Lesson 9 m 9 mi y |s ] -SR^OUftL (Lectures on Kanji) KHOa(¥ - 1 - ( Kanji for Verbs - 11 -) Each Kanji has its own meaning. It can function as a noun, adjective, verb etc. in sentences. What do you think is the function of the following kanji ? Fill & ff * rfAj and are nouns. r0fj functions as an adjective and rMj (to buy) as a verb. However, Kanji can not be used alone as an adjective or a verb. Some Hiragana endings always follow and they are called 'OKURIGANA (inflectional endings)'. ff — $fLA> new M -* Ml / M^i-f to buy Using the above four Kanji, let's make some sentences. &t±ff LA^£1V£ LfZo I bought a new book. &L, Noun) : (ttV^^L, Adjective) SbP) (t'H, Verb) : Lesson 9 "7h 2 (Basic Kanji) 2 - 1 . m^Ofrgfrtz ( Kanji Writings) go, conduct line fc^:*--9 (6) / i s —- ft tr (V») < to go fr (£ CI &) i to carry out Jfefi1 (0 «t • i to travel in) -lines come next t-tt/^-tz (7) — *. 5ft{<) £ to come ^^-(^V^ - ^aA^) next year 3U! ( • Ifo) next month 5fcB (fcV* • \Z%)-fh to visit Japan 'if return go (come) back (10) \ \ ) V t 'I3 'If 'Mifrz.) h to go/come back !l§iU(^ * £ {)~$h to return to one's country 86 87 88 Lesson 9 t eat (9) A- &(tz)*<2> to eat -k(fz)^(^<7)) food M(Lx<'Z) a meal ^(^vLiO a dinner Ik drink (12) A A- f Í fie $k((0)ts to drink fife (#>) a beverage foMi^A, • L*>) drinking see, look view h-ž-Z>/fr-*th (7) I n g to look at, to see 3É;IL(l^ • ttA,) an opinion E(<&)-££ to show H^OtA * to do sightseeing M hear (14) i P P P P' PI n M < to hear, to listen to HJ(ě)£;L& can be heard $řf*fl(L^ • -£A) a newspaper Lesson 9 < ^ 571: read «t- -tr (14) > r >• n >. 0 >± ix (JO fr to read a»(f < • Li) reading book s lx(JO<& • reading L^) a reader write book, document fr- < V 3 (10) —7 It \ t liOfrO < to write #0(Li • "t/0 a book shop #Jl(Lj: • t*o) calligraphy talk 7 (13) 3- r n 0 >■/ 0 0) %% E£((i&)t~ to speak k!S(^^ • fc>) conversation S(I±4L) a story, a talk t>) a telephone f / N buy (12) 1 rrn od 1 ff Fl hü H f s I S (#>) -) to buy K^0H> • t <0) shopping Lesson 9 educate, teach religion (11) - 1 %l(&L)Z-& to teach ffcW (§ J: 3 • v> <) f£ to educate #fcs*(c* i -9 ' #*^) a church $tH(£ i 0 • a classroom 2 — 2. Bctfrft/i, L h!> 9 ( Reading Exercises) I . Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. m? 2. m< 3. »< 4. I^tr 5. E£ 6. ft < 7. 8. 'Ji£ 9. I? 10. Ifctf 11. 12. 13. ^-C ^$^0 14. ^ m*ZA,&%ito 15. fc£ t^it^0 16. xv<-h-ei^^tf "to II . Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. i. &*^£JL^L£1-0 8. ]0frg<£>;£&^-e< 2-3. ftA I, tf> 9 (Writing Exercises) I . Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. to go 2. to go back 3. to come 4. to eat 5. to drink < 6. to see 7. to hear 8. to speak 9. to read 10. to write < lift < cfc Lesson 9 11. to do sightseeing 12. reading books 13. a newspaper II. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. food 2. a drink 3. reading matter 4. shopping fz 0 *> lee p. 75 to play (A): "*>§7t" and (B):" LA,» V >1"V > £ * < Lesson 9