06 Creative writing
Creative writing
This module is concerned with creative writing in academic environment. Even though the combination of the creative and the academic may seem impossible, they are not opposed poles, believe it or not. We will show you that one cannot exist without the other, we will present writing techniques and teach you to apply them. You have to complete an assignment in this module.
At the completion of the module you should be able to:
explain in what ways the techniques of creative writing may be used in academic work
name concrete techniques applicable while writing a scientific text
apply some of these techniques on your paper (in the concrete, inspiration by an artistic text, inspiration by a visual model, and brainwriting)
approach the writing of a scientific text in a creative way
turn a boring research activity (e.g. writing a Bachelor’s thesis) into an inspiring and entertaining process
You need two hours for the study of this module.
Key concepts
Creative writing - a field dealing with the theory and practice of text creation; acquiring competencies connected with text creation, forming the writer’s personality. As a teaching method, it helps you solve problems and acquire key competencies.
Scientific text creation - a process of preparation and writing of a scientific text. It is a complex activity including a large group of theoretical and practical abilities and knowledge.
Study material
Recommended bibliography
Try out the method of inspiration by a picture. Exceed the boundaries of traditional perception and produce more ideas (even crazy ones). Choose a paper topic (report, diploma thesis etc.). Choose an interesting picture / photo in which there are more objects and characters in action. Paste the picture in a text editor (e.g. Word).
Look at the chosen picture and write down anything you think of in connection with your paper topic. This may include new questions and themes, or ideas already known. Ideas may be crazy (remember brainstorming).
Try to go through the results and find an inspiration for your paper. Write down in what way you have decided to use your idea.
Send your homework in .pdf format as one file to e-mail dchytkova@phil.muni.cz till 29. 4. 2012.