Readings in Linguistics: W. F. Twaddell -A note on Old High german umlaut (85-88) Z. S. Harris - Morpheme alternants in linguistic analysis (109-115) C. F. Hockett - Problems of morphemic analysis (229-242) E. A. Nida- The identification of morphenes (255-272) F. G. Lounsbury - The method of descriptive morphology (379-385) C. F. Hockett - Two models of grammatical description (386-399) R. Jakobson - Zur Struktur des russischen Verbums (74-84) (sebrané spisy) G. M. Schramm-.4« outline of Classical Arabic verb structure (360-376), Language 38/4 N. M. Fräser + G. G. Corbett - Gender, animacy and declesional class assignment: a unified account for Russian (123-150), Yearbook of Morphology 1994 A. V. Isacenko - Das Reflexivum (Die russische Sprache der Gegenwart, 452-467) L. Hjelmslev - La syllabe en tant qu 'unite structurale (in Nouveaux essais, 165-171) L. Hjelmslev -Role structural de l'orde des mots (in Journal de psychologie, 54-58) H. Jensen - Die sprachliche Kategorie des Numerus (WZ der Universität Rostock, 1-21) TLP 1, 1964: B. Trnka - On the Linguistic Sign and the multilevel Organization of Language, 33-41 O. Leška - Zur Lnvariantenfórschung in der Sprachwissenschaft, 85-94 M. Komárek - Sur I'appreciation fónctionelle des alternances morphologiques, 145-162 A. V. Isacenko - The Morphology of the Slovak Verb, 183-202 - Fabiánova TLP 2. 1966: F. Danes: The relation of Centre and Periphery as a Language Universal (9-22) J. Popela: The Functional structure of Linguistic Units and the System of Language (71- 81) TCLP 3 (1999): E. Stankiewicz - grammatical Categories and their Formal Patterns (71 -90) G. Kučera - In the Beginning Was the Verb (109- 125) Morphologie/Morphology 1 P. Swiggers - Linguistic sing (210-24) J. van Marie - Paradigmatic and sytagmatic relation (225-233) J. L. Iturrioz Leza + S. Kopetas - Variation und Invarianz (234-246) L. Bauer-Word (247-256) W. Croft - Lexical and gramatical Meaning (257-263) G. Booij - Morphology and phonology (235-343) M. Aronoff - Morphology between lexion and Grammar (344-348) P. ten Hacken - Derivation and Compounding (349-359) G. Booij - Inflection and Derivation (360-368) H. C. Luschutzky - Morphem, Morph und Allomorph (451 -462) I. Mel cuk - Suppletion (510-521) I. Mel cuk - Morphological Process (523-534) C. J. Hall - Prefixation, suffixation and circumfixation (532-544) E. A. Moravcsik - Infixation (545-552) E. Broselow - Transfixation (552-556) N. Evans - Word classses in the world's languages (708-730)