VIKERA08 Creative Information Work

02 Mind maps

Mind maps

Dear students,map

You have entered the second training module, in which you will get acquainted with mind maps.  In the first module you learned about creative thinking and we will build on these foundations. Mind maps, that is, are a technique which (among other things) supports creativity. In this module you will learn what mind maps are, in what ways they can be useful and how they can be created. 


At the completion of the module you should be able to:

  • describe the way mind maps work
  • explain how to use mind maps in practice
  • define rules according to which mind maps are created
  • devise your own maps and tools



You need three hours and a half for the study of this module.



Key concepts

  • Information visualization tools - Tools or methods developed for the creation of data visualization, information, knowledge and relations which can be used in a broad range of activities: creating previews, visualizations, sharing information and knowledge, planning, record keeping and other forms of communication.
  • Mind/mental maps - The author of this concept is Tony Buzan. According to him, mind maps are tools which enable the brain to use both hemispheres while processing information, and thus support associative thinking. This significantly affects the way we remember information and knowledge, and the way we recall or create them. The concepts of mental maps and mind maps are equal in this module.

Study material

Please, download this .pdf document and study it. Then do a homework. 


Recommended bibliography


  • Any book from Tony Buzan. 
  • InfoVis: Wiki: the Information Visualization community platform.
  • If you are interested in the theory of the IVT issue, especially in developing visual literacy, we recommend Tufte’s overview Envisioning information, or an anthology by a significant editor, James Elkins, Visual literacy. Arthur A. Berger deals with visual communication in his book Seeing is believing.



You will get an assignment with feedback in this module. Your task will be to draw two mind maps. You can choose whether to draw your map in hand or use mapping software.


A suitable topic of your first mind map may be something from your life e.g. planning of a holiday, a wedding, a birthday party or Christmas shopping or something similar. Topic of your second mind map may be something from your study - e.g. you have to write an extensive seminar paper or even a diploma thesis, a mind map may prove to be an ideal start.

You can paint it or create online. You can use e.g., or 


Send your homework as link or in format jpg or pdf to e-mail to 4. 11. 2012