3 Information institutions
Information institutions
In this module we will get acquainted with various kinds of institutions which may be used in the search for documents, we will learn what services they provide and offer you instructions on how to proceed in order to acquire documents or their copies. Do not learn by heart - learn to orientate.
Module objective:
The module objective is to acquaint you with basic information institutions to which you can turn with your information requirements during your studies and later in everyday life.
Time expenditure
The expected time expenditure of the module as far as study is concerned: 2.5 h. The expected time expenditure for working out an assignment: 1 hod.
information institution, memory institution, library, archive, museum, gallery, information department, database centre, information specialist, interlibrary loan service (ILS),
document delivery service (DDS), reference services, search services, loan services
Study material
Please, download .pdf documents and study them.
Recommended bibliography
KTD - Catalogues and Databases of the National Library of the Czech Republic (TDKIV) [online]. [cit. 2012-03-14]. WWW: .
Library Locator [online]. [cit. 2012-03-14]. WWW: http://www.ipl.org/div/liblocator/
- Find a University (Academic) Library near your hometown.
- Find a Regional and Basic Library near you hometown.
- Find a museum, archiv or Gallery near your hometown and find out if there is any library and if it is open for public.
- Specify the difference between kind of information resources in galleries and archives.
Send your homework as .doc, .odt or .pdf format to dchytkova@phil.muni.cz (IS -> Student -> Homework vaults / or here below) to 4. 11. 2012.