Lesson 40 7 h 1 *fe M (Geographical Features) *6 <£> ia Ri»fti: *4\ ((tin*i a plain (CI -) ff A.) highlands ($(£'<) a desert (sa,** <) a mountain range a plateau a basin MM a,j&*) a canal — 173 — Lesson 40 0.-7 h 2 2-1 . >H^(D*t^ up* 35 (®&) position approximate (7) f r fö() rank q^fä (#K • ^) a degree H—fö (£V • • v>) the 1st place J&fö(*>-^) position Ü. put place (13) t rm no OD f f f ä. fir(&)< to set, to lay S (£) £ B#lt(t~ • a table clock fiig(l/> • h) position, a location öxiIM^'J • to set up horizontal side, wide (15) - i r r ** H (id) the side tfkMi&l • tzL) crossing W^(XZ-lti) Yokohama #$£-(£';• T A,) to turn over 441 442 443 — 174 — Lesson 40 < /vJ:* t>3 5 (®&) fa direction orientate tMt& (6) / fa ft [nj(fr)< to turn toward rfr|uj(&&<& • h) $ facing south fn] (ti-) CI ^) on the other side, over there jjft](lil •>!-)) a direction field origin, basic lib y> (10) r r r »JS (A,) a cause, a factor tf/v) highlands plain, flat even tf 9 ■} ( 5 ) flat, even ('W* • Co) a weekday ^#1(^1^ ■ >t>) peace ¥f (^'iT • ii) equality field wild, untamed (11) » n B f f I U0j(<7) • hills and fields ftW(&A< • a field, a sphere »31 vegetables if3$(* • £ 4> 1) baseball — 175 — Lesson 40 448 wind atmosphere (9) n M ja SU^Mf) wind n-jll(^V^ • a typhoon ltM.(£tz • a north wind • Japanese style both, two money 'J 3 7 (6) 1 n ft MMCO X 1 • LA.) parents $M(Lt • 0 i •) ) vehicles, cars WW(Y) X 1 • /4?xJ exchange of money ffljj(t) i. n • Ii 1) both bridge i (iL +39 (16) t i * r A «((±L) abridge ft«(to-Jn) an iron bridge ^ii$$Ui • • £ «t -)) a pedestrian bridge 449 450 2-2. £*M 1. SL 2. |6j^ 3. * 4. «| 5. 6. g< 7. fig 8. ^[6] 9. ¥ff 10. ffijg 11. £JH Lesson 40 3. B*{i*TOWffit;fi:® Ltt^„ to be located 4. >I<7)±j&(i 1 - r >9 5 7jRf£-Cl-0 per square meter approaching 7. ® li /jK-f - ai f§mp/f-c*«& -a > & 0 10. z\h-] - 7 [ihti^frlM&tflhho Lesson 40 2-3. I. OizmMtem^iXtiftZ^ 1. a location 2. a direction 3. side 4. abridge lit 5. wind 6. a plain 7. parents 8. to face, to turn V 1 i n L^ tj- 1. a degree 2. position 3. an iron bridge 4. Yokohama i: lis 5. to set, to lay 6. an ornament 7. exchange of money f i < 0 j. n # A 8. both <0 i. n {in 9. on the other side, over there 10. south-facing 0 it —178 — Lesson 40 11. a field, a sphere 12. afield 13. vegetables 14. a cause 15. highlands 16. raw material 17. a typhoon 18. atomic energy 19 tf^ IfX L 19 i < 19. flat 20. a weekday 21. peaceful 22. the velocity of the wind l . ( ) ( HH *■ A- >; ;J t. iJ . ) 9 ( MH ) o'v>tt>ifr 2 . ( _ ) (± ( 3. ( ) 4 UK) (Hi, f^Y ( ) (/) (_ ) :]o^u(7)-M-\'-"Ci\ ) 1: ( ) tH;>T ) sret ( ) c^jtLn .1; J; ,t, i/, 4 . ( ^ ) (± ( _ . , ) 20/ - h )MOX \£- YX ( ( ) /v-t'^i^o 5. ( ) gH ( ) A,-Cl/>& ( ) ^ ( ) Tj^otr, r( ) tf{ 6. ( ) (i ( t ( — 179 — Lesson 40 ZL~ y h 3 1-WLfctfa it, mm, M\-\ti^m^'bz%&frbX'&x\<*z0 z0 m±<^^imiX^&'Xll\i>%<, f«iSO:iifi^U-jt, Mt#^^\> *^'Jt| UiA. Lm> T ) Honshu JSjIk (rt/^-tir^) area, square measure ~'Y'h' (^i^li?) ^cm— h;u ~ square kilometers ittfic (hi<-£^) directly to be bounded Hi (-1 < £"") a country, a territory ■'n-r, . {^h.&h,tzh to be equal to ~ [M fl] l. H^oAnjifofi-ci-^c 2. jfiJfUi^&tffH* •) itfro 3. B*t:(i3mtLij*t t-^^^^-c-t^o -e-w#j^i±t*«7)fi-c-r35-c 5. ±«twJ;Tiiitt\ £)&/>:<7)at:o^T{1^£i:£&£^o