Lesson 41 h 1 >ign-2- (Kanji Compound - 2-) ^Jaged ^ an old man senility one's old age man ^ after -ization (A) (B) «;ttf«MHii^>P (C) 1^CQ«£^ * aged (6) -^(is)v»& to get old 3fc£0t^ • %l)^ • £A,) an old man Respect for the Aged Day tribe ^ clan (11) 3- > ^^(^ •-?"<) a family • ^'< • ^ < ) ethnology J^S^ A- • -f< ) a race, a people /R^fiR • -P < • /Wv) an aquarium supply j deliver (10) n * s K, ( < (f) & to deliver ( L ^ • liV) 1" & to worry 8fiii(t±V> • £o)1-& to deliver A. • tiV)"^ to distribute 451 452 453 — 186 — Lesson 41 11^ 35 (Ilk) 'ft 1 art skill (11) / f- it # ^%(L^9> • C»9>o) an operation • C*9>*3) art, skill li^T (^ ■ Ztfp^) fine arts S^r^OfV- an artist it retreat (9) jiK^^ • to leave hospital Wt-ifz:^^ ■ ffO'^k to leave school Mft: (tz ^ • L v) T to leave the office | effect (8) >- >-/ ft to work on, to be effective ^T$/ (<# 1 • z 7 ) validity an effect *R^b (tr - CL ^ ) invalidity ft people folk (5) -7 r HH$:(>I < ' hk) a people, a nation ^kR,{tcL • hL) refugees TfJS(L • HL) a citizen Jsii^F^A • • #?<) ethnology — 187 — Lesson 41 458 im visit ütr-tL* dl) 3-**• r n > a 0 gTj( fz~f) fa?a to call on fTjRi] ((i n • & A,) T£ to pay a visit $}j(&b)tl& to visit (a place) 1^(15 "7 • ^^) ~f h to visit the U.S.A. m face (18) *- it f f n % r r 11(7^Jo) face v5feS§("ti"■ )"t^to wash one's face fffe^Jb* • complexion gI@I(/i5X • *6AJ the face 459 460 tooth li (12) 1 Y \Y ■"V if * f milt) mm)? a tooth 7 v a toothbrush ffifffe (L • • v>) a dentist m% ((i • C& a gear — 188 — Lesson 41 2 2. ÍjE<&|^H 1. 2. gOílc 3. SK 4. II 5. M 8. 9. í** 10. mi) «— fttgl H. Iífc* 3. 5gA*-^K^£^£#£l!>fc£c 4. «tffl^O#P^±S^T% Í < T y'T^T 7 'J AOS* £IíP»^1-£0 7. IXIU-C^v^A/'-i-íb^fnilSjOH'v^KoTv^o 8. í>£ KUta, &7C^^ &Sí£a-t, ^LÍL/;„ — 189 — Lesson 41 2-3. mzmm I. DK&^&gl^fcAfifcS^o 1. to wash one's face 2. to have a toothache 3. to visit 0 4. to worry about an operation 5. to quit school (T) 6. an effect 7. an old person 8. a family 9. a citizen ho ISA. 1. to get old 2. validity «-► invalidity 3. This medicine is effective. (7) 4. to deal cards is - 0 5 . to deliver the newspaper h < If — 190 — Lesson 41 6. a boy -*■ a young man -*■ a middle aged man -+ an old man 7. the art museum in Tokyo to visit my teacher's home 4- 9. a resident 10. This country is a multi-racial nation. \Z Kb 9 < i: - o *>> IE. ( ) Cjg^£it^£i^&£v>o 1. ( . ) £ ( . ) 2. r( ) li ( ) tt^txn ( ) tv^is^J: i r *■ -f < Sit /v 3. il<7) ( ) li ( ) "C£)&0 a multi-racial nation < l: A A * < z «■ 4. ( ) Ltzc it i t A 5. ( ) -C ( ) ( ) iftztiK ( ) 1-4 i-Cabi: 3 ( ) <* WTA£tJf*$ a^a^aa\ AéAit^£ LŽ laq £< t^aa^miĚAlit.ir-£ Oíř/ÍLAo I-CípIKtí^^H^^*^ Ž LA0 |c5M(±i:a^l«la, ,t-^a ^K^trž t Ltzo imimmi-mm 11 lac íto itmim^Xi-frh, m&íX'® aaa?a aoj "u^kfuií^aa^x-a^ž, aa-tAoj h^a^pa^ á lac rÝŤťtia„ £At ^0-r & i AAAA/tAt^^ 'a L a'o^tUf, <" ^lA'Bllci'^tio H^HjfcAáóďA < a£^oj ě=*(a /h£ v>£<7>Ťi: ^AíUaAíAÍoA, ioii-áó^^AcolMÝliH^Tfcoj tHot, É^ffi£M,A rA ^C0^"7l±^< LAAA0j A^fli L(2A < %ATA^FÍ^t LAc - a$^oj [±LAí) LAc *#ií?.í I^ť^iLí) an ambulance ij /n tf ij = ijAt"'Jf-v3> rehabilitation ~bS (AA ~ years old Eft (<&í) ^^-ÍT < to visit a sick person iž to drop in (to a place) a rose [K P4J] 1. AIJAA LAAISLŽ LAAG 2. #ííiC0ížčťW < bt> la "a /iH>a ^v^AAAc 3. AíOCAv^AKL^tttAf^ 19 Ž-tirA^c 5 . -kŽ Á.llfáiftiX'ti ž i Ltzfro — 192 — Lesson 41 <^3lN-5& || yj\ (Instructions for Use) > y • • 0 / .-t-v-t-j^w** - / • * Hi —A asms gnats racDLD 2 4 IS. SJ 0 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 RSI o S^-K-^t*Hti, l^v^&-|j7j< (instructions) ^'ot>tv^to £- — 193 — Lesson 41 ■m (* Wash i"f Rinse Water flow R#W Time (fiot^) Spin (-^r7t < # Washing Machine) Water level f& (tvO Low * (*>>$>?) Middle ft High ("CAJfA.) Power X/m On/Off H(^T Vacuum Cleaner) St ( c> J; "9 ) Strong ( *9> "9 ) Medium §1 (£«■<) Weak tJJ Off J* h — Zf (Stove) $!^l'J&lc c= x}-o J; -) ) Ventilation necessary ft (ia)SiirW^C (Li ifr) Turn off when going to bed ln"/fiB#M^C (^t90$>CLi^/H Turn off when refuelling IflO (Kotatsu: Japanese Table-type Heater) Thermostat 1£ ("Cv») Low High Temperature fine adjustment Warm &oa6 Hot 3« (*< £A,) Quick heating Retaining warmth Alarm Loi3A,)-tr>HJ— Room temperature sensor iB^t^—^ y b (Electric Carpet) SJtPep (J3 A. f i ^-£o) Temperature adjustment RSMffiSftOft {tzMX3) fi^Z # 0 Change of heating area 3£ ( 0 )L Light sensor — 194 —