I f*23"l L E S S 0 N...........................23^| ZtUitzfateM?What Does This Face Mean? M (face) M (*>*$) face IS£ (*>tiv>6) complexion 9£fl (x.A!i3) smiling face ;5tSI (-tr>*"V) washing one's face It (emotion; condition) Jjtfil (t 3 >> y 3 ■?) expression fcft (a'JS's*) friendship HHR (S^aW) information 'ftIt (&§lt) mercy an ' " t r r t* 1* tf tt it it (to get angry) (feiS) to get angry SI (v>A>9) anger; rage l+FTOi') human emotions <0) t. 4 * *? 4«. **. *a. 4*. IS1 / ^ /vL *• (change; abnormal) H>^W strange -k.Hc.ti. i9^-^>ti) tough; hectic SMtl (^>Ji) change $A (^>>^>) eccentric person (A'X.5) to change (something) (9) ' — * ^ p £ fa (mutual) ft^- (*V>T) partner 1MB l^ii'J1?) prime minister felt (V •> ?>) consultation ftS»(y>Jffl) mutual o)- t * * ^ft +n +n jfH X c (sideways) }&(££) side ^HrJ (££*>*=<) horizontal writing tltffl (i Ccfi'] grand champion of sumo rHW"1"3 (*-TZ) to traverse (is - 1 j * r r r f f < s t (to compare) tt^S (< £^3) to compare ttfic (fc # ? ) comparison tt°& (ta) figure of speech (4) • t f ft ti* r (to change into) Xlfc (7">#) culture ffc^ chemistry l§Hfc( K?#)assimilation &ifclt(*5li'(t)goblin; ghost ffcJ& (->"-> a ">) makeup (4) > i i' it St23«M 0 St (%*s?) different fAHX-i (£%Asx.5) to make a mistake (-(*>>) illegal (to differ) t ffil^ (*>&Ll>) sad *M'\ (ty + ) tragedy ,tt'l#t' (t-^Vifc) miserable (sad) 02) I 1 •» < i\ tr # # j* ft Mi (f - 3 "^''r) survey; research iM^ (L^^S) to look into SSI"? (^-3">i/) condition (to investigate) as - j 5 * f 5 t smsinsiw^^ * Mji (•?■ 3 survey; research ^jt (•>" >^f) inspection ttS (y?'|r) criminal investigation (to inspect) (9)- + Jc *^ g * Itf. result *;t fruitjuice (ort>Ul±fc-f) to use up ( < fcf fe ©) fruit 1 (fruit; result) (8) ' n ^ e S f JF & Aft (Avya1?) emotion ^tiffi to be moved to feel (to sense; to feel) tt: ZtzX. (ix. S) to answer ^X. (£ tz z.) answer 13^ (A-f reply; answer ^•M (h">7^) examination paper (answer) (In this chart, katakmm indicates the on'yomi and hiragana indicates the kmi'yonii.)