JOtaku Housing Danchi no hiroba de asobu kodomotachi: Children playing at a vacant lot in a housing complex tin B'-ttz, -?>issXD ftV&Lfc&o tat 3* A-pT Is 1 £ ho ID-J-^ ^^<7) D^tl^O f^iÄfe It £ A/ ft-? ( 18 ti I) : t>/cU |&V9 f#*ä itteM fcfeKitt. ma no ......o Tb, Mftiz ktft, mm* S3 A J »Gif« y L^o 4 34/JAPANESE LIFE TODAY Koso srtugo jutaku: A high-rise residential building Zu 1 Kat&san no ApSto: Figure 1 The Katoh's 2DK Flat Toilet Storeroom Entrance hall O" Washbasin | Japanese-style bath tlU m:mtt$T* %n 6 7J5.000H 0) MMZMt «5ffi£ fit? t7'j-^ytto 2DK (d T'*-v* ^-5 £^ Sot t^-To «CD fj^tö 8*f 2 M ^ot ^Ito 7^°- h tc fiü a«, a^ *&k: hx mxx ^tto B?f, *& fT Bfl"£ jrKfitf 'C-r (112). fit, l-2lit<7) to? ^< x A^5t:ä *jg-cr0 Kögai no Ikkodale jütaku: A (detached) house in the suburbs Zu 2 KyöjQ fißertseki: Figure 2 Ffoor Area per Dwelling (As of 1978) Countryside housing 140.64m2 National average 80.28 m2 Rented dwelling 40.64 FTT 4 38/JAPANESE LIFE TODAY yplk hVv^r E3#^ ffoTi. /KM© ft0T feA/T V^-To ff^£> TO AOYfiS-h B*© &a,t ^T4>. 4o^c6^^ ^ot ic£ M-5 f--7 >J ^i^(7;r-r3 JRittls mhtix Utggft 'ixe i'^tiT ^t-r0 ftc usurer mo mm, /t*. mmmm 40/JAPANESE LIFE TODAY