Lesson 5 I 5fc 5 i I -7h 1 :M^fr-h^ [MEI] bright both the sun and the moon are 'bright' A man + tree fa *i-tr [KYUU] rest a man is 'resting' beside a tree A man origin fa frhtz [TAI] the body the origin of a man is 'the body' woman + child #J [KOU] love, like a woman 'loves' a child Lesson 5 Combination Kanji 'KUN' 'ON' Meaning m + * rice field power &t^. [DAN] a man, male 'a man' is powerful in the rice field tree tree # ti^L [RIN] two trees make 'a wood' a wood a grove TK + ^ + ^tv-^^ i>*) [SHIN] a forest tree tree tree three trees make 'a forest' a Jun^e H + gate 0 sun Bj M**f [KAN] betwt the sun can be seen 'between' the doors 'X + E fire field \tfzl~f a cultivated field burn up the field and make 'a cultivated field' Hi + 5 mountain stone [GAN] a rock a big stone in the mountain is 'a rock' ~it Most Kanji were transmitted from China, however, there are some Kanji that originated in Japan. For example, jfl](lifzij'), ^}(ittzh) < (to work), t 7 If) (a mountain pass) are of Japanese origin. Therefore, they do not have 'ON YOMF (Chinese Reading). Many Kanji used to express the names of fish and plant are of Japanese origin. e.g. jg(£L)(a sardine) Lesson 5 3L~y h 2 -!6jEai^ & V> bright, cheerful EJEJ (£>) (dawn) to break rest (6) tf to rest, to be absent fö(^i~)<& a break, a holiday ikB(£$>r> • Co) a holiday body frhtz 94 (7) f r ifc(frhtz) a body 'ffcW (tz^^ • O physical exercises • 0 • 7t:) Japanese name f£ff (l^ • fy k) woods and forests Lesson 5 53 54 55 Pal between interval Ž (12) 1 P P P' n PI n Pil Pni Pfl Pal W(afeWi) between (t) ($>) 7 to be on time -^ffi (V^ . fa A - ^A,) a year B#fä ( C • 7>A) time cultivated field (9) * ft iffl(íifclt) cultivated field BB'JrEB (7^ • táľt:) fields of rice and crops ;& rock (8) 1 lU lu r H lu 75 iH^fo) a rock Sill (l^fa • ž) a rocky mountain • -ttcO rocks and stones Lesson 5 2 — 2. <£A"C1~o Mr. Iwata is a cheerful man. 8. lJjC0±H'jffl^^ Hto There are cultivated fields on the top of the mountain. Lesson 5 3. # tl/t> U Hl> 9 (Writing Exercises) Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. a tree X 2 = a wood 2. a tree X 3 — a forest X 2 = [ 1 | [X3- 4. rice field -f~ power = a man h 3. woman + child = like t 5. sun ~h moon = light t 6. man + tree — to rest t frit 7. gate + sun = between 8. body's power = physical strength — CO — 0 0 £ < 9. fire + field — cultivated field 10. mountain + stone = a rock t | | = | | | |<7)5 = 11. a boy l^L 12. man and woman (D - tltZ - L i; * Lesson 5 A. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. for one minute frh, 4. for four weeks 2. for two hours 3. for three days 0# (1 \Z frh 5. for five months 6. for six years L (Q> 9 — 7. forests and woods 8 . a holiday 9 . an inactive volcano 10. physical exercises 7t l i O < 11. I like cheerful people. o 12. Those men are Mr. Kobayashi and Mr. Iwata. CO tz % (i $ ^ t ttkz Ok If K> L $ A ~e o