VIKERA08 Creative Information Work

03 Information hygiene

Information hygiene

Dear students, the third module is concerned with a topic which may sound a little scary or even funny. It is, however, a current issue; that is, how to resist the negative impact of a constant increase in the amount of information in the society. We will briefly introduce the issue of Internet addiction and a safe use of the Internet, and explain what information overload means. In brief, you will also learn something about social networks safety and the issue of e-mails as regards spams. 


At the completion of the module you should be able to:

  • define the issue of addiction to Internet applications
  • describe possible risks of using social networks
  • apply rules of safe behaviour on the Internet
  • define the basic rules of net etiquette
  • use methods of information overload prevention



You need three hours for the study of this module.


Key concepts

  • Addiction to Internet applications - a behaviour disorder leading to an uncontrolled use of these applications.
  • Information overload - a condition in which there is too much information available.
  • Spam - a junk message sent to discussion groups or e-mail addresses.


Study material

Study the material and then do a homework. 


Recommended bibliography


AKIN, Lynn. Information Fatigue Syndrome [online]. [cit. 2010-08-16]. www:

ČADA, Lukáš. Netiquette. Silicon Hill [online]. [cit. 2010-08-13]. www:
TechAddiction: Treatment & Help for Video Game Addiction, Computer Game Addiction & Internet Addiction [online]. [cit. 2010-08-06]. www:
GORMAN, Michael. Information Overload and Stress [online]. [cit. 2010-08-14]. www:
GROHOL, John M. Internet Addiction Guide [online]. [2005-04-16]. [cit. 2010-04-10]. www: The Center for Internet Addiction [online]. [cit. 2010-08-01]. www:
Overcoming Information Overload: Strategies for managing information [online]. [cit. 2010-08-15]. www:
Privacy Rights Clearinghouse. Social Networking Privacy: How to be Safe, Secure and Social [online]. [2010-06]. [cit. 2010-08-12]. www:
WINKLE Wan, William. Information Overload [online]. [cit. 2010-08-14]. www:
YOUNG, Kimberly. What Makes the Internet Addictive: Potential Explanations for Pathological Internet Use [online]. [2008-12-27]. [cit. 2010-08-05]. www:




  1. Find some relevant website about hoax and find some examples of hoax from year 2012. 
  2. Find out negative impacts of an overuse of the computer on human body in your study material and try to find another negative impacts on Internet. Try to suggest how to prevent it. 

Send your homework in .pdf, .odt, .txt or .doc format to Deadline is 4. 11. 2012.