfectly) round 243 10 I* £ A,**- the middle, the center, the heart 4 -3 t? % IC at the very beginning, first of all ► L Xtf"* letter paper L/v-Ss/LL newspaper 3 t'-St 3 t-i ■? t copying paper ô J* 244 l± < L blank sheet fc> L Japanese paper ■f * favorite; be fond of A*f~ 4 S* (most) favorite; be very fond of £f í-£ř í 7c 1"S"řS*? be a matter of taste i ■? li» goodwill, good wishes, kindness, favor ■1 7 t> t 7 * in good condition, satisfactory 0 TxL&'&JZ: ®> 7 = 7 -C § * friendly 0 #A^ if í; ; 'Ľ^i50 good-natured person ZHi b at one's feet, (one's) step H-ii tx.4it head/master of a school (of flower arrangement/ tea ceremony/etc.) V> originally, primarily, by nature **A,fcA. the first day of the year ► #, It If ^ § * healthy,' in good spirits 1» i % feeling, mood, sensa tion ^CXJ § ICloa get/grow fond of x'A, ^ electricity A^ti, (■':/',"'■ popularity, popular A^l lAiiJ" sign/presense of people AJ\ fcv>S atmosphere ft,^ Sfc^ gas 0 IfX*^ S i 7 weather, climate 0 *^^, iNbl! cu. have an affair, be unfaithful to one's spouse 0 Afl'Oi'^ ytifco-jrn deserted, empty 0 J\,*S£ If'iio indication, sign 0 'JC(!r>fL y^tf fire, heat 0 S^AfewOr*. 247 14 l» < U<7)"fe>'4 timid, cowardly ► iH\ U J:-a LT*** quiet, silent, calm, peaceful L-i*4 "j calm down 0 frits L"flf3 stillness, silence, calm, peace 0 * fLlo-ti:^ "t cool-headed -& > & static electricity 0 fr*M U ± 7 "5iJf' < vein 248 7 W >#(<) mvx ',*^9 * useful, handy mm 9 i 7 cv. use mm L ± 7 9 victory 9 •! 7 * wise, clever 9 L interest (on a loan/etc.) 0 9 "c < interest (on a loan/ etc.) 0 «■« 9 x. & profit # ? 1 right handed r>/?9S? left-handed 0 **^>] A t* * 9 gravel, pebbles 42 43 W, 1 <249-250> a 249 16 Ails tr) L£ kind *} i-lLA, father and mother, parents ftftfc^ father l±[ifcJ£ mother fc-S5 parent (s) Jj-^d parent (s) and child (ren) S-^lpt/ thumb LftL^ close, intimate lyX L- 7 close friend i L B ^ UA-£c:*p*i Japanophile, pro-: Japanese person f W 250 4 ► •tiro. 1 ■>#(*), •ifl 7> 11) cut I -'J- 5 -> t (postage) stamp 1 L/lii'>-i- kind A^^C important ci. i #£{ftr^U&) important <) — -tjj l>-?Sli> all, the whole, every-; thing; not anything, not at all ; : mm 1 fill llfiliiilfi 5:' : ■ 44