D. Fill in the blanks to complete the sentences using -z žTT Qt loobs.'.). You might have to conjugate some words. ďL 1.. U\? 6 (irft) _o 2. |,, LJ A,t* ({';ďá't, ut) 3. ZOŤ -+[* (*;ut L, < /J\,\) 4. +E í*(tul; 5. ffiá{ (,3'ó) 6. Z0)ě &- D rbž(dinosau) L* (zbut; 7' tc ( ě /v (Ř^ ěťLa) 8. E^EEĎr (-e.š ó) b t:* 9. gFár (utul; lo. Č7/ Ď\ (t+) l,fulďt\ 11. /ĎEtsď 6 Z L |,i (/a ut) E. Change the words in parentheses to either their "'t - (3\-Z ) (/a), o. 6 t, L\ form, depending on which one makes the most sense in the context. +EÉBĚ<'h_Ť>ařaLJ6 t ' z ě75r< +.,: (lu\(. Ň75r(l. ,3'6; tČctc"Zťt"|,c' ,l[*L<Ů(2 Eut; la) tco Tz5'ě (3. *3 t,t l gt; /s ír*;U\Ď\ U T ě tc" ě z bá fuárl\ l:Tv ?ž.1+ (FcTl..$1 tČ=k'" ?4 => ?+'y Ť > tc1j ( 8' ' ě t 7;'-ě lv\,* F' a trL tr ut) tč=tc",ÍEJá'L < ^?/sz Lz5t b60)á'LFqT( L' r77l tŤČLt=cfco7F_47l/> l.lL7- Fár(6 F>a> " á \,rĚfu. hrtl,t ú)/eátĎr- * < U\: <. (7' tr$; " *Ů/J (. /Jutq(,JěÁá\ÉEĚ(š/c.L<+., (s ?a{,'/;t,r á'Js lsleepyl) tsffiž. [_,t^5 LrurTT" 1'. Yourfriend: BFEl(_Ť 4 -Ďrb=teŤ-žTg.ta'" You: ŽŽ. L<+, 2. Your friend: EE E ú*ffiát8'6 z )T?-lá," You: 72, lRt, 3. Yourfriend: h, ^-ě /vI,*Fž,Hctc?-TŤ-ta," You: žZ' L(t 4' Yourfriend: ft)@)- ž> ě fuít*SěŤstll,c|1:tcZ žTT*a" You: ŽŽ. 5. Yourfriend: BFE. *)v >ě fu|,iL' o:Ěš $boru wp) L *1ifuT |utctJ" You: ZŽ' G. Answer these questions in the negative. r@t)l'lí*Bár!fi UrTýár" __> U\U\Ž. 5fi( /aězž Tq" +E ítNá{,3' D *ýá'" -+ U\U\ž. ,3'DZ ) Dp/jU\TT" oÍ U\U\Ž' ň.'Ě,/AězžTď. 1. ZO|,-rLJ /1,L*{,.ďá'L, t,\T.qá'" *\ž 2. 9E ú*F<,)#h,*Tz5'" 3. Z Oh\ lv u átÉfre' * T á'" @ tz5 4. *f trutagú*šďL'U\TTá\" 5. ErČEítzr-ae ýá'" 6' ádJČá A,I*7 / U hátiÍáTT75\. H. There has been a murder. An American businessman was killed in his apartment in Aoyama. You are a detective called to the murder scene to investigate the case. Study the picture and answer the questions by making guesses from evidence in the picture' (Use " ' & ž,/ a*t l\.) Give the reasons for your answers. Useful Vocabularyz ě /v Z safe (n.) ^f rtFtJl ZaÉlŠ=Eú-^75iíEI^t,t/eÁ,T[-, * ) á." 2 ^aJ ;Tq&' ?- 7ht2 cb D *'íá.5" 1. ťčá\6fia7 Jt_ l-'l*"!á':. D ts ó D *É/1," (You are thinking about moving to a certain apartment' so you visited it yesterday. \řhen you were there, you didn't hear much noise, but . . . ) a. You were told that one of the buildings nearby houses students who play music in an alternative band and practice every evening. b. One neighbor whom you talked to was constantly yawning and telling you that it's hard to get a good night's sleep in that building because the radiators are always clanging. c. The apartment is located rn an area close to the main road. d. Someone who lived there before told you it was noisy there. G. Fill in the blanks with a form of either & ž@, ď*tcu\)' -ř ), o. 6 [, t,r. |Ft]s +ÉEai,rfr?ňí-t ó L' o ť ur{ff #tt'r*a ? r.ě]4!]3q. 1.. t*: Ě D Hz*1iÁ,ár' t)0)^l*Hměfu D 15/JU\ 2' zoa) Č =-_, |,tTČ<'íEŤU 3' b ž' F:0>Jť6ár^á'5Íj6 Tď" o 4' t x žLď 1ledger1 ž.F,6t' ťtr,á'át*;#aIF.U\ čÁ,T l\ 6(embezzle) o 5. 'l-í*E *ť 6' |,*lvtt lv (criminal) í*č0>B'h'5 H< t \ : /c 7. &<{t- thticě A,ú*EFE 7 / Užltl# D *l'tc" /iá'5. 6. zCIl/71-.>L*baV7l-.> t DHU\TT. ťá'ě. 7. ) - ž> ě ^,t*EE Zf\_'y ž'|-( t,t*T. /iá'ě. 8.9Et*EEEETT" /iĎ'ě. o. Following the example, complete these sentences by using [t ďT Ť ", [tť h\b D *Élv. 7Bt)1 {; 5 ilJ ě fu út^ŤT7- > ^x+ž'É lv Zžt, * |..,Ťah' ě -: {,'5 il.] ě fuí*^ŤT7- > 7ý-+ž'Élvz - t, * L, /cá.5' 7 -> ZEE75i '-ňera[*TTt " 1. Za t L}vlt374 Z1iutĚá'5. 2. 9 B ú*t.EE E /Čá'Ě ' 3. h, ^-ě fuú*t< trÉÉEl{Ť(á'ě. 4. 75'O tj r'|,t7 / U ha^+ž'z2ďJ - t /cá'ě' ál 5. h'ťt"[*tF[aLJ '> Z lv |- /c á'5. 6. čl.{j5 á fu [*á' €ž.Ťs ( |'tc (lost tbe keý h\ ě' 7. í*1t U ě Á,lt9. F>* D*jsát/sU\á\5. 8. áú)ě A,L*b ) trČt-ž'l'') >ě Ív(,*ž7)l.,) t-íF ž'lr< U\*T" B: Ž' ztL|,t&)á'UU\Tď?a. ) =2,/ >ě Ívtt R. When you know a person well, you have a pretty good idea of what he or she is likely or unlikely to do. Think of your best friend and write whether that friend could be expected to do the following things. Give a reason for your assumption. fFl)l skip class today + B út|,' LJ /1'hrb ah\ ž,, - 7ž,1^ďi |,tďh\F> D *Ě fu " or 9 E ú* |- LJ lvhrb> ó ^,Tť-hŤ' X ě lvI*|ý LJ lvh.iě ě U\Tqá\ ě. 'í^{,'í* ďTa" or *'6|,J'?.hšb D *1{fu" 1,. get married next month 2. quit school 3. go to Japan next year 4. break up with boylgirl friend 5. go to the homecoming dance 6. not eat any dessert for the next three months S. what could you do in Japanese if you studied it hard for four years? \írite three sentences using Ítď. The following are some examples of things you may or may not be able to do: translate ( ítfu 1l < t e) Japanese books, write letters to friends, write research papers ( Z /v ,3i /v). interpret fffit < t 6) for the Japanese prime minister (Z ž D tčl,\ [) fu)' show a friend's mother around town ( b /vtsu\T 6), fully understand Japanese movies without subtitles ( D * ( ), read ne.wspapers, and so on. rFlJl E ^EEo) Z /w,3\ /vú** /i= tJ /s ut t*ďTq" EtČéL E^EEr.;É1Jó í*ďTT" 1. 3.