Iff 2 <251-258> % -A 51 ft 252 0 ► Lid OfrbO), *(tr) fr£>7 laugh, smile £> h V» laughter < L J; ? ff. smile wryly, give a forced laugh tfLl 3 O). smile Ax.*ilJ smiling face x-^ smile ► $ b> -5 >&(<) & < cry £ ? ~ £ cry, tearful voice ^7 ^ fl) ^ ci>. cry bitterly 253 12 254 7 255 a 256 i^CJs be glad, be pleased §WS comedy B £**J(V If &) tragedy, tragic event t>-i(&) £ £ l> have difficulty/trouble, be in/get into trouble, be embarrassed C/Lft/Cft difficult, hard JSCS, S become angry if S f ct>. be enraged, fly into a rage >©er>. i-(si5) J>"f push, press '"LAjft- fcl-^tt- closet 5 ? X 5 S X. S press/hold down, stop, restrain P'*ll5t J>3L<*7 c«. seize, confl cate 257 4 51 51 < 51^1" I f> < pull, draw (curtain/bowstring/etc.) 1 < be prolonged, be protracted t/§^£"f turn/come back, return 5l^l±ii" t/>$*Tf pull out, take out,, withdraw 51 ^ fcrj L tAlfL drawer 51 -2 >!r ;6N & Uifrfrh be caught in/by ~, be cheated Sl-^^lt?) f-5*'ltS hang/suspend on ~, trap, cheat '1 51 5 ^Ht Vlfclt draw, tie (as in game) 0 ) 51 ( 30 tOWS trading, deal | 0*^51 5I# 258 *6 Ct/g dictionary cf. 'Sff (L* Li), rather than'^vl, is used in modern Japanese. J: < gravity, gravitational force V>;C£ l cv. cite V»A,fcl<> cv. retire ::'3 ■IT^^A^ overbearing, coer cive, pushy ► L 'a Lib die, be killed L £ A> dead person, the dead % L L + the deceased, the drad LfcV* dead body, corpse, ,:| cadaver L death ■£;S"£g»gIMSgit <259-267> t&2*« 0 LI?'? cf. die, be killed t>^(<) < blow, exhale ^-5»iJ# snowstorm, blizzard ai<»Jj& a breath (of spring), an emanation (of youth) ~f ■£ 7 < wind-instrument music 2B0 ► £ m> -5 9 1 >l**(C) £<* V»-t <* hurry (up), hasten § KB 7 C suddenly &n £ >9> 7 £ 7 express (train); cf.ti go in haste &m § *> 7 J: 7 urgent business 0 ^ «> 7 < * rapid 261 >*(<) S < bloom, blossom 9 < come back (to power) 262 ►*> 13 i < i> < put, place i>£ i><7) ornament (for an alcovel/entranceway/etc.) ii ? L i ■? c». win (the championship/the pennant/etc.) 0 i 2 i> be superior 264 *aa 15 > x c. (is) i.f>ii choose, select, elect Hit -trXL^o cw. elect L * athlete 0 •SX S J: election; cti. elect 265 9 m t^j fly, jump, hop ^iL^'tBi" i.VtT? run out, jump out mm \ t/iil airplane 266 15 St 0*3 0 j airfield cf. (^Ci) airport >Mtt), *(U5) ^.tf step on, tread on S v railroad crossing crowd t 7 i1^1 ball, dance be based on 267 11 3t# ► L^ >rt(tr), t-r(*s) tf advance, move forward, make progress L /LA* < cv. enter the next stage of education, go on to the next grade 4G 17 g|2#J£ <268-273> gj^LJLJLJLJll W 0. It fa & <274-28D> $ 2 268 11 JUL at* 263 31 o £ir* o £*# 270 8 ^5 ^i•^L^ cw. go ahead, advance L^(? cw. advance -tAL/l-C: < advanced country >At-(tr) jcj-ftr steal ilH burglar, robber b 7 3 < plagiarism ■9 ItS receive, be given '1 & f> * •) ft 4 undertake, accept (a job/assignment/ etc.) 7 It t 5 receive, accept, understand passiveness, passiv ity, passive voice 7 If-? If reception/information desk, acceptance, receipt I! i?> U »J> cv. give and receive C * •) cv. accept, receive 7 £ pass (an exam) ► Lh> £ fc S take, get, hold ^ 1 Xft 5 "-'•ft-* accept, adopt, borrow, harvest $lt^5 t'tfc* get, receive, accept, interpret, understand 0 L »> 3V cv. collect/gather (news material/data/etc.) 271 G ► -■5, *x*o, b*~? >*(•?), *(*>* 1 -§"9 7 fit, suit, match I-'a'") 4IC&7 be in time, be enough feJ|J'o^s- fc**^ cv. meet a prospec- | tive marriage partner 4ih-&6 **>■** put together, add, Jj tune (to) 6»V>~7 meeting, gathering; cw. meet, gather L*7^7 cv. meet, gather, Jl assemble ~7 i<> agreement; cw. agree § CT 7 Or ( cv. pass (an ent- |> rance/certificate exam) i*-?^^ cv. merger A battle X3 0 (1) 272 6 ► £ tt> "5 oto) -f 7 smoke, inhale, suck (blood), absorb ti'iS absorb, suck up, I soak up, squeeze (money out j of someone/etc.) 1 0 <&*HX 273 9 0 fe-^R r # » 7 respiration, breath; ing; cw. breathe cf. S.£"f 2> (V>§£1"?>) breathe ft ut> 7 L i?> 7 ct>. absorb, assimilate ► Lw>3, Uw>-5 >t>*(-5) tf^l pick up, gather jg L fl> 7 t < a find, some-thing found Cf 1 JA-x.^ one hundred thousand yen 48 274 14 if >*-*(^) S 7 invite 0 ^■jlio cv. induce, cause trigger 0 wm H*> 7 £> < cw. tempt, allure 0* #m i^/tW>7 cw. invite, persuade, induce 0 19>-5*H> cw. kidnap 275 10 Z> nifXLh be tired, grow weary OjJ»tL tiredness, fatigue, weariness %$Lfc cv. be mentally tired, worry, be bored 0 T>*>7 tiredness, fatigue, weariness; cv. be tired 276 4 tfc < fe^S compare tfc—i -5) A^6 compare (visually) fch* 0 th**c 0 fct'-ffl 277 t>C* 7 weight V-ff < cv. compare T>fLi<» cv. be proportional, be in proportion to >#(*&), decide, judge tt-»"fi» cv. decide, settle, determine 0 ^tS'tf/ft tfiX^XZ* definite, final, decisive j^/O ItiLi cv. determine, be determined, make up one's mind, resolve ;&L"T l+-5Lt never 278 6 •Ofzx.h tell, report, communicate fisi ^-C?Ar7 help, assist 0 's'V\'(£x. legend, tradition ■0^7 go along X'As^As message; cv. give/ send a message "CX t 7 tradition X'A.*tr> legend ^T)!)'fL6 flow 4 A1 ~t pour, let flow, drair spread (rumors), broadcast U i 7 •) • 7 upper stream, upper class ❖ Ci7 0i9>7JlH>§W.7 upper class 0 0 0 279 1 -2? 10 ^11 -.OIL % * 7 v >?> 7 middle stream, middle class ft-") * 7 lower stream "^'"^T/l^ lr>% Q "9>7*Tl' top-ranking hotel, one of the best hotels ifiLit 9*7^7 fashion, vogue, craze, fad, popularity; cv. be in fashion, be popular/prevalent/epidemic 0 /]jL*3p" 5-i> cw. circulate, spread 280 12 fall, drop *b 4a ( 6 fe"^ < settle down, calm down ist"f drop, throw down, lose 49 fg 2 7k* <281-285> Ht « « a # @(@) S'J H- ft }£ * <286-291> II2 7K* 281 12 0 «'* 0 0 «1 2B3 9 iJ t L i <7? lost article/property h{->£% falling rock(s) XA,h < cp. fall, roll/tumble down 6 < 5>l<* lightning strike •3l> lb < ct;. fall, crash >tt(n.s), tt(fe-r) i± ft. & clear (up), feel refreshed/better lift fine weather 1b ^ lifL fine autumn day *>V>1i:V> fine weather ■&v»"t/C fine weather, clear sky ^rtf 2> throw, pitch, give up t?L* pitcher tHl contribution, letter from a reader (to the editor): cv.vi. contribute (a letter/ poem/etc.) to a publication i 7 L cv. invest i 7 tft 1 cv. vote, cast a ballot t "5 S speculation, venture ► t -5 > l:(tf 5), C(**T), W*"* (-T), fl>**(ix6) Silt" 5 (ClfS run away, get away, escape i*lfi±J"f Klffcf-f run away, flee £ 7 %7 cv. run away, escape jft^-f lc**1" release, set free, let escape IpL 1 sS^'i" t 9 l=**t fail to catch CO*^ fail to use (an opportunity) ^Mli" *«Wt" miss, overlook, pass over, let go unchallenged/ unpunished <> Sift. 5 WjWlS escape, get away (-3), "ft? 5 pass, go past, elapse 3 iiinT??> go past, pass (a place/etc.) COfi-"?? drinking too much, excessive drinking fc^Tf? eating too much, excessive eating O 7 A* cf. pass (through) #'!S/.i" 7 majority, more than half .1 3 L early death cai:m:! by overwork I A»"Ci<> process A»Lo error, fault ■f CTi" spend (a day/a vacation/etc.) .| 285 11 It r #-"C;£ ■fX^i/i abandoned dog J9 rattAX LL«>rtCW>7 round off (to { the nearest whole number) I 0 L^Lf-tt/,/: < cv. sort 0» choose, select fo-'S'i *> error, fault ■fx 5 throw away, dispose of £ Ai""t: ä walk out on, forsake 50 ! 286 JA 287 0 288 9 ffj Ail v ft 3 289 ~ ft L * -3 cv. depart, leave tt-?L-$- cv. depart (as in trains or buses) ~(4*o departing from ~ — (i-O departing at — (time) (±-3#>v» cv. invent (& *> W" ^ . discover &-3c:7 c». issue, publish H-o-f < cv. be inaugurated, start (S-^&ICA proposer, promoter ► fc-7 t "7 *> * < cv. arrive t 7 X If1 cannot possibly, (not) at all 11 fcV> cv. come, arrive -5) tt li» A* < cv. create a plan/ project *fcl+lf> watch, clock grHtfth' accounting jfWtV* household budget .c* 7 1} t » cv. add up, total; sum, total ii.fr & measure, plot, design tfoTt* cv. decide, determine S/^^ft li»LJto"CV> decision-making ^SiE *^"CVi ck. be stable/steady 3cft L 7c *^XV>L/i stable <> *^3f ft ^ unstable X k» b ± < set meal "Clr»fa£ retirement age X*** S "5 V regular day off ft^ 0 ftJ65 SftTftS decide (on), determine, appoint, lay down (a rule) 0 ft/6'TliO.'^ Sftf^-CI±*v> unknown 0 C i -5 -ft S standard move (in the games of go and shögi), standard method m 29D 8 EE ► t> «> -3 >^^(<*) ■*it$>")t» ra. warn, caution, take notice of äs % ip> 7 % < cv. pay attention, watch, keep one's eyes on ct. order li *> * 3 et», place an order 0 ■?■?■<* pour 291 A 13 ä* *iig>-)t> cw. warn, caution, take notice of ^HA, opinion i •? k> cw. prepare good will, good wishes, kindness, favor V^A^lf^^ unexpected, unfore seen i h 1$ mean, spiteful % £ If* # & conceited, impertinent, insolent 51 % 2 ifM <292-297> U M & 3p *ft ^ 115) 9Ĺ it fä- M m & <29B-304> % 2 292 14 mm. o'-RM o u< 293 13 294 >£(<) -fr-Oftt' o>. explain cp. explain, comment on Vt 7-£"3 novel editorial 7 cp. preach (a sermon), lecture (a child) t^M cp. persuade ^"Ijr-o hypothesis i.><,-tf:-o (political) speech; cp. deliver a (political) speech \$7-tfl^ cv. make an election tour, go canvassing (for votes) t < explain, expound, advocate, persuade ► If t>t(<), fc(a-r), tdts) cp. understand, comprehend zi.'Jtfrh (bfi'&) understand, realize, find out ItA.ift'l'* comment, opinion sft"Wt"3 cp. solve, settle t ( solve t tf h come untied, melt away Mfr~f t^~f melt (snow/ice/etc.) tf £fO emancipation from worldly attachments, salva tion from earthly bondage; cv. be emancipated 1> tl>(5) cp. participate, take part in 5 /t C: -5 Ll reference book L^;^ cp. bring 52 fi^-1] fcá^O cp. visit a shrine/ temple 295 5 ^tpa % bif- cv. participate, take part in 0 ^D*X tfZ. 7 cv. process (food/ etc.) j/U A. * "5 cv. join (a club/ association/etc.) 0 -^D*SS cp. join (a league/ federation/etc.) 0 ^n*^; d'feo cv. heat ^X. 5 (fcii add (one number to another), inflict (damage) tmfo -5 < £>b5 join, take part in, increase 296 14 lift If iT./vL.W>-5 cp. practice, drill, rehearse -fr/UlX3fLfc sophisticated 0 < /vttX training, drill skilled worker 0 Wi ■£> to £ knead, elaborate (a scheme) 297 9 5ft Sff'£ ttAS*-? cp. study, re- | search I &ff fLrff if/C g- *> 3 C i: (research) laboratory, research institute 3 0 5ft*# it A, L «9> ^ study and trains J ing; cv. be trained 0 lTrA,L*)>7t I training con- fer 0 %ft (' t <* w. sharpen (a knife) am ► # «> ? >#*>(*>*) ^ i?> "5 cv. study, research # »9> •) #>v> cp. look deep into, investigate, inquire into master, investigate thoroughly, get at the truth tlX f> < cp. contact ft/v-? < continuation, series; cv. continue, be consecutive 1 < S^tlXi-} the United Nations cf. aAAr. B*(i < ft ft/L,-? t cp. be reminded of; association (of ideas) fi'AstlA, relations, connection; cv. be connected/associated/correlated cf. *Pf {£(:»> /4,ltt>) relations, relationship 0 * fill ill L tz **/,ft/tLfc related, relevant o ~{i*M^L*C -tavLftxx-t in connection with, in relation to, with reference to ij|;fa,-CV\ < ofl-t"^< take someone along "3f>&6 range, lie/stand/in a row, be strung out 3*4 15.'5 o 0 *^(£l>) ft^ < cp. contact ri'ttf coil around, become entwined A'f>i J become entangled (7) ~#*fc#<7) related to 301 17 ft* 302 12 #41 303 11 -ti/tt < cp. do the laundry ■tir/CTc < # washing machine -aXfc < laundry 2.) cp. marry, get married tftM tie, fasten (together), bind, enter (a relationship with) lt"3 i 7 cv. combine, unite L-1> 7 111 cv. end, conclude Ij-z>?>/l, conclusion fy\.>'5 dress/do up (one's hair), tie (up), fasten Jfr o 0 304 12 if-yZ.A, cv. marry, get married #41^.^ L^i^0J:r^ honeymoon it1*^ cv. get engaged ^S4§ z. Aj cv. divorce, get divor- ced šite ate* t>tt-U) 7 ^ X ^ cp. drive (a car/etc.), operate a (machine) 7 ^"C ^ L driver motion, movement, exercise, athletics, (social) movement, campaign; cp. exercise 53 g£2#* <305-311> S ^ * ffl * # * Q5 305 10 J; carry, convey, trans- port, take (something to a place), make progress t -#vf± -9 7 **v> L^> delivery company •9 A, fortune abA^t4 c«. show around, show the way, give someone a tour of; guidance, invitation t> A, plan, idea ih^hA, good idea 'Ol&^ ct>. propose fc/CA*^ unexpectedly 306 cw. graduate graduate t^v^-t-o (L^) college/university graduate cf. ^^(^j). 307 13 0*« LAs%-o recent graduate ? i •? cf. graduate C * ? ± •? class C ? ± 9 business § 1* 7 IF J: 7 cv. close a business (for a holiday/etc.), suspend business/operations Lil>6 use, employ, adopt >#(*) £ i last year *>»i past cf. *** (*fcl>) future, 'Si** Of ^^1.0 present i ir. 3 ££35 leave (a place) 310 15 0 311 8 ft* interest, hobby JsitfS grace, elegance, charm U * ❖ interest, hobby meaning, significance; ct>. mean ^ J: ■) «5* interest ^^tt' p^^r plain, simple, quiet g "ilfif1^ (t±T-£) showy, bright 0 *&,'Wfi&tz *Mf?#/!f have a slight cold 0 IXsM'JB1^ S**»fc*i<> weird, uncanny, creepy v «lt5 314 7 it -ft IE* L J: -5 * net (weight/quantity/etc.), full (as in "eight full hours") 315 IE 1*1 h C taste, flavor m < T 9 drug, medicine f> C h 7 taste, experience, go through J: 7 h- *) £ 1 seasoning mm {"t" 9 pharmacy, drugstore J: < pharmacy ** < the sense of taste ♦ < 0* < pharmacy, pharmaceutics = ^L-^Q-ttA, shamhen, a three-stringed banjo-like instrument 0 ♦ < * spice ► L*w> U n> ? i -5 class % £ 7 \Zn)> professor U W £ * cv. give and receive Z~¥itS grant (a license), confer (a title), award (a prize) Ottl it L bridge icii/ttiL Nihonbashi (a place in Tokyo) ic-ot? A,i£L Nipponbashi (a place in Osaka) H if 7 ^ £ ? pedestrian bridge t -5 j£ £ i railway bridge ► >tt* ti^: flower fi%-^> florist, flower shop, flower stall 0 <312-31B> §S2tR^I K»t«4 the art of flower arrangement H li 4 * cherry blossom viewing ii^W firework flower bed 0 0 *r£i' £M 0 ► Lj:<, L# color brown ~-l»?>(7; — colored V»^>A*^ colored paper *>*^>"^< turn color (as in leaves) erotic, seductive, sexy VJ^>lt sex appeal £ V»?>!tAfř <317-322> X < clothes iH( Western-style clothes h& < Japanese style clothes, kimono i < i -9 (a way of) dressing, clothes < Cf. conquer % * < ( embezzle £ * < guest, customer § ❖ < i guest room (in a house) U i 7 §j * < passenger 9 i < § passenger airplane is S * < 2 i guest, customer (honorific) 0 £-'M'ti$t£ **-5^"C*4 objective #) subjective (16) 17 g g g§ JF H <323-329> |g-'2*!p 0 *ÍESŘ o #38. 318 3 319 4 87 124 ^ dog /J^/-f-^. ^V»Ď puppy ^XiA, stray dog 320 4 X X nx x^ xw xm sentence, passage £ < composition, essay ^A.ii1 <. literature Ji/Lfct* style MA, £ literary language/ expression %^ ^s/^i^i^1 civilization 0 ^C'-ft, tefuif- culture <) ^^'JfJj-^ £ A^JsA^iH)' < humanities 0 t C letter (of the alphabet/ etc.) 0 fc/Li> Ť J)"? illiteracy rate cf.'mV* (tSOo) liter-; acy rate ffil i»* letter I food 1 b<7) thing, object, substance J article i3X4>c9 genuine article, real;; thing 1 | \Z-tti,(0 imitation, sham, fakef .1 «6i>.;tO local specialty, well-; known product tiJiW living thing, creature, animal, life 1 if T animal Li < -fe^ plant living thing, organ- ism If I biology I 0 T § tc physically 1 i ^J^> n A* < physics | Js-p Lo matter, substance ■5 Jjo^ prices I Li < food 0 s&*#6 H3I 322 11 < family .is-e < tribe 56 0 fé.'lá 323 4 & /L -? < people, ethnic group < medical science -f < f?t*/C- Diet member who medical department works on policy-making in a particular field «E **>V* great doctor, skilled physician *E L* J: V> woman doctor £■£81 park, square £■ Otitic iilOiU? public high school 0 t£ iiliiUo public/ community facilities 0 •^■'^♦^ government enterprise ^yX7A public transportation system £ -5 If /i- cv. declare £ T'nV^ fair, impartial d ■) £ just, fair, righteous iJfc-^ltcD public, official, formal L fs> L ^ £ 1 main character (of a story/etc.) 0 £f 324 13 o 'mm o a^'Ht 0 ft® 325 7 E# o E*Ěf £ 3 park, square £"'?J5'0;»^ zoo Li 9 i.Ayib amusement park 5 C}5/^"CV»;^ Japanese garden x.A,ffi* gardening !i flower garden lí^L-í' doctor I > L doctor 326 11.« Tit O ÍS*>Ě o iti- 327 18 329 7 ► Lt*< L«>'^ homework V LW> < lodging; «>. lodge, rent a room L i?> < ti < cv. stay at, lodge ❖ ¥ inn, lodgings & 4 ♦ if 0 cy. take cover from the rain (under the eaves of a house) + iff be pregnant «1 its Li* < homework ?jX^^fissue, problem, question (in a exam) L * -o fi l<» cd. make questions (for an exam) ftH bfcis> topic, subject (of a conversation) fi^H)\i> title T h temple ■Qi.X'b mountain temple tlV^ temple ► f. t i library map 57 £2tR* <330-334> Ě « * ä * # « <335-339> g 2 tRIJÉ o S** o wm Ä® o m% 330 16 ■f figure, diagram "f tA t "5 figures and diagrams -fttv* figure £>V>"f signal, sign intention; ot. intend !i*sS plot, scheme, design tL-i library 9 i #^ Japanese style inn ^^.-é-tl aft* < *V«a6Mř»**Ar students' hall 0 *«'J«f 331 3 0>Ž < A* A. aquarium irA,% i. ? director (of a museum/aquarium/etc.), chief librarian \i.A,&A, main building **.~>iřA\, annex & i 9 L"3 classroom office (of a professor/researcher) Ví 7 sickroom # * < L-O guest room, passenger cabin Í*>í>ť>Lo waiting room L<5&f> indoor, indoors, in a room J; -3 I, o Western-style room b L-5 Japanese-style room ^■ffljHf^ tf*>4*>UftV Muromachi era, 14 16th century 333 a at o XX'tt' o'ÜB? 0 *fR5t 0*3t5t 334 16 L * o-é ^ c«. attend (a class/ meeting/etc), be present tt-o-frS cw. be absent (from school/etc.) -tr§ seat Sf-tt £ seat *> ^ < -£ ^ o>. be seated, sit | down L *P*t% the Chairman (of the Chinese Communist Party) L ií-tí: § top/first in the class ► ir, t, tz< >ňtf -Z ~ time(s), ~ degree(s) Z K, f shortly, soon, this time,|j next time £«i>ť each time, always teA-ť (school/fiscal/etc.) year | i í ¥f£ high, advanced, high-1 grade J ± Ť high economic; growth J5 Ä, ť temperature •í < t* speed -tŕ i< > t* system ť limit, limitation fct/ŕ-í/ many times, over ant over Z(T>fzXf this time, now Lit< preparation; ra. get ■§ ready lä -j t regulations ► É \>atz t>v í ^ airplane o **H o'rpJf o*xi§ S%V» inside an airplane S#v>L i < inflight meal & organization, institution, engine § A, L ^ locomotive S*H> machine opportunity, occasion li)t loom ► U J: 3 if L J; place, venue !£cbv» occasion, case \i field, place, spot, space, room, scene tchiS standpoint, one's ground, point of view, viewpoint marketplace ZtH small factory n U £ 1 factory tA £ 7 U i 7 airfield cf. ( < i;?) airport L»otJ.-^ o>. take part, participate Lti market ,4- prefecture, prefectural government — if A, ~ Prefecture if A, 9 r>i) prefectural It ^ t* ■) prefectural road ÜA,t>tl prefectural office ^ J: Ť t í. Kyoto Prefecture 0 A^HK.^ SiSZfrM Osaka Prefecture ^i-(O) prefectural (used only for Osaka and Kyoto) 0 flf *JT -k^ i- 5 prefectural office (used only for Osaka and Kyoto) 0 *3|j.$f K< J, the Shogunate govern- ment 338 11 JfCfP i 7 S i -3 t the Tokyo metropolitan area ^dt(cO) k*)-0{(0) metropolitan fpj*) t*l> within Tokyo #Ü^!|: t^UIW the Tokyo metropolitan area, Hokkaido, Osaka, Kyoto, and the prefectures fp-£ fc*>V» city 0,-i"^P L»t capital 0 fP'/f t *> i ■? Tokyo Metropolitan Government (Office) 0 ^5 capital cf. *Äffl(tM> t), rather than SB, is used in modern Japanese. ^p-o" •oJ-j convenience, circum- stances; cv. arrange (for), see to (something) 339 13 fcfcfcri^ warm fotztmbb vt. warm, heat S get warm, be warmed £5,4. i -5 mild winter iSMT^ heating; cv. heat (a room) isAytfAy^c warm, mild, temperate r)8 59 % 2 ifM <340-345> m M & 'M ^ "ff li8| 34B 11 0 J^Ü 0 JsTjU. >*"f(LvO, tf(tr) -r-fb<<> cooi \$ -9 -J-J*enjoying the cool of evening, cooling off in the evening "J"f tf cool oneself, cool off ") £ 7 i cool/refreshing breeze refreshing beverage, soft drink 341 12 mi^ mit- 342 0 ^Ott* 343 13 D>**4(U»), *»«:(Ltr) *>^rLv» sad, sorrowful frtcLtf feel sad, lament, deplore tMf§ tragedy, tragic event ■ (§lf S) comedy misfortune, bad luck ► < > < *(U»), < *(ttr), <5 (U#>*), l-*"'(v>), < ■& Lts painful, difficult, hard iit^iL^ oppressive, gloomy < & Ltf suffer, be in pain <2>l.#>6 cause pain, cause distress, torment, annoy < LA, cv. take pains, work hard < h 7 cv. suffer, trouble, labor hitter \zfiif)%h be disgusted/dis pleased >ft < tc without worry/hesitation t>A,b<.L euthanasia, mercy killing < i.A- paradise 0*'tfe^i*ft *H»6l> (spicy) hot, salty ^ZJCO trb<*> dry (wine/beer/ etc.) 0*J&^V\ U***feV» salty 0 ^"j ft i;t barely, narrowly, with difficulty 0 ZiLA,r)il spices (I8j & ^ i£ & 1=1 <34B-35D> ^2** 345 5 -a- hi !<> sweet behave like a spoiled child, demand attention ■tf-tf^-t" foi^ff indulge, pamper, spoil foi < sweet (wine/saki'/ etc.) iO/I**) i 7 sweetener frAslftl sweet o -a-*** 346 12 Wfclr> hurt, be painful l**/;^ pain, ache li»fctf hurt, ache, have a pain || J V>fc*t»(> pitiful, sad, miser- able $&^T lr>fc-C damage SliS I*0'? headache tSt?! V>& delightful, excit- ing, thrilling 347 >*(*) ^%tr£ H)-?*^ famous S ^"Ak Z. < t?> ? *> national land LW>it> privately-owned land ffj"^ Lit?) 7 cw. own ^"5 £ £ exist 1 4^ * 0 money on hand, all the money one has 0 Ok ?tf existence, presence, yes or no 0 Q if $ 4 rare, uncommon iE-S &* £l<> . leave school/the office early iSF% TSt^tf^ «/. leave the hospital, be discharged from the hospital iR^ £t>6*< cr withdraw from school ilk-'S fclr'-ttS w. leave one's seat/ the room 348 3 21* i^^tv^ cy. retire (from ac-tive life) 0 i§*4p fcV>S*< cp. retreat, with- draw 0 iR < Ll)-f< retreat, step back, withdraw, retire 0 A^:'fe''3< move out, evacuate, vacate, withdraw 349 8 as 0 Jg-f 5 o 0 350 E ft:V> < 0% tedious, boring, monotonous 9 < O argument, theory, reason, logic «!» < OCT) indomitable, unyielding < ~>~th yield to, give in to ( '^L.^ bending and stretching (exercises) HHtil.) iJ£ U same, identical if ■) t^oco same, identical mi [5] —C7) [Sj -— K\ty if^^^^/uM-o the same person Is]* 0 is]''It 0 |5j*^- t-jUC at the same time if j V> cw. agree, consent if 7 i 9 w. sympathize i: ct. live together H "Sijg^^-p S i) ra. live separately 0 *^I5]*^ B^ IH t"7-tirl^V» joint communique 0*fwl3]*fe^ ^iMOfcK cooperative 0 * 5ws Is] ^^i^7 cw. confuse (some- thing for something else) 60 fil