♦ -^W-^flfeAX^itSffl[exchange thoughts) -S££§lEf|f (contact with feelings) - ff itfgJ§, (deliver the message) ^ [handle the things)^—'f^Effl^Cffc[applied literary genre) ° 1 - (title) ^|ffx(first sentence) JHfi§{upper space) fi^firil^ ^/T^^#^(respect) - (familiarity) > njft A^Ll^fg Aft£&ft$SB£5ffi3E ( familiarity in the relations ) MaEi ° i§ ( greeting words) ♦ ^^fTJf*(thebeginning)^Mfé(double spacej fällig ° 3.1 and clear) ° ♦ ipllf icSc/ft^lS^(accurate and common) ^3 «4 ' jSjT*^r®^ • 4.^^ig(the blessings) J-r—r ♦ ||g(accordingto)LgfgA^#fev(identity) » ^ j ru-wmmj »^«(younger people) » ^ r M^^ikift^ j » x ♦ Mia Mfj(last two rows)(to the right) A(writer)^^^ » ^^IET^(the straight down)^^fg |EI|$j(the date of the writing) ° (relations) ' ffift^MffDj^H^#f&(identity) #Q: r^xxx j - rJL^xx j H ° xx^x^xB Í5U>£ 1- to friend iumi ¥m\m$cT » stužíš t? 2012^11^26 Í5U2- to the higher status —li ° TO 2011^11H25H