Lesson 11 mumt 1 -Jft^OiS ( Lectures on Kanji) If - 1 - (the radicals - 1 -) Most Kanji are formed by more than two components. The followings are the ways the components are formed. l)^A(left) 2)o< \) (right) 3) frA*tr «j (top) T>) fctUthe upper left) (>) 7L (the enclosure) 4) L (the bottom) 7)Kl J; b (lower left) I 1 are where the components express the meaning of the Kanji. We call these components "Bushu (the radicals)". The Kanji made from pictures (or their simplified forms) can be the radicals. CD human beings : A ( f ) • & • ^ • @ • # • P • 3^ ( 1) • (D animals and plants ^^'H-Jfj-^-JH-yfc-fl" -(3) nature : 0 -ft • • 7K ( ¥ ) • & • ± • ^ • \U • JH • M— CD life and tool : H • ■ * • ^ • ^ (I) ••■ ( ) are simplified forms There are many radicals which can not be used as Kanji by themselves. *>> ) 1 Guess to which of the seven radical groups the following belong. ft Iff ■ {£ • • 1) or 2) : 3) or 4) : 5) : 7b 6) 7) Lesson 11 1) ^A(left) ft ft {g ffi ■/4 The Kanji group with the meaning components located on the left is the largest of the seven groups. j = A — man \ = step ~ = = water Guess the meaning of the common components below. 0^H#gfePf(B=0= ) 11- ^ H H ( I =f - ) w & ^ ( I = * ) £ _ A _ ) 2 ) O < »} ( right ) The components which carry the meanings can be located on the right. x = = ax — moon = hit Lesson 11 h 2 +—SW^tS/LSt^ (Basic Kanji) 2 - 1 . 31^0)» f# ( Kanji Writings) if make produce * (7) f i' 'ft f^(o<)& to make < ■ composition ffo5p($ < • a piece of work ®)f£(M * S) action swim (8) X >. / N >» / -;i $jc(jo «£) <" to swim 7K£k("f <^ • x.V*) swimming •;± (8) \ s N / N /I $M(h&b) oil • X.) an oil painting • »00 petroleum 110 111 112 Lesson 11 <^«t^ * > s ^ UK 1- ^) ># sea (9) N > s. \ J / ft the sea, the ocean f§£i-(7H> • rtfV*) oversea 0^@((; • (3^ • the Japan Sea $Mt(7H> • ~f l>) sea water rice wine liquor (10) h X X / m liquor * ti/u • Lw») Japanese wine $1 jl (£ •a liquor shop • L HJ>) foreign liquors - wait hospitality i *> ( 9 ) / f r to wait #£^(£*> • £>l/» • Lo) a waiting room L x n • to invite * school (10) — t r (^o • £ 5) a school (C ? • ^ J: i) a school principal iHi^^C'I n • Zn ■ -t±~ V ■») a high school student Lesson 11 time hour (10) \ l 1 0 H#(£#) time, when —B#W( £ • frA,) one hour mtifU ' C) 4 o'clock *^ff() a watch, a clock say ^> (7) v. 1 n 6 to say • language, a word Win Of A/ • ^T) language {SW("CA/ • ^.Ay) a message a I measure ((2t>-£) W (9) >- >■ r —• n > >-6 It • ttV>) a watch, a clock tHUdt^ • fr<)t& to plan fWf-f(/jt^ • HA. • ttV^) a thermometer 0 d word language (14) -> r _> n .> o p 0 p p p n pP 0^bp({^ • £SA/ • ^) Japanese language m%(^^ • English *m$(h(D • ^/c<9) a story Lesson 11 cooked rice „ meal, food (12) f r ft • ttA>) cooked rice, meal = IK(#)L) a colloquial word used by male ^fx(^5 • t&As) supper 2 — 2. ifii 9 ( Reading Exercises) I . Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. 2. 3. m 4. & !i. M 6. #o 7. ^ 8. mm y. io. n. 12. rig 13. 7Ki^ 14. If). ^ II. Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. B#ir?ftdt£#££Lfco soy bean soup 5. *c(D 5MM-C0ffi^— LfCo Lesson 11 6. K¥Z-r< 7 *-,*-X'*£'<>ti&t Li iVZW^t-Tt soy sauce 2 — 3. H^fl/^btf)-5 (Writing Exercises) I. Fill in the blanks with appropriate Kanji. 1. oil 2. the sea 3. cooked rice 4. liquor 5. to make 6. to swim C 10. time 9* 7. to wait o 11. a school 8. to say 9. Japanese language (I HA. . a watch H. Fill in the blanks with appropriate Kanji. 1- 4 o'clock 2. 5 o'clock 3. 6 o'clock 4. 7 : 00 a.m. «fc U 5< c Lesson 11 5. 9 30 p.m. 6. one hour 7. what time < U ItA, IS frA, ficAr U 8. a primary school 9. a junior high school 10. a senior high school Lj:7 *:9 9 9 7 11. a school principal 12. composition 13. petroleum £ < AA, -tit «J> 14. swimming 15. Chinese language 16. linguistics=study of language 5 17. breakfast (colloquial —*• formal) *6L í>£ ItA, ^iHi< 18. lunch Oh thL ' Oh It A. ^H]:< 19. supper IX A. #>L ItA. It A, «J>9 It A. 1^9 LJ:< Lesson 11 JLZLy h 3 -Wtfrty (Reading Materia!) Read the following passage and guess who is who in the picture below. ^-^^7° a camp, camping first V^fc#>£1- to fry ^ftfr'k then bi5^ soy sauce V^fa^i" to add fc-mxi Help! r ~ j tm^-f to say, Lesson 11 nßlf'Ir — A 1 (Games using Radicals) (I) Combine the components and make a Kanji. 1. B +^ = 0# ( 2. 7jC+ Ö = ( 3. ( 4. + = ( 5. ( 6. if + 2 + □ = ( 7. ( 8. ( 9. 7jc + 45 = ( 10. 7^: + A = ( ( II) Select the appropriate component from the right-hand box. B 3. 4. \ y T / A A □ a. 7(C b. "51 c. 03 d. S e. £ f. M g. 3c h- T i. # J. + k. K 1.1 m. ^ n. ^ o. X p. b1