Lesson 3 I I7h 1 -M^o-o [GO] + four five 7^ tro-o [ROKU] six -b [SHICHI] seven A ^o-^ [HACHI] eight £Cl£>-o [KYUU] nine [KU] • t)?o) January — ^(v>*> • feA,) one year two (2) — — H(.&fc)o two (things) _-A(^^**3) two (people) ~j! (tc • 7^0) February —^p(t- ■ faA.) two years v three (3) —- —— -(<&o)^> three (things) -0(<^o*^) the 3rd day = JH£A, • March • teA.) three years Lesson 3 24 four J: 0 -0 v J: A,/J: (5) \ \ / \> 1 m (o)o five (things) 2B (v^o • ^) the 5th day SJf (r • 7^0) May £^(r • fa A.) five years 25 six (4) A(fro)^ six (things) */^B(tfV^-^) the 6th day AJ! (-6 < • ^0) June A^(6< • faA,) six years 26 27 seven 2) -b(&&o)o 7 cosas -t^(L^o) Julio 4r 0 (&<7);H 7° dia 4^(L^faA>) 7 anos ^Att^^AVL^^Ay) 7 personas Lesson 3 t>3^ eight 0-0 (2) A 0)0 eight (things) *AB( J: 1 • ^) the 8th day AJ1 (ti*> • i)^) August A*F(tit> • ax rt^^. fa/o) eight years nine (2) ) M nine (things) AS(H<7)-^) the 9th day • September •?>*<) 900 + ten *y - (2) — ten (things) the 10th day October -HP(i;*7 • fa A,) 10 years hundred (6) ■— r ■S" rm^-tKK) 200 = &(&/vT$*0 300 7^^(6ot»<) 600 A"^0lot»<) 800 Lesson 3 * y a ^ thousand %.y/- -tf > (3) y a thousand yen 3,000 Chiba pref. ten thousand all, every (3) -- 7 —7jR(v**> • £A • x.A) ten thousand yen 7? ' *''v 0 t"?* V,J* 75"III0±^ • Cl < ) all countries F5 circle yen (4) i n n R(x.A) a circle, yen < • x_A,) 100 yen 5fR(- •■tirA • x. A) 5, 000 yen year age (6) A- r ^_h(£L*5x.) persona mayor, viejo/a ^^ch^'fah) ano pasado ^¥(^J;-feAv) ano pasado ^-^{^h.V) este ano Lesson 3 2 — 2. cfc<&ftA,U$9 ( Reading Exercises) Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. (Read vertically from the right.) a > a 2 > — a —■ — M a n A a < a a — B B (i a a a (i A a a a i! X □ a 1 B El a B /\ (P) a A b a o \± a a — j! h a a ■9 l" c 0 B a i a us a B ^ o a t 0 o A 1 a a n i a pi a A •> A a m -■ —■ A A ffl A l± ih m A a — (i !i A a I A R /\ A a A 1 1 A |zh B h R a a A a A a a a a a c a 0 o a o A a a a ['j ¥ A R 1. ¥100 2. ¥6,900 3. ¥600 4. ¥17,000 5. 4 months 6. 8 years 7. Professor Yamada's age is 49. 8. This car costs ¥450,000. 9. That mountain is 2,000 meters high. 10. One year has 365 days. II • 1. the 3rd of March 2. the 24th of June 3. the year 1985 4. 03-3469-8251 5. Today is Wednesday the 9th of September. 6. The 5th of May is Children's Day. 7. The population of this country is about 60,000,000. Lesson 3 2-3. A*£tiAU«>5 (Writing Exercises) Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. n. 12. a, a, 13. 8. a, a. 14. If 9. < a, 10. < Kb ■5 a, < Kt) ■5 1. 9 a, 2 a, < 5 < a, a, ll. it '9 a/ a, a, a, Lesson 3 o L & -9 L ^3 (7) 21. 24. 21. 18. 15. h tz L C ■5 L L -9 -9 -9 -£ i> «k -9 ^ 25. 22. 19. 16. KD 9 fcfc *> A. ~9 -9 «k 9 -9 -9 < < *> 26. 23. 20. 17. 9 < < a, 1_ -9 "9 -9 fc A, *9 -7" 1_ tf * 1. ¥20 2. ¥300 3. ¥6,000 4. ¥80,000 5. ¥520 6. ¥850 7. ¥47,000 8. 10 years 9. 100 years 10. one person 11. two people 12. three people 13. four people 14. one month 15. the 1st of January 16. the 2nd of February 17. the 3rd of March 18. the 4th of April 19. the 5th of May 20. the 6th of June 21. the 7th of July 22. the 8th of August 23. the 9th of September 24. the 10th of October 25. November 26. December Lesson 3 UoTV$T*\.................iTtttfri (Do you know these words? Can you use them?) *? & f I . AWM (Greengrocer) 1. (an apple) —< ^"Ct^o 2. frfrA, (an orange) t±, -ov» 9. tztfcg (an onion) t±, -0^ -€"tdf thin buckwheat noodles served on a bamboo tray 0 t*A, thick white noodles served on a bamboo tray /Ht~ noodles in hot soup £*0;fa~ noodles with fried bean curd, served in hot soup (i^ofa means 'a fox' and it is believed that fried bean curd is the favorite food of the fox.) tz fa C* ~ noodles with bits of deep-fried tempura batter, served in hot soup (fzfa^ means 'a badger.') noodles with an egg, served in hot soup (M jl> means 'moon-viewing.') 5^ ("C/v) noodles with some fried vegetables and prawns, served in hot soup