Lesson 43 I fg43if | QitOWlWl (Verbs of Change) to increase to decrease + M < fr);L£ to add to become few to increase to decrease to change 0 Id 20 30 40 to disguise to change a* 1966* I97S* 1966* 1975* 1984* ................. J Dnnnnil flnnfln 2A I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 M 6 l)C 500 40G 300 200 100 0 mm- to transfer (iR^nttftz 1987j H^-tt 1987) to move to move L^ if jl(Olb)ft& to line up to proceed + gl(oo*)< to continue + to walk to continue to progress — 205 — Lesson 43 h 2 2-1. m^omzjj 'a add increase ^-^t (14) i r r if if(^)x.'6 to increase, to grow i#JD(-?j) • to increase if (-&»)-^i" to add, to increase add (5) 1 1)\\{<-b)t>h to join #SP(£A, • to join ftD()x_& to add JDX(^ • i ?)1~6 to process ^-ibt (12) "j )> /'n M(^) 4 to decrease, to diminish ' L X 1 )~th to decrease $c(^) to decrease 471 472 473 — 206 — Lesson 43 474 * > 3 < mm change (9) -*~ r t ft )hh to change ) x. h to change (something) to change, to vary ^A,) very, much ft transfer (id s s i i i' #(^o)£ to move to move (something) • t:' ■) ) ~t h to move, to remove ■ hL) an immigrant 475 476 continue oo*-< y*? oo*-tt4 (13) k & t r r ** #jc(oo*)< to continue il^c(tlA, • <) 1"& to continue ^(oo*)lt& to continue (something) ffi$c(-£ 7 • <) & to inherit exceed t-r-f (12) pass I n in ft * jIW^ to pass, to exceed Mil (o 1 • fr) i~ h to pass M(~f) Z-f to spend (time) • Z.) the past 477 — 207 — Lesson 43 t>3; (Hi 80 proceed advance t-r-ts (11) j \ i' f ff M£ it M (~t~t) L' to advance, to progress jM (*6 h to advance, to promote to progress advanced nations from, than (5) i 1/ J^K^- Dii) more than JJ.ff (v> •-tf A,) previously (v» • *W less than • r) after that beauty (9) Y % H(^o<)L^ beautiful (<^ • I l • v>A,) a beauty parlor HA(C{~- a beautiful woman §i$f(£>'' C-t9>o) fine arts — 208 — Lesson 43 2-2. m*uw 1. iSx-ž 2. *£& 3. 4.Jnx.& 5. ^k1"4 6. m& 7. 8. &t>Z 9. iä^S 10. Ütr 11. JĚJLJt 12. JílT 13. ÜLi/> 1. 1950^WÍÉ, Ťt"t»WÄ'>L, ^AWAP^UÍJOLtľ^žo 2. ClWjl[<7)äE*u^tl±x aíE+íflUíí^o/:. 3. g^I#iaoT#< OípifWffé£ «fc 9 Kfc o /:„ ■t ó 6. ^30#55>firtľ'to *í:^WB#ltl±^LUA-CV>t1-0 — 209 — Lesson 43 2-3. mzmw I. DKa^fciil^fcAfi&Sv^ 1. to increase 2. to decrease 3. to change ML L ± 7 4. to move 5 . to pass by 6 . to continue to <&•< 7. to make progress 8 . beautift l 9 . more th an — — 90< 1 . The number of cars increases. CO 3. A new member joins the club. 2. to gain friends L^ AH'1 4. to add salt iVni £ j X. 1________] 210 Lesson 43 5. to join the United Nations *>< -r-r 6. to go on with the plan 7. to step forward 8. the past 9. Winter passed. ft tx. -r-r & z 10. to change the schedule 11. to move to Tokyo 12. to migrate 7Lh J: t n t > £ w> ? 5. fo^>-?-^L^Woo\>-Ct^c Lesson 43 lZ7h 3 1965 1980 2000 *il(kcal) 2,184 2,119 2,644 350 226 177 60 92 89 42 63 58 70 65 25 10 17 42 1*1 30 68 79 35 38 47 57 115 258 ft, 76 93 101 219 251 279 *» 59 155 114 mm'&mm m±g) & o B * A W f$tfJ A § < £ o £ W (i STStSfi, 1965^ < h^h 1980^(±, *5l*^H65kcalT0orv»-5)A*, 2000^H(i, 460 kcalfetf itv^o 1965^ t < fc^-C, 1980^£f>U2000^AI • fLMnnpt:-* ft ^t) 5i*± h L T t ^ £ v>A ft I■ i $ 15 Aft^fc/iC: ti:Uo 1965^t:(i, 1 A 1 H350g fcft^Tv^kO^ d mo^wft^co^tt: J: 4 t mfrftac * ft£'S ( L <£ < -ttv^o) one's diet It ( i ■? ) amount rftll (*9>L) oils and fats fLSnnn ((Z ^ 0 O A.) milk products ±ft ( L * L i < ) the staple food W% vegetable 36 (7> i ■? ) a chart Sfefi (feofj i 7 ) calory 4^?L ( ^ H> "9 H *9> "9 ) milk -JS, (i9) -stlyle /JvS (dtf^') wheat ~~\l£Z> to be due to [« IH] 1. 1965^r ^, (75 H*AWft»l±^0,tT£^wfio t^jJ^o 2. 2000^(75 0 ^AOffli, i:'tf5SK5H?A£ <^{tL^\ 3 . *«t£:£i£li, ^i9t:^o^\ Ui^LtX rtfSv1 — 212 — Lesson 43 jffl o TV £ T # ft m ft B.C - 500- fig • « - A.D1- - 100- - 200" - 300 - - 400 - - 500 " " 600 " * - 700 - 710 - 800 - 794 - 900 - ft 2 - 1000 - -1100 - - 1200 - 1185 - 1300 -- 1400 - 1333, i W - 1500 - it 1568 SJ «1 - 1600 - - 1700 ■ ) r. - 1800 " it 1868 P - 1900 - -ffift 1945 * m lift HUT (-£v>tl§0 the Christian Era B#ft ( a period the division into periods fi£#D (IfA^L) primitive times iSfft (i/iV») ancient times ffift ( tf> *5 -£V>) medieval times jftft ( ^ A^-lirV^) recent times jfift (§A/il^) modern times Jlft Uf^£V) the present age (pre-earthenware period) Jomon ware (straw-rope pattern pottery) Yayoi ware ancient burial mounds Nara (place name) (-^i^abA,) Heian = Kyoto ifc^Pt C^i < ) a place name in Kyoto Northern and Southern Dynasties mm (-OX r < ) the Age of Wars ^±ttÜÜ (äbo'-t, & a place name ?XP (*.¥) Edo = Tokyo (*V>i;) Meiji period ^:IE (fc^Li 9) Taisho period BSfP (L i ■? t>) Showa period Heisei period — 214 —