ft A, C i* 4, /. 1t '.■ SJLOSiJflB P.2 m Z jit ft^f^)^ t£r>fzo "mat's a load off my mind! | 2 I y^v^s ^.'i) ^Sfl7^ L I sensed that someone is approaching. m f^H £ fMb'f 6 o We start the work. IT! 3 J. I - il2±£ K^fotzo He left his job last March. IT1 I CO ^(i j£> v T ^ifo mis seat is vacant. [~6~| B^-l- L ^ N ^A?^ ^ X,J.'^ Xo I have no close friend in Japan. IT1 1^,0^(7) flt^Ml LbtltL^ No I cannot watch the latter part of the game. m Bfjfl^t < t 'Jo Bne, cloudy later. IT] jSJ7^ V H X i^li [) £ -\iLi)\ Haveyougotany goodidea? Ho] j\^](D fz s ^,0" (i ^lb ^5 >K 7c o ^re game was stopped because of a heavy rain. PHI 59 <[ ;f£> fofz Lit A^IC Xo 7zo I entered a university the following year. R2l X ; X £ 1*1 3=fTi~o My name is Smith. PT31 Jii^^CQ J£'J .Llf?}* X^^-^fzo "me sales of the first half are good. RT1 ^11 'J — ^5 L JzjH- f£-r>tZo He became Mr.Lee'spupil. HFI S^l- > \ ^ > 7IC If'jf:, I went hiking in the country. fl6l & h '"l^r7 A h v5 L, I- t£ L 7c (3 9 ^ H x0 You had better speak to Mr. White yourself. DH Bjflti L T Jo*")T£ 1 ZT'Jfv ^fo A happy new year. IT*1 - [2q"| z?>tlrL — ^^^i^CO^^S^ fo^^^-tf 7c o 1 inquired whether that computer is in stock. HI L' T V \ Close your book. [22l ^ A 5 4" "rf^H^- R^#l- ft^T ^N^o Ms.Kim goes shopping at a market. HH H#|f Til %±fcil T$ i^T/Co Don't eat and drink in the library. a 1 |24| /fo 7c L (i 7*Cife-!^ ^fk^V' ^Ll^f^ x ^ i^o /;0 I sent to my teacher offering best wishes for the hot season. Í2Š1 JJyjí £> 'J 1 C'í'PÍfo Welcome aboard! 1261 ^ ^fc. s~'f!^_F~t~'So Tnere is a decline in the scholastic ability of students. [27] JM££ l## L T {tzi^\ Bring your own lunch. 1281 yT_,l-ÍÍÍ'J'£'itf:<(o 1 wrítealetter,0myelderDrotner- [291 g£<7) fflUl gi/)TT'"f Is this your first trip by airplane? |17| J] ■( }/Jl ' J ^5 ^ x 0 Look right and let carefully before you cross a street. 1181 ^D^w(Z ftf"^! 1»r LT'co I borrowed money from my acquaintance. [3Í1 1J > í /C ^ *' ^ ^x <7) [ 1 H^ b ^ ^ 7c o It is obvious that Mr.Lin is not coming. 32] ' n y IC 7) s ? JJE. %. tz o The bread 30t moldy- 33] $t L 'j^f £ §]} s^)0 We will adopt a new method. 34] jfctf —L tzo ' ordered draft beer. 351 Xf kjlz ^(C L/co She emptied the bottle. 36] ^ <( B ^fc-fp £ ffij^il L 7c Z tl.^ *o I have never studied Japanese. |37| fell jo^-#T 'J 1C ygj?^ £ Il)-f'o/co He gave his seat to an elderly person. iL L 38] f^llb1^1 tiS.X'J "rnJ-to No admittance during working hours. 39] ^^"(7) y'jy^7— ^