Lesson 1 I III O.-y h 1 il^tf)U ( Lectures on Kanji) 7L 6 T' c* fc3t¥ - 1 - (Kanji made from pictures - 1 -) The ancient Chinese drew pictures of various things around them. These pictures have gradually been simplified and have taken on a square shape to make them easier to write. This is how the present Kanji characters were made. Each Kanji, therefore, carries a specific meaning. Look at the following picture. Guess the meanings of the Kanji characters below. 1 - UU 2- ill 3. BB 4. yfv .5. B e.. M 7- A 8. P 9. $ 10. Lesson 1 These Kanji characters were made from very primitive pictures as follows. Usually each Kanji has at least two ways of being read; the so-called 'KUN YOMI' (Japanese reading) and 'ON YOMI' (Chinese reading). Picture \ t y -— e - - )l| - - ffl - A~ A - - S- - -R- PI Kanji H Oj ju ffl A □ •KUN' 'ON' [NICHI] [GETSU] [MOKU] [BOKU] [SAN] [DEN] [JIN] [NIN] [KOU] [SHA] Meaning sun day moon month tree mountain ( [SEN] ) river rice field man person mouth car [MON] gate ^ ( ) reading is rarely used. When a single Kanji is used alone as a word, we usually read it by its 'KUN YOMI' (Japanese reading) which gives its meaning. When Kanji are used together with other Kanji to make a word, we often read them by their 'ON YOMI' (Chinese reading). Generally speaking, however, the way of reading Kanji should be decided according to each individual word. Lesson 1 7h2 (Basic Kanji) 1. 3P? JI/—JU 1 : Make every Kanji the same size and put them in a square. a jMIs- o a ^ Jl/—J\/ 2 Follow the basic stroke order, (l) Write from left to right. r (2) Write downward. (3) Draw strokes from the top to the bottom as follows. -1 2 -3 (4) Draw strokes from the left to the right in the following order. 123, I (5) Draw a square in the following way. I 2—, 3 II m Q (6) When there is a figure in the square, the line which closes the square is drawn last. 1 2 Ii rP [HI ffl ffl c.f. When a stroke line passes through a square, draw that stroke last. i 2 3 i i_ L Jl—Jl/3 '. There are three basic ways to end a stroke. CD Stop (D Stretch Hook * 1 c.' Lesson 1 ^2 sun day (-V7) (4) i n H a ■ B (£>) the sun, a day o • täX) Japan BBgB(K*> - • t/) Sunday 3 B (* o • ri*) the 3rd day moon month (4) n ("^^) the moon, a month 1 ^ (v^*> • #*o) January J!ISB (»fo • J $ • tf) Monday 1 (v»o)*\H Ofo) one month tree (4) —- ^fc(^) a tree ^tt(^ * tsh) Japanese name *BgH (t> < • J; 9 * V) Thursday mountain ^2 (3) 1 uL ÜÜ^S) a mountain |ilT(-^t • Ltz) Japanese name s±lljU> • t • 2 A,) Mt. Fuji 'Xttlifr • £X) a volcano Lesson 1 )l river (3) )l ■ Jl| (frt>) a river 1~4 ;WH (&V>ä • the Nile River rice field (5) 1 n m EElCfc)^? a rice field B3(/i • Japanese name lijBa(^ä */i) Japanese name ffl j}< [Z\ i) ^^.t, .....c<-....v. man person -y (2) y A A(^«t) man, a person B^AO- • tä/v • DA.) a Japanese 3 A(%A, * t-A,) three people n mouth (3) n D □ (<*>) a mouth ffiP ("C • C*>) an exit An(l/^ • <""*■>) an entrance AP(CA • population Lesson 1 Ji car t v + (7) n i- a car **("CA • L*) a train gU^:([: - • L*) a car, an automobile n gate (8) i r r p F1 PI PI F^ PI (& A) a gate • i> A,) a speciality 2 — 2 . cfcg^tx/L U t» 9, ( Reading Exercises) I. Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. * . 2. M 3. M 4. PI 5. 0 6. A 7. □ 8. UJ 9. Jll 10. ffl 11. An 12. Ill ffl £A II . Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. 0 H 0 2. M M B 3. * BI 0 4. 0* 5. ^Hli3^15B -Cfo Today is the 15th of March. 6. &<7)A{iLLlJII £ A"C"t"o That man over there is Mr. Yamakawa. 7. LUJll £A,{iB#A"Cl-0 Mr. Yamakawa is a Japanese. 8. h<7)\l}&%M\U-?:to That mountain over there is Mt. Tsukuba. 9. Z 9 (Writing Exercises) I . Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. a tree 2. a man 3. a mouth 4. the sun 5. the moon 6. a river 7. a mountain 8. a rice field 9. a car 10. a gate tz Lesson 1 II. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. January 1 5. May 5 9. September 9 13. a train fir TA, L ^ 17. Mt. Tsukuba 2. February 2 6. June 6 5< #o 10. October 1 0 £ (?) 9 14. Sunday Bf Ii* <£ 9 CK 18. Mt. Fuji 3. March 7. July 7 L* #o 11. November 1 1 £«b9l^ tfl 15. Monday 19. population 4. April 4 8. August 8 li* #o 12. December 1 2 £ 15» 9 I- #0 16. Thursday 20. a speciality A-Ar ± . a Japanese 22 . Mr. Yamada 23 . Miss Yamakawa 24. the Tone River ic