f»%?wl:i E s s o n Sll^CDBHB Tomomi's Diarv 22 is i ate (-y*) diary IB>0"3 (*^jL^f ft) to fill in $S|M*y) an article; news B|IB"f"5 (TV+'fft) to memorize (to write down) (10) f o p 5"1 *Mf ^J3^5 bank SLX^VU <#v*¥ti) silver medal (3r>-fe#4) land covered with snow (silver) do' * * * ? # 'O last inning; last episode 13 "f dfo~f) to turn to turn) (6) 1 fi fi H I5! @ ►it! 9~% (tyltftz) evening 7-fe ($>*>$/n9) dinner -fc7 (fcfe«fc) Tanabala (evening) (3) y 7 7 < % Jt/fcS A\, (< 5 $ 3 AO Mr./Ms. Kuroki ,W,v > ((?u) S ^9 black (L ?. < 5 v -f ^ >) black and white photograph MMl chalkboard (black) 1 T-l T°» S If ^ jg ]g J? lg ]g (3 ^ i^) a thing to take care of C3?-ff3) to prepare Cft3*) for children (task; to use) is)) n n n m x it (to keep; tg^f ()v7-,) absence; not at home ®^#'St§ (*Xn*vf>7) answering machine *) (Hth*)) charm 3=W (i'li-f) security guard to protect) (6) ' '' ^ * <3= ^ * -7 "j -ft- iS^ (^a^T-y) weekend 3*. (fyvy) endofthemonth W (*r?'Vi' final examination 5|C (~?Z.) the end ■ (the end of) (5) — ■= ~f J? is sees-* (to wait) f#0 (to) to wait rf#i (S^*v>^>y) waitingroom 5 (*^M •fS) to expect }3ff (->3^^-f) invitation (9) \ r r f* I* ft # (to remain) WV^aSO over-time work (■9">*>) regrettable ^S1) regret (®rt) to leave ? f r r ?a n ®!?#'tl$ (»«A*Vf>7) answering machine —# M the first (^>3'>» number (^><-^) TV program (order; number) 112 :5fe ^fe. (station) ■IK. (x=*f) station #.^SK (r-^a^x*) Tokyo Station KM (x^-fx) station attendant IKttf (x^ S x.) vicinity/in front of the station ill' MM ■fey (theory; to explain) lM3-f5 ("fe^tf 1"5) to explain >m..W*&'*hn novel 'VikM- (yg^-b'y*) novelist iMkrfi (•tey# to preach JR^WS (T> + -Y-rS) to guide 3tftF*T (7>t-f ^'a) information desk ^ (T>) idea; proposal r1 S1^ 5^ 5^ S^U (idea; proposal) 'S: * * (inside; inner) Srtt? (7>*4+3) to guide ^.1*1 (iii-4) my wife BftJfaf (3?WJ3 3W domestic travel (4) i n ft ft (to forget) fetli (tittlZ) to forget (fc-TftfeO) lost article -f) year-end party (7) (In this chart, katakana indicates the on'yomi and hiragana indicates the kun'yomi.)