VIKERA08 Creative Information Work

09 Verbal and nonverbal communication

Verbal and nonverbal communication

This week we will focus on presentation skills. Our communication and presentation of information can only be successful and effective if we manage to capture our listeners and select a suitable way of communication.


At the completion of the module you should:

  • be able to put together the structure of a scientific presentation,

  • be able to describe the individual parts of a presentation and carry out the individual steps resulting from the parts,

  • be able to choose adequate presentation tools,

  • be able to adjust both structure and content of the presentation, as well as your verbal and nonverbal communication to the needs of the listeners


Key concepts

introduction, the main message and conclusion, discussion and handling objections, language and rhetorical skills, nonverbal communication, stage fright

Study material


Chyba: Odkazovaný objekt neexistuje nebo nemáte právo jej číst.


Try to accurately express (write also typical phrases):

  • how you introduce yourself (e.g. My name is... I study... I work at...)

  • how you introduce topic of your presentation

  • how you close your presentation (conclusion)

  • how you introduce some discussion and how ask some important question in discussionand how comment statement 
    (try simulate some discussion about your chosen topic; you will lead the discussion with other people)

  • find stratification of your mother language (e.g. we have general Czech, standard Czech, dialects etc.)


Save your homework in .pdf, .odt, .txt or .doc format and upload it to Homework valuts (IS system -> Student -> Homework valuts / or here below). Deadline is 20. 5. 2012.