Lesson 8 S58H| y h 1 -rJI^ii&l/ ( Lectures on Kanji) SKSHWat^ - 1 - ( Kanji for Adjectives - 1 -) Look at the following adjectives. Japanese '-f ending adjectives can be divided into three groups according to the types of the Hiragana endings. 1. Kanji + v> : v> : £v> Nr-t-. , etc. 2. Kanji + U> ■ ttl^ la etc. 3. Kanji + others : ^ £ /J\£v> & *J>&1^ etc. *>■*>• 1"< The Hiragana endings change as follows. Present Affirmative : "SWold) Iff (new) ;fc§Wbig) Present Negative :-£<&v> 0fL<£i^ *£<&^ Past Affirmative :£^o£ HfL^ofc %&fr 9] Put the proper Hiragana endings to the following Kanji. I $ I g If * w n£ £ '> <£ * /Jn Lesson 8 -y h 2 -*AB0>£S^¥ (Basic Kanji) 2 - 1 . M¥fzh)L^^ new $fffl (L/v * a newspaper $Jf$(LA,*L*) a new car (A. - a new year old (5) *(^&)^ old *^(^& - teA,) ausedbook ^l^PftClb # "9 • CL • L*) a second-hand car long eldest, chief (8) ) r F JK&#?)l^ long (*> j; -9 • the eldest son • Nagano Prefecture ^H(t^< - h ll) a president 76 77 78 Lesson 8 short (12) ; r short fe^c(7^Ax - /fv>) a junior college fflftfglitzA, • C • fr/J) a short time "a fa] high expensive (10) "a" "cf » ft m rsi high, expensive ifjljfc^'? • £7) a high school itHfiKfcrt* • f± L) Japanese name J^jli(>l-9 •-?■<) high-speed safe cheap (6) 1 t IT $(^-f)V» cheap ^Tti^i" • l) 0 bargain sale ^ • l^)1-& to be relieved • -if A.) & safe low (7) r it low f£T(Ti/> • to fall, to go down i&filTl/1 • $5 A,) a low temperature Lesson 8 dB dark (13) ) n fl 8 B& Bf BgK<&)^ dark Hfg(^^ • a dark room y many much (6) 9 99 §r{&io)\j^ many, much ifr'Pifz* Li*?) more or less • "t~*)) a large number few little ■fZ-L (4) l ;] 4-N(-f<)&V> few, little ^(1-^)L a little, a few iWL.t T • frA) a boy M(Ln • ti) a girl Lesson 8 2 — 2. 3. £v> 4. gv^ 5. 6. Bfv^ 7. j&V^ 8. @V> 9. fftV^ 10. 4>&V> 11. H^^V^ 12. 13. ^ II . Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. ft^roe^^^o 2. ^cD^dBft^-ef o It is dark in the forest. 3. ^>COAfi^^^l^:^)^:^"Cl"o That man is the president of this junior college. 4. -€-c7)^^(i^£flAUw>9 (Writing Exercises) I . Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. a new year 2. an old car, a second-hand car — — t L fa A < 2) J *> Kb 9 z: 3. a president of the university 4. long 5. short <7) 6. a lot of people 7. a few people 8. a dark forest Ob 9. expensive meat 10. cheap fish 11. to go down II. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. a boy 2. a girl 3. (I) have a little money. 11 h h O L J; 9 fc^ L «fc "5 t J: Lesson 8 4. a high mountain 5. a cheap thing 6. a used book 7. a short string 10. ancient writing 13. the eldest son J; 7 ^ 16. a junior college 8. for a long time i -5 .5^ 9. new tea 11. a long sentence 12. a short sentence tzh MA, 14. the eldest daughter 15. safe 17. a high school Lesson 8 (Do you know these words? Can you use them?) at*y-A (i) How to play (A) : "fr&tz" One person reads the letter cards. The others look for the matching picture cards scattered on the table. When a player finds the appropriate card, he gets to keep it. The one who collects the most cards is the winner. How to play (B) : " LAJt^i-^ £ * < " (Concentration) Put all the cards face down up on the table. Each person turns over two cards at a time in turn. If those cards match, he can keep the pair. The one who collects the most cards is the winner. Lesson 8 1 L I ) I 1 I 1 i i 7 J ^ ITi l )