DESCRIPTION The Facts –Elements of Art Describe what you see in the artwork Title of Artwork____________________________ Artist’s Name______________________________ Date of Artwork____________ Size ___________ Medium__________________________________ (oil, acrylic, watercolor, bronze, pencil, etc.) Objects in the artwork_______________________ _________________________________________ (people, animals, buildings, trees, sky, rocks, water, vehicles, food, clothes) What kinds of lines do you see? _______________ _________________________________________ (thick, thin, curved, jagged, straight, spiral, vertical, horizontal, diagonal, fuzzy) What kinds of shapes do you see?______________ _________________________________________ (circles, rectangles, squares, triangles, angular, curved, hard edged, soft edged) What kinds of textures do you see?_____________ _________________________________________ (rough, smooth, soft, dull, hard, shiny) What kinds of colors do you see?______________ _________________________________________ (bright, dark, soft, strong warm - red, orange, yellow cool - blue, green, violet neutral - brown, black, white, gray complementary - opposite colors red/green, blue/orange, yellow/violet) ANALYSIS The Design –How is the artwork organized? Principles of Art What is the focal point of the artwork? The first thing you see is ______________ What kind of balance is used? ____Symmetrical - same on both sides ____Asymmetrical - different on each side Where is the light coming from?_______________ Where is the darkest part of the artwork?________ Does the artwork show an illusion of space? (Deep space - see for miles Shallow space - cannot see very far Flat space - no space ) What is repeated in the artwork?_______________ (Lines, Shapes, Colors) Draw what is repeated. Name____________________________________ Grade_______ Teacher______________________ Draw a sketch of the artwork or focal point. INTERPRETATION The Meaning –What is the purpose or meaning of the Artwork? What is happening in the artwork?_____________ What is the artist trying to say?________________ Is the artist concerned with imitating nature? Yes___ No___ Is the artist concerned with expressing a feeling or emotion? Yes___ No___ Is the artist concerned with lines, shapes, colors, textures, design and composition? Yes___ No___ Does the title of the artwork tell you about the meaning or purpose of the artwork? Yes___ No___ What words describe the meaning of this artwork? (beauty, excitement, strength, love, mystery, enjoyment of work, happiness, fun, hope, adventure, loneliness, sadness, anger, exhaustion, war, peace, fear, courage, simplicity of design, complexity of design) JUDGMENT Judge the Artwork - This is your Opinion Which of the following theories best describes the artwork? ____Imitationism (imitating nature) ____Emotionalism (showing a feeling or emotion) ____Formalism (making the viewer aware of lines, shapes, colors or design) Do you like the artwork? Yes___ No___ Why? _______________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ART CRITICISM A Way to Talk About Art