Lesson 6 611 h 1 -3t¥0)lJ* U ( Lectures on Kanji) X>6Tf £ 8S¥ " 3 - ( Kanji made from pictures - 3 -) Look at the following picture. Each drawing indicates a certain meaning. Guess the meaning of the Kanji characters below. 1- S 2. ft 3. ^ 4. & 5. M 6- ^ 7. J£ 8. || 9- If 10. H Lesson 6 These Kanji characters were made from very primitive pictures as follows. Usually each Kanji has at least two ways of being read; the so-called 'KUN YOMF (Japanese reading) and 'ON YOMI' (Chinese reading). Picture Kanji 'KUN' 'ON' 1 - S sb [MOKU] [JI] X [SHU] I- [SOKU] < \ 1 / N. /K 46 ~* 5 wt [U] [SHI] Meaning ear hand rain £*t [CHIKU] bamboo [MAI] rice [BEI] America ([BAI]) shellfish [SEKI] stone thread Lesson 6 - y h 2 i57vll) an eye @_h(#) • •? x) one's superiors < • a table of contents ear (6) —' r r If an ear ^ #f4 (C • XJP ' fr) study of the nose and ears (otorhinology) hand (4) # ("C) a hand 3Mft("C • ^) a letter • T) 4 skillful *Tf h • £) & unskillful 56 57 58 Lesson 6 < A, J; ^ t^3> < t o) n leg, pair suffice tz-t (7) \ n a JS.(* L) a leg J£(fc) 0 h to be enough ~ J£ ((' • O two pairs life rain (8) I n ffj ff] M(&#>) rain M5^(^ • "tX) rainy weather Vr bamboo (6) h V 1t(£&t) a bamboo it (fclt) ^i1 a bamboo shoot ttffl (fcit * £f) Japanese name rice «. (for America) (6) f * rice £<) U.S.A. • ^V*) Central America Lesson 6 g shellfish (7) i n S MCrt^O a shellfish VY\ÄÍ\CCO M OHO a shell cOhoW stone (5) r r ft 5 (V-4 L) a stone ííJIl (v* L • Japanese name SÍŮ ("Č § * *50 petroleum, oil Ifcží • -£ ě) a fossil thread string v* i: v (6) ü k &(v>fc) thread i&Ot'^t) woollen yarn -2. 9 ( Reading Exercises) Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. M 2. TS 3. S 4. -J£ 5. * 6. ^ 7. ^ 8. 1t 9. K 10. # 11. XteBX-frito fU, ^-Cllito 12. B^Ali^^r/c^fto Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. &ti£t Lfco 2. r?^^ 'J rfrct^tcfc 0 i-t0 Costa Rica is in Central America. 3. 0^(iT-7 7^'bHfft?r^V^-f 0 Japan buys oil from Arabia. 4. M^0 l±^*?X^$&$:fr& £i~0 I write letters in my room on rainy days. 5. mZttzH^mtf&t *)±.^X~\Z$>y) i-$A,0 I am not so good at Japanese yet. 6. 9 (Writing Exercises) I . Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. hands and legs 2. a rainy day 3. a shell 4. rice (D if h X 0 . one's superiors and one's inferiors 6 . a bamboo shoot (D t CD if) . Mr . Ishikawa 8 Miss Itoyama $ ^ vi Lesson 6 H. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 2. a table of contents 3. a letter 1. a purpose 4. a stamp 5. skillful 4< Ö 6. unskillful X tffr 7. an assistant X 8. shortage 4 it £ J: 9 ■f L 19) . a heavy rain 10. a light rain 11. rain water 12. America 13. North America 14. South America 15. Central America 3E ft 16. thread 17. Ishikawa Prefecture 18. Mr. Takeda l^L frfc> ttA Lesson 6 (Do you know these words? Can you use them?) < A£ The following Kanji are commonly used in Japanese family names. ffl Oi ill * * * ± T ± /Jn # s rt n m ^{tsh a village) afield) See the following Japanese family names. 1. ffl* 16. # ((i^L) 2. LÜH 17. /J* (citf^L) 3. LÜ* (*t i> t) 18. /Mii 4. LÜT (*t Ltz) 19. /Wll 5. *T 20. 6. 21. (*> 0) 7. ttm itshtz) 22. 8. tt± 23. 9. *n 24. (tH^) 10. *lu 25. WW 11. 26. (££5V> L) 12. (&>^0) 27. *«■ 13. jii± 28. 14. ±» (i k.) 29. 15. _hffl 30. (/:(tL/:) Lesson 6 Notice the phonetic changes as in the following. O Other common family names Ex. $p/fv mm (i-f i) (WO 9 X.) in* 9) (W^9) (#>WL a name card used for business) Address Telephone Title Name Name of University and Department L Name of Company Department and Section