Lesson 42 h 1 3* Ife >S (University Life) 3¥ 4^ —f&Lffl @ < ) general subjects (-£A.&A,^k<) special subjects 31# @ < ^ £ < * ^ O elective subjects 'J&ft?f4 @ (O'oL^i^t () compulsory subjects ftoit/v) experiments SfftlfrS: W^tiS) field work ^Ullffll^C (-?"0^J: ^ hL&L) a graduation thesis i&W-^ll^ (^n^< toL*-ii) teaching practice ^Jj| (fo^n) graduation i&llc (^io) necessary, required ^.{\jf (£A,V>) a credit — 195 — Lesson 42 h 2 2 - 1 . ^3? (n&) graduate 7 7 (8) r P * $f ' I to graduate *.¥Wz^ • tf< • *o) • ^* i -) • -£v>) a graduate a college graduate m discuss debate o > (15) >• >■ r n o 6 «■••iL— 0 Ol offl] offl Srai (^?^ • a thesis, a paper IliJm( >) • h A>) a theory Iura (1* • hL)-fh to discuss, to argue mMi^/^ • ll ) logic % fruit real (8) 1 %{&H> (üSO research tone (15) >- >- >• r > n p D in rn tn tu M{Lh)-~<& to check Ml-(hx^) • L) condition, tone M^tih in • £)~f2> to investigate MfH X 0 • h) harmony necessity (5) s *l surely, without fail ■j&^ilh-o ■ X •) )& necessary, indispensable indispensable essential (9) 1 n •fe- iK^)^ to need JllKC^-) • X. i) & important IKiT • ^T)t^> to demand Jg ^ (£-9 • T A,) the point genus sort (18) % r P It fi(Lj: • ^l/') paper, documents SS ( L A • & I relatives £Hi(-£A, • -5)^)1-^ to classify MMa(i>^" • £ 1 -) a synonym — 197 — Lesson 42 464 research tone < A J: A t>3; (am) (15) n in Or H ( L ^)& to check p-f-(*b £ "9 • L) condition, tone IS(^) J: n • to investigate M^Wih harmony necessity (5) s '^(7)^'o)'fr surely, without fail • J; -) )& necessary, indispensable indispensable essential (9) 1 n •Ir(v>)& to need life (IS fl> 9 • <£ l) & important S^U n ■ h <$> to demand f^U^-TA.) the point 465 466 467 genus sort (18) vk. I ! I vii-r I v^-r I — 198 — Lesson 42 2-2. m#mm 1. ^fg-f-* 2. H^lľá 3. mi?* 4. i&i 5. 6. 7. ffüfc 8. m^a 9. &tT 10. 6. %m.\^xhn^hn^ r£íLLátj tt^ 8. m^m^i^icizt täöi>0 — 199 — Lesson 42 2 3 . & $ $111 I. □t;£3fc?£l3:£A*ifc£v\, 1 . to graduate from university 2. a thesis 3. an experiment 4. to investigate 5. necessary 6. documents 7. good at 4 Li 5li 8. impolite 9. condition t < ^ til' ^ J: 1 L 1. a graduate 2. a college graduate 3. without fail T 4. to discuss 5. a theory 6. logic <0 200 — Lesson 42 7. a fact 8. practical use 9. fruit, a nut 10. to say thank you \ii?i>c 3. fr£Lm>ibtoA,7j>A,<7)L.t £ < i±, 500£a,;La,<"c>^-ci-c — 201 — Lesson 42 h 3 *#&£lt&£> The spring is in all its glory. ff(-fA) = fi^ti" (humble expression) £>7Hf'1#"C by a person's favor, owing to tt^ty (£V#f< *> •* 9) during one's college days fcitiriiij to receive assistance Wft(&0 ) -9 Z£\->i Ltz Thank you very much. $T (£>19)= B# an occasion, when -7) L±Jf it" = W^it (humble expression) £.(\/>)fr-f to make good use of f£±f*S (L*> 9 LfrX^) a M.A. course ^tlStt £ i 0) a letter of recommendation P#-(^o"C)a one-sided request $ LfUfrlt) C*£Vi-^ = -fh- $*kL (polite expression of apology) — 202 — Lesson 42 0 Hill How to Write a Personal History 2 oil) tffl (One's home address, nationality) 3 ^gffll (Higher education) i§5&^im± £ IE A t £ - 10 W) BSfP62^ 4 /! A^ TO 2 • 3 ■ « TO23M 6•3•$H 00*^00^00^14 »=» ± TO 6 ^4 £ A^ 8 • 3 • 4nt OOA^Af^OOffi?m OOlf^OOHi^ (W (Academic degree) fit TO8^3 H20S OOff±/001f± OOA^ 5 SIffl (Employment) £tt£, A^£, ffl^P/f£ t W£ t'ZBXt h CI to 6 ^(Oi&mm (Other work) *A<7)#f"h Lfcifcfc, £££ t'<75±& (> (Do — 203 — Lesson 42 m m m ft « O *« (BIS) Hgfp ^ ft b£ « ( Ht3( ) - Si $ ± ■ • A¥ » • • $n OOATOO^^OO^f4 • • A3* OOA^A^^005ff^f4 OOtSflOOH# // • • // • • ft U oo&±/oois± OOA^ ^ n b ft M ^ ^ b // ■ • • t o fl I i — 204 —