Lesson 4 411 I -7H -Jl^Wfi* L (Lectures on Kanji) IB-^bT^fc}!^ ( Kanji made from signs) Abstract ideas which are impossible to illustrate are indicated with the help of points and lines. Look at the followings. Sign Kanji 'KUN' T T o o o '7T 'ON' Meaning 1 X. [JOU] [GE] [CHUU] fc£-£v* [DAI] [HON] above up under down middle inside big /JN - /J\ *>V>-$V> [SHOU] small root origin book [HAN] half [FUN] divide [BUN] [RYOKU] power Lesson 4 h 2 |gEgii(D#HA3l^ (Basic Kanji) 2-1 &Ofr%#tz (Writing Kanji) -t- above, on ' up, superior *-lf* (3) ] Y h _L(J) x.) above, on _h to go up, to rise ± ( to go down ^TC^L-Lfc) younger T$0f • L*)1-& to get off middle inside -7^ (4) \ n ^(ftfr) inside ^'iX"^^ • LA.) the center — B "t1 (^*> • • ?) all day long 36 37 38 Lesson 4 mm big, large . great —- §V> = A£& big ^(/iV>-^<) a university :fc#J(fcV> • -£o)£ important *AA(£^£) an adult small, little (3) J 'J /h(-t)V^) £v> = /h£& small /J\li| (£ • risfc>) a brook, a stream /NtMl£(L «t "9 • /$?o • *5) a primary school */JAA( ZLb*i>) a child root, origin - true, main (5) t • & (5) halfway, middle ¥5Hl±A * ^A.) half ^((U- tl) half a year =^F-N5.($ A - U- - «±A) 3:30 Lesson 4 to understand S^"(CT • five minutes Ta^M^ o • <&k) six minutes power, force ability *>frb Vat ' (2) tii'h^h) power • \) x <) one's real ability ^^(^ ^ • dynamics what (7) f r what fa(£A0"C"f3&\> What is it? MA (%A, • HA,) how many people -f''J^(&/v • fa A,) what year Lesson 4 2 — 2. <£<&fiA, U $ 9 ( Reading Exercises) I . Write the readings of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. ^ 2. m 3. tl 4. ± 5. T 6. ^ 7. B^: 8. 9. /h$v> 10. 5H*& 11. 12. #53* 13. ^ 14. 15. -b5^ 16. II . Write the readings of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. ^tUiM^trT^o B^lfO^-e-To 2. LM£^$ni±;fr^T*{±&9 £^/Lo 3. o < z_(D±.Ki$&ff& tt0 There is some money on the desk. 4. frCOrptiZ/]^ $ \,->frl£A,tf$> Hto There is a small bag in the car. 5. Jz£\t*fr-*r$:¥fr\,ZfrlftLtZo We divided a big cake in two. 8. ±UT^t$ 9. _Lt5*& 10. Tri** Lesson 2-3. fr%tlA L®o (Writing Exercises) I . Fill in the blanks with appropriate Kanji. 2. medium 4. what 5. what book CO small 3. big 6. a small university 7. power 8. to understand 9. five minutes 10. to divide it in half frt)£-t I rn I I II I Lesson 4 (Do you know these words? Can you use them?) West Gate -> An 3t □ North Gate AD 4^ AP South Gate Subway TL AP <- Hi P -> East Gate Exit }\i I—I Entrance ticket gate Lesson 4 II. Fill in the blanks with appropriate Kanji. 1. inside 2. water power 3. heat power 4. half past nine ufr i-o o i < o j: < < u j±a, 5. what time 6. for counting long slender objects &k \z uk ^ i^o k s^ 7. a Japanese 8. up train 9. down train " I? n o 10. an adult 11. a primary school 12. a junior high school fei ft Li? i!o 3-9 13. the middle of July 14. a half, 1/2 15. one third, 1/3 CO (7) &k 16. three quarters, 3/4 17. all day long CO x k jak zk l>5 Dt$9 18. Mr. Yamamoto's specialty is dynamics. Lesson 4 -cr hty^M up train o o -a /•J;— A platform <- -c— —c-o down train ~o-cr Exercise What do the following Kanji mean? 1. WL OK*£o) 2. ffiP (T:C^) 3. AP (V*^ C*>) 4. ±*) (<7>M) 5. T «t**)) 6. jfcp (wac*.) 7. ffiP (KLCib) 8. ftp 9. iP 10. J&Tf: (*)Ko)