Interactive syllabi VIKERA07 Information Literacy
12 How to write a scientific text
How to write a scientific text
Dear students, this is the last module, which will acquaint you with writing (above all) university papers. We will try to give you advice on how to transform your acquired knowledge into high-quality university papers.
Module objective:
- to acquaint you with the process of writing university papers, their formal aspects and division
- to clarify the content of the main paper parts - the introduction, the main body and the conclusion
- to demonstrate the structure of papers
- to teach you how to format your papers properly
reading scientific texts, SQ3R, writing university papers, genres of scientific texts
Study material
Chyba: Odkazovaný objekt neexistuje nebo nemáte právo jej číst.
- select some scientific topic
- write an example of diploma thesis project (to your chosen topic)
- do not forget on bibliography
Send it to 3.6. 2012 (if you want send it late, write me e-mail, it is possible).