2 Information resources
Information resources
In the second module we will deal with the division of information documents, so that you gain an overview of document types you can search for in information institutions and their library systems, in scientific databases, and of course on the Internet.
At the completion of this module: you will be able to identify various document types, identify documents which are generally classified as primary, secondary and tertiary resources, you will understand the difference among primary, secondary and tertiary resources regarding the subject matter and work (resource) tools, you will be able to distinguish among various bibliography sources and know when to use them.
Text objective:
In this module you will get acquainted with document types which may help you solve problems, you will learn to distinguish among primary, secondary and tertiary information resources.
Time expenditure
The expected time expenditure of the module as far as study is concerned: 2.5 h. The expected time expenditure for working out an assignment: 1 hod.
iinformation resource, information source, document, text documents, visual documents, audio documents, audiovisual documents, electronic documents, primary information resources (sources), secondary resources, tertiary resources
Study material
Please, download .pdf document and study it.
Recommended bibliography
ISAN : International Standard Audiovisual Number [online]. Geneva : ISAN International Agency, c2003-2010 [cit. 2012-03-10]. WWW: .
- Define a topic of your (imaginative or real) thesis (or similar work).
- Try to write kind of information resources possible to this topic. Give reasons for every kind of resource.
Write examples when you use this kind of resources at school (thesis, report, project etc.): encyclopaedias, catalogues, newspapers, conference reports, drawings, television programmes.
Send your homework as .doc, .odt or .pdf format to dchytkova@phil.muni.cz to 4. 11. 2012.