+ 4 Silver Economies,4 Monetisation and Society in Scandinavia AD SOCL-W» f f k. i: t^ 1 '^ :Ä,,At» t.\. l'»' fi , 1^1 *?^ *-fi ^l,> ^^b ''". .£ - Å ^ ^^ W4& .w t ti .f" k .kt* ^^fc ^-- f .w ^ :^ -^ ^;'rf.!? -.;f/ ^ t ^ ;+' AARHUS UNIVERSITY PRESS ^-S? .^^ ljtf ?^?^f J, r -f S-^W "y.?, t / t ^ ^ * CHAPTER 13 Hack-Silver, Weights and Coinage: the Anglo-Scandinavian Bullion Coinages and their Use in Late Viking-Age Society CHRISTOPH KILGER Ever since their discovery by the Swedish scholar Nicolas Keder, in 1706, the Anglo-Scandinavian comages have been puzzling (Malmer et al. 1991,11-12). In the early days of numismatic research their status among other Viking-age and early medieval coinages was not clearly understood, nor was it clear how they should be classified. The Swedish numismatist. Bror Emil Hildebrand, called them (monstrous products' and he raised the question of whether they should be regarded as "false coins or contemporary imitations of genuine coins' (Malmer 1997, 13). Today, their status as Scandinavian imitations of English coins - minted in Viking towns such as Sigtuna and Lund - has been recognized. Their numismatic classification has recently been accomplished by meticulous die-studies, but the question of how they were used as means of payment remains unresolved The aim of this paper is to discuss the monetary use and function of the Anglo-Scandmavian coinages (henceforth, AS coinages), espedally the Sigtuna coinage, by combining archaeological and written sources with numismatic evidence. Basic features of the AngIo-Scandinavian coinages Based on the design of contemporary Anglo-Saxon pennies, the AS coinages commenced at the tum of the first millennium AD in the three Scandinavlan kingdoms (Malmer 1995, IG; Williams 2007, 190-91, 193-94). The Swedish numismatist Brita Malmer has presented a comprehensive analysis of c. 5,000 specimens in two extensive die studies (Malmer i989a; 1997), based on a detailed catalogue of all known specimens minted between c. 995 and 1020. CHARTER 13 259 Malmens careful work provides a good basis for assessing some important features of the AS coinages from this period, such as the output of coins minted, when the coinages started and ended, the extent of interconnectlon with the Anglo-Saxon coinages (in terms of types used), the export and reuse of English original dies, and the regional distribution of the imitations in late Viking-age silver hoards. During the period c. 995-1020, several mints were probably in operation in Scandinavia (Malmer 1997, 53). Two major mints have been recognized: a Southern Scandinavian mint, probably situated in Lund in Skåne, the capital of the Danish king, Svein Forkbeard (Fig. 13.1); and a northern mint in Sigtuna, the town ofthe Swedish king, OlofTribute-king (Malmer 2007, 38) (Fig. 13.2). In addition, there probably existed a mint in the realm ofthe Norwegian kings, Öläf Tryggvason and Ölåf Haraldsson (Skaare 1976, 58-63). It was the mint in Southern Scandinavia which had the largest output, followed by the northern mint, with the size of the Sigtuna coinage bemg comparable to the mint output of a medium-sized English town (Malmer 1995), The AS coinages were clearly inspired by com types valid in the realm of the Anglo-Saxon kings (Malmer et al. 1991, 14-16). At that time the AngloSaxon kingdom operated the most advanced monetary system in Western Europé, cha.racterised by penodic re-coinages. Only one coin type with a representative porträtt of the ruler was allowed to circulate at any given time in the kingdom (Jonsson 1987, 188-95; Malmer 2010, 12). In its initial phase, the coinage in Sigtuna seems to have been organized by English moneyers who were accustomed to the monetary standards oftheir homeland (Malmer et al. 1991; 17-18; Malmer 1995,14-16). Another numismatic discovery, proving close contacts with the English monetary system, is that original dies from EngUsh mints were imported and used in Lund and Sigtuna. Numismatic research has also provided interesting clues that there had existed connections between Denmark and England on the highest leveL This has been illuminated by Mark Blackburns studies indicating that dies with the Danish king's title were commissioned and produced in the Anglo-Saxon kingdom (Blackburn 1990)- There is also evidence that dies were transported within Scandinavia (Malmer 1997,15, 54; 2007, 38-40) and that some moneyers had been active in both Lund and Sigtuna, using their own dies in both mints (Malmer 1999). Although the AS coinages had been initiated and organized with the aid of experts from abroad, this was to have no lasting effect. When the English moneyers finally left Sigtuna, the inscriptions became blurred and the style more 'un-English' (Malmer 1997, 33), with the Scandinavian die-cutters in Lund and Sigtuna developing their own independent styles (Malmer 2006). The English (Long Cross type' was more frequently copied than any other type and was being reused long after the minting of this coin type had ceased in England, c. 1003 (Fig. 13.2). Över 60% of all known Scandinavian dies from the most active minting period, stretching from c. 995 to the early i02os, are of Long Cross type (Malmer 2006, 437). The existence of huge die-chains with a mixture of different types seems to indicate that the AS coinages were organized differently from contemporary coinages in Western European kingdoms (Malmer 1997, 45-48, 53-54). A distinctive feature ofthe Sigtuna coinage is that many coins were struck on square flans (Fig. 13.2). There is scant evidence that square flans were used in the Danish coinage - or elsewhere (Malmer 1997, 29). The peculiar character of the Sigtuna coinage, in terms of monetary standard, is further stressed by the fäet that coins could be struck with reverse dies only, meaning that the royal bust - the central feature of a coin - was simply omitted (Malmer et al. 1991» 43)* From the perspective ofthe issuing authorities, this makes no sense. Why did the Swedlsh king bother to sustain such an expensive undertaking as a coinage, when he was not clearly identifiable on his own coins? Metrological data also proves that AS coinages lacked one of the most important elements of medieval coinages: the weights of individual coins could differ to a great extent, e.g. the weight of individual coins within chain i from Sigtuna varies from i.o8-3.75g (Malmer 1997, 35), Recently, Malmer (2003) has published a histogram demonstrating the fluctuating pattern of coin weights for the Danish chain 105 C-D, minted by Knut the Great in the late loios (Fig. 13.3). When Knut introduced the Serpent type in Lund, in the late 1020$, the weight pattern changed considerably because, by then, the average coin weight had clearly been regulated. The Serpent type resembles, in most aspects, ordinary medieval coinages with a regulated weight, a uniform fabric and a clear definition of type on the obverse and reverse (Fig. 13.4)* Thus the change to a coin standard of medieval type seems also to indicate a change in how the coins were being used. By then, the nominal status of each individual coin was clearly evident to the coin users. The situation in Sigtuna in the 10205 is, however, still elusive. The numismatic evidence from the reign ofAnund Jakob is scarce, but attempts seem to have been made to introduce a more regulated weight and a more consistent type-defimtion in his coinage (Lagerqvist 1968; Malmer 1989^. However, some coin types from this period, such as the Agnus dei emission (originally attributed to Sigtuna), seem to have been minted in Lund (Malmer 1999» 109-10). CHAPTER13261 The general impression is that the AS coinages, at least in their earlier phase (i.e. between c. 995 and the early io2os), were not as regulated in the manner of typical medieval coinages - or were simply not regulated at all, From a numismatic perspective, the monetary structure of the AS coinages from this period seems difficult to understand. How were the Viking rulers able to exclude foreign silver coins from circulation? And how did the kings manage to force people to accept their own coins at their face value? Was the unregulated weight a sign of weak control by the Scandinavian kings - or even of chaos in the mint? (Malmer 1997, 37). The question as to how the AS coinages were used as means of payment is difficult to answer without taking into account the different ways in which silver was handled and valued in late Viking-age society. In addition to meticulous coin studies, more evidence from other sources is needed. The archaeological context from the late Viking town of Sigtuna provides some unexpected clues which link the Sigtuna coinage to the Viking-age bullion economy. The mint in Sigtuna In September 1990, archaeological excavations conducted in the town quarter of Unnakaren, in Sigtuna, revealed traces of a late Viking-age building which was used both as a dwelling and as a workshop. In the corner of this building were the remains of a forge which had been used for both bronze- and goldworking. Near the forge, hundreds of crucible fragments were discovered, together with lumps of silver, threads of gold and a cut piece of a coin, minted by King Olof Tribute-king (Malmer et al. 1991, 8-io). The most intriguing finds from the building, which enabled it to be identified as a mint, were two lead pieces used for testing dies, the larger of which displays, on both sides, impressions of dies of Long Cross type (Malmer et al. 1990, 26-37). Analysis ofthe crucible fragments deposited in the building has added further astomshing results which have shed more Hght on the Sigtuna coinage and its use. The debris consisted of metallurgic ceramics, so-called 'meltingbowls', which are burnt clay fragments with textile impressions. The presence of such melting-bowls indicated production in the mint of standardized Viking-age weights, of the so-called 'oblate spheroid' type (Söderberg 1996). Such oblate spheroid weights of Viking type usually consist of an iron core, enveloped in a thin metal shell of copper alloy. Melting-bowls are fragments of closed clay packages in which the copper-alloy coatings were brazed onto 262 SILVER ECONOM1ES the iron core (Söderberg 2004» 116-17). A total of c. y.skg fragments of meltingbowls were found inside the mint (Söderberg 2006, 66-68), Excavations (in 2007) ofViking-age and medieval plots, in the town quarter of Humlegården, revealed more evidence for the production ofoblate spheroid weights. In and close to the eleventh-century Building X, which functioned both as a smithy for forging iron and as a glass workshop, some 8.8kg of debris from melting-bowls was found. Altogether a total of i5.8kg was discovered över the whole of the excavated area, with probably all of these metallurgic ceramics deriving originally from Building X (Söderberg 2008,104-05). More than 520 weights could have been produced in the smithy, which makes it the largest find of melting-bowl fragments known from Sweden (Söderberg 20o8» 122). Furthermore, the depositional context indicates that the weights were produced in huge numbers during a very short period of time. A possible explanation is that the production of weights in the kings mint was probably insufficient and more workshops needed to be engaged in order to close the gap in the production line by supplying more weights (Söderberg 2008,123). Although the fabrication of each weight was a relatively time-consuming process, efforts seem to have been made to produce many weights as fast as possfble (Söderberg 2008,122-23). According to Ingrid Gustin (1997, 174-76), the production ofweights in Sigtuna seems to have been initiated or at least approved by the king. The use of weights was a back-up strategy in periods when royal power was not strong enough to maintain a payment system with overvalued coins. The manufacture of weights commenced when coinage failed and there was a need to maintain trade and exchange. Commercial activity bound to Sigtuna was vital for the king, because it provided important income by coUecting dues and tariffs from the merchants and peasants visiting the town. Anders Söderberg (2008, 122-24) has, however, proposed a slightly diEerent explanation, suggesting that the production of weights could be interpreted as a co-ordinated reform of coins and weights by the ruler. The Swedish king not only tried to establish a new system of payment, but also controlled the production of weights (Söderberg 2006, 68-69). However, it is not quite clear how such a new weight-system as that proposed by Söderberg could have been introduced by the king - and how it could have replaced the existing one. There are no indications so far of Sigtuna weights being recognisable as such, following a difFerent weight-standard. Furthermore, establishing a Sigtuna weight-system under the control of the Swedish king would only make sense if such a reform was co-ordinated with CHAPTER13263 efforts to establish a regulated coinage which was obviously not achieved. In order to understand the monetary function of the AS coinages it is important to reassess the Scandinavian kings' ability - and above all their will - to .k introduce a totally new payment system based on coins. Right from the start the kings had probably neither the power nor the means to introduce a fullscale monetary system based on coins of medieval standard in their territory. On the contrary, it is more reasonable to suppose that the kings were obliged to respect the ruling buUion economy. The oblate spheroid weights were one keyelement in the Viking-age bullion economy which is also commonly referred to as 'Gewichtsgeldwirtschaft' (Steuer 1984; 1987; 1997). Instead oftwo diflFerent payment systems existing side by side, as argued by Gustin and Söderberg, it is supposed that the archaeological context of Sigtuna indicates that the coinage produced there was merged with the concept of the 'Gewichtsgeldwirtschaft'. Oblate spheroid weights and the bullion economy Oblate spheroid weights probably originated in the eastern part of the Caliphate, or in its neighbouring temtories, and were in widespread use in Scandinavia from the begimiing of the tenth century (Steuer 1997, 46-50). Their appearance coincided with the earliest hack-silver hoards in Northern Europé and the Baltic Sea zone (Hårdh 1996,92-93). The tenth centiuy marked in many ways the breakthrough of a payment- and valuation-system based on hack-silver among a considerable segment of the population. Standardized weighing-tools, such as oblate spheroid weights (as well as the smäller cubooctahedral ones), played an important role in this development (Gustin 2004). Oblate spheroid weights were highly standardized for two reasons: (i) their characteristic design was easily recognizable; and (ii) the weight-modules applied were calibrated according to the oflficial weight-standard valid in the Muslim Caliphate - the Islamic mitqäl gold standard, corresponding to c. 4.23g (Sperber 1996; Steuer 1997, 285-89), The Islamic mitqäl was the model for the weight-system in the 'Gewichtsgeldwirtschaft', even though there existed different basic modules ranging from 4.23-4g in the Baltic Sea zone (Sperber 1996). It has also been realized that the oblate spheroid weights were metrologically related to the medieval Scandinavian ertog weight-standard (Brogger 1921, 81-85; Jansson 1936, 12-13). Various explanations have been put forward ofwhat the word ertog actually meant. Linking together the evidence from metrology, the archaeological evidence of how spheroid weights were 264 SILVER ECOHOM1ES produced and etymological evidence, it has been suggested that it was these weights themselves which could have been called (ertogs' in Scandinavia (Kilger 2008, 307-09). A few late Viking-age silver hoards from Southern Scandinavia provide a direct Unkbetween thebullion economy and the use ofoblate spheroidweights. A good example is the hack-silver hoard from Sturkö, in the Swedish province of Blekinge, with a tpq of 1002. Sturkö contained 10 weights of spheroid type, together wlth 3 lead weights, 62 pieces of uncoined hack-silver and c. 300 coins. Altogether the silver weighed 355g (von Heijne 2004, no, 2.14; Hårdh i976a, no. 10; SHM, no. 8770). Another example is provided by the mixed hoard from Borgeby in Skåne» coin-dated to c. 990, which contained more than 32 coins, a scale, 10 weights, hack-silver and objects oflead, glass, bronze and iron (von Heijne 2004, no. 1.7; Hårdh 19760, no. 39; SHM, no, 11340). Researchers have normally interpreted the Viking-age bullion economy (Gewichtsgeldwirtschaft) and the coin-based economy as representing two different currency systems, which in principle were not compatible. In coin economies, the concept of standard and value is embodied in one single coin, the coin itselfuniting allbasic monetary functions: standard ofvalue, means of payment, and means of savings. The issuing authority guaranteed the facevalue of the coin, its weight and its silver content. In contrast, the concepts of value and standard in the bullion economy were separated. In order to use silver as means of payment, the bullion economy required the use of weights and the concept of a weight-standard in terms of common weight-units accepted by all participating in the bargain (Kilger 2008, 312-18). The concept of standard in the Viking bullion economy was represented by the weights on one scale-pan, silver as a means ofvalue being weighed and valued on the other scale-pan (Kilger 2008, 309). In an economy based on hack-silver, the weights ful611ed a crucial monetär/ function. Hack-silver could only be valued by means ofweights and a scale of reckoning, the Islamic mitqäl system which provided a nominal matrix for both quantifying and valuing silver (Kilger 20d8, 304-07). Valuation of silver as means of payment was thus guaranteed by trust in a weight-system and safeguarded by standardized weights which were regarded as being tmstworthy. The Viking-age bullion economy was not simple or primitive, but required - on the same terms as the coin-based economy - a high level of abstraction. From this perspective, it is important to reconsider how the use of silver in Viking-age society, in all its diversity, was related to the concept of money (Williams 2007, 179). The introduction of coinage was not necessarily a CHARTER 13 265 revolutionary step towards a more developed economy; on the contrary, the introducdon of coinage - apart, of course, from its ideological implications in the political sphere - was only one possibility for making payments. The archaeological context in Sigtuna and the numismatic features when taken together may indicate that the use of the AS imitations was, in one way or another, related to the Viking bullion economy, but the question is how. Weighing in batches One important methodological problem which remains to be discussed is how the AS coinages were handled and valued in transactions. An indicadon that the AS imitations were not reckoned piecemeal, in the manner of ordinary coins, but more likely in batches, is provided by the remarkable composition of some late Viking-age hoards from Southern Scandinavia, such as Everlöv and Igelösa in Skåne, or Skovvang on Bornholm, have large numbers of dieidentical coins (Malmer 1997, 51-52). Most ofthese coins are from Southern Scandinavian chains and were thus probably minted in Lund (Table 13.1). A similar concentration of die-identical specimens has, according to my current knowledge, not been observed for other coin groups. The homogenous composition of these hoards suggests that the coins were not in circulation for a long time, even though they were pecked and bent to a considerable degree, e.g. in the Skowang hoard (Malmer 1997, 52). Hoards with dusters of dieidentical coins also show a slightly skewed geographical distribution, being often found in the vicinity of a supposed mint. Two early Swedish hoards from* . Eskilstuna (tpq 1002) and Österåker (tpq 1002), now löst, contained hundreds of die-identical specimens; both hoards were deposited less than lookm from Sigtuna (Malmer 1997, 51). Igelösa has the largest concentration, with 100 AS imitations out of which 81 are die-identical on both sides (M.almer 1997, 51). The hoard also contains the largest batch in Malmer's catalogue (1997, 328), which consists of 48 specimens linked by the obverse die (Table 13.1). Altogether the coins in this parcel weighed c. y2g, corresponding to c. 9 ertogs or 18 mitqäls. One batch in the Skovvang hoard consists of 20 die-identical coins weighing c. 27g, corresponding to 3 Vz ertogs or 7 mitqäls - or more likely to the weight of one eyrir (ounce). However, the suggestion that each batch represents a carefully weighed sample, based on mitqål or ertog units, is difficult to prove. The sample only provides evidence for the minimum amount of coin silver exchanged on 266 SILVER ECONOM1ES f V^K^ 7i? 86-87). According to Egil, hack-silver is suitable as compensation in legal matters only for poor people because one can only use it to buy the shabbiest things. Bandamanna saga might reflect changed attitudes to hacksilver in the days of King Harald harÖråÖi. In the context of Egil's speech, it becomes evident that both fragmented coins and other forms of hack-silver were regarded as means of payment not worthy for powerful chieftains. Men of the highest rank and of honourable reputation in society were worthy to be paid only in good silver. The famous quarrel between the Icelander, Halldörr Snorrason, and the Norwegian king, Harald haröråöi, mentioned in the saga compilation Morkinskinna (Jönsson 1932,149-51), has often been referred to in this context (Gullbekk 2009, 30-31, 36-38, 2oi- 02; Skaare 1976, 9-10; Williams 2007, 178-79). Halldörr refused to accept payment in Harald's coinage, the harallz slatta which was heavily debased and contained more copper than silver. The saga writer tells that Halldorr was CHAPTER13 2?1 gazing upon his pay in a fold of the cloak - and the silver did not look good. The Icelandic text actually uses here the word skirt, which means 'shiny', 'of bright colour*. Finally, Halldörr's complaints were accepted by the king and he was paid in 6ne silver worth 12 ounces. This is expressed in the saga text as xii. aura brenda, meaning 12 ounces of silver of burned quality. Whether this sum was paid in coins or other silver objects is not specified in the text. Another written source which provides valuable information as to how silver was handled during the Viking Age is the Icelandic law code of Grågås. Grågås has not only preserved the wergeld's list, Baugatal, which mentions how to asses the weight, purity and consistency of the ancient legal silver (Kilger 2008, 282-83)1 but also reference as to how silver was valued c. 1000 (Naumann 1987, 377-79). Two different qualities of silver were distinguished and defined by the nominal account of lögaurar. This is shining or burned silver (skirt silfr, brent silfr), worth 60 Jögcturar, and the ancient legal silver or påle silver (lögsilfr hiÖ forna, bleikr silfrs), worth only 30 lögaurar. Thus the value of burned silver was reckoned to be double the value of the legal silver. The exchange-rates for the different types of silver mentioned in Grågås have been discussed and doubted by earlier researchers (e.g. GuÖmundsson 1909; Hatz 1974). One ofthe main reasons was of course that the sources were written down in the thirteenth century in a society which had been used to a payment-system of a regulated coinage for more than 200 years. In contrast to Icelandic sources like Grågås, references to burned silver first appear in Norwegian documents around the mid-thirteenth century (Gullbekk 2009, 156; Hatz 1974, 91). There is of course the difHculty of deciding whether these sources provide reliable accounts of the silver bullion economy of the tenth and eleventh centuries, or if they were referring to the unstable and shifting qualities of silver used in medieval coinages (Hatz 1974, 91-92). However, there is reason to believe that, in some instances, texts such as Bandamanna saga and Morkinskinna have preserved knowledge as to how hack-silver and coined silver were valued during the late Viking Age. The practice of handling difFerent types and qualities of silver, and valuing them according to different exchange-rates, thus need not be an invention of the Scandinavian Middle Ages. One ofthe key questions in this respect is to comprehend what exactly tburned silver' means. In this respect, the archaeological sources provide evidence on the meaning ofburned silver and that the concept ofgood and reliable silver could have been present, c. 1000, in Sigtuna. 'Burned silver' probably refers to the testing and purifying silver by means ofthe fire-assaying process (Söderberg 2004; 2006). 272 SILVER ECONOMIES In the Sigtuna mint, ceramic trays were found which probably functioned as assayingvessels (Söderberg 2004,121). Well-preserved heating trays for assaying silver have also been discovered at Birka and on earlier sites such as Helgo, dating the presence of this technique m Scandinavia back to the Migration Period (Söderberg 2004,122). The presence of assaying vessels in the Sigtuna mint probably provides a hint concerning the legal status of King Olaf's coins* Coinage was an expensive undertaking, which not only demanded huge sums of silver, but also silver ofgood quality. The king guaranteed that the silver used in his coins was of 'burned quality'. If hack-silver was used as material in the coinage, there was a necessity to check it. To conclude, the craftsmen in the workshop were not only producing coins and weights, but also ensuring that the kings coins kept their legal status in the eyes of the public. The late Vlktng-age bullion coinages In this paper I have tried to link together evidence from different sources and from different parts of Scandinavia. As a result of piecing together the numismatic evidence with the archaeological evidence and written sources, it is suggested that the AS imitations did not necessarily have a nominal value, but an ofHcially sanctioned exchange-value, which could only be reckoned and valued by weight and not by number. In such a monetary system, which had both elements of a coin-based and a bullion-based economy» weighing (according to my argument) was the only way in which to settle the exchangevalue of the king's money. The archaeological evidence from the Sigtuna mint seems to suggest that the Sigtuna coins - and also foreign silver - were weighed with oblate spheroidweights. These weights followthe Islamic mitqäl standard which was the basis for the Scandinavian ertog standard. From this point of view, the hybrid qualities of the AS coinages, and their intermediary position between old and new ways ofpayment and valuation, becomes evident. But how were the kings able to use their coinage as a source of income? There is reason to believe that at some stage in the bullion economy, coined silver was preferred to hack-silver in transactions. Because of that there might have existed a similar situation in the transactional sphere in the Viking Age, as låter during the Middle Ages, whereby different qualities of silver were recognized and valued according to diflEerent exchange-rates. This change in the transactional sphere had probablybeeninfluencedbythe arrival of Western European silver coins to Scandinavia at the tum of the first millennium AD. CHAPTER13273 In such circumstances, it would have been bad timing to initiate a regulated coinage of medieval type, The kings had no means to exclude foreign silver from their own märkets or to guarantee the face-value of their coins. Instead this argument can be turned on its head. The coinages started because ofthe new silver imports from the West. The huge import of Western European coins to Scandinavia was the precondition for the AS coinages to flourish (Runer 2006, 83-85). If this is true, there existed a good opportunity for the kings to introduce a system with overvalued silver coins of burned quality in their strongholds, such as märkets and towns, which enabled them to impose a tax on the use of hack-silver and foreign coined silver by means of different exchange-rates. The mäss production of oblate spheroid weights in Sigtuna conducted in the course of a very short period of time accords with such an interpretation. It seems to imply that there did, indeed, exist a need to handle large amounts of silver either in the mint or at other sites in the town. The written sources tell that there had existed custom fees for Vikingage traders in Western Scandinavia. More interestingly, they permit some conclusions as to the quality of silver demanded by the rulers and current/ exchange-rates. Snorri, Islendingabok and Grågås mention - with slightly differingdetails - that Icelanders had to pay a landing fee to the Norwegian king,t called landaurar. The versions preserved in Heimskringla and Islendmgabok tell that Icelanders entering the harbour of Nidaros were forced to pay landaurar/ to both Sveinn Jarl and his enemy, King Ölaf Haraldsson (Jesch 2001, 65). In Grågås more details are mentioned for this episode dated to 1022. Landaurar could either be paid with 6 fur cloaks and 6 alnir of vadmal or one half mark of silver. The exchange-rate between fur cloaks, vadmal and silver, specified in Grågås, presumes that the silver requested by the king was probably reckoned in silver of half quality (Naumazm 1987, 378). This passage also implies that there might have existed exchange-rates in the transactional sphere during the late Viking Age which were easy to reckon by weight. The exchange rate of 2:1 re-emerges again in the twelfth century, denoting the value of weighed versus counted coins, as in Magnus Erlingsson saga. Finally, if a monetary system based on weighed coinage had existed in Viking towns such as Sigtuna, how did this system work in practice? An inexperienced person today would have difEculties in recognising AS coinages and separating them from ofEcial contemporary Anglo-Saxon pennies. A skilled person, such as a numlsmatist, would of course recognize them as imitations because of the crude style, blurred legends and the fabric. In the late Viking Age, it may be supposed that the situation would have been the same. 274 SILVER ECONOM1ES Ordinary people would not have been able to distinguish the king's own coins from the official English ones - or to distinguish between coins minted in Sigtuna, Lund or somewhere else. Because ofthe resemblance with/to English pennies in fabric and style, Olats coins could have been perceived as more authentic and trustworthy than other coins such as German pennies, which were more heterogeneous in design and appearance. Whether this difference had any effect on the coins" monetary value is difficult to decide.1 The Anglo-Scandinavian coinages probably did not have any monetary value outside the strongholds in which theywere minted. Theywere intended for use only by people visiting the town and using its märket. It would be reasonable to suggest a short time period ofvalue and use during which these coins were regarded as beingworthmore than ordinaryweighed silver. Another conclusion based on this observation is that both English coins and AngloScandinavian imitations were regarded as being of the same silver quality, and handled for a higher exchange-rate than, for instance. German coins or hack-silver in the Sigtuna märket. As long as the peasants were inside Sigtuna, the king would guarantee the value of his money, which was presumably rated double that of hack-silver or foreign coins. This means that the peasants were still free to use other silver in Sigtuna as long as they respected the official exchange-rate between the kings money and foreign silver. As long as King Olats coins circulated in Sigtuna theywere overvalued, but when they left the town they were reduced to ordinary silver. Acknowledgments Thanks to Brita Malmer for commenting on an early draft of the coin-section in this paper, and many thanks also to Svein H. Gullbekk for help with its 6nal version. Endnotes About 6>ooo medieval coins> among them 3,800 dirhams were analysed betweenl 1996-98 by the project 'Mittelalterliche Munzprägungen in Bergbauregionen' financed by the Volkswagen-Stiftung Two small coin hoards discovered recently in and outside Sigtuna may indicate that2 German pennies and English-style coins were treated differently in circulation. In CHARTER 13 275 Sigtuna, a small hoard was discovered (in 2000), in the remains of a burnt-down house of Viking-age date. It has a tpq of 1027 and consists of 156 coins: 148 German, i Italian, i Bohemian, and 6 English (Jonsson 2004). The lack of any Sigtuna coins in this hoard has suggested to Malmer (2010,74) that it was concealed after minting had stopped in the town. Interestingly, the English coins consist only of the Pointed Helmet type, which was the last type issued from the Sigtuna mint by the Swedish king, Anund Jakob. So far, no other late Viking-age hoard is known from Sweden that consists almost exdusively (95%) of German coins. According to Jonsson (2004,15), it is possible that the German coins in the hoard had been deliberately chosen for use outside the town. A small hoard, with a completely difFerent composition was found in the countryside, c. 3okm south-east of Sigtuna, was found (in 2008) at Broby bro, outside the modern village of Täby, which has a completely different composition (Malmer 2010,75). It was contained in a purse, deposited in a male burial. This hoard (tpq 1014) consists of 8 coins: 5 English, 2 AS (probably Danish), and i German. Thus, in contrast to the Sigtuna hoard. Broby bro has a composition based on English types. 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Ergebnisse des Dannenberg-Kolloquiums 1990, Jan Thorbecke Veriag, Sigmaringen, 205-32 CHAPTER13277 Jonsson, K (2,004), 'Aktuellt', M.yntstudier 2004:5,14-16 Kilger, C (2000), Pfennigmärkte und Währungslandschaften, Monetär isierunge n im sächsisch-slawischen Grenziand ca. 965-1120., Commentatfones de nummis saeculorum IXXI in Suecia repertis, Nova series 15, Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities, Stockholm Kilger, C (2008), , t 1^.< /_ Figure 1. Danish imitation, CRVX type, Figure 2. Swedish imitation, Long probably minted in Lund, chain 101, Cross type, probably minted in Sigtuna, die-combination 8.1007 (Malmer 1997). struck on a square flan , chain 114, diecombination 331.1428, Karlberg, Sweden (tpq 1018). 1.95 g (Malmer 1997). % 25 Serpent, 344 ex. 20 - Chainl05C.D,313ex. 15 - 10 s -\ A A^ ^^ A o l T 0,50 1,00 1,50 2,00g Figure 3- Weight distribution of Danish chain 105, part C-D compared with 'Serpent' type (Malmer 2007, fig. 4). ?t ^f f 'Ss Figure 4. The serpent type minted'!,/ 'c in Lund during king Harthaknutstt. /, reign (1035-1040) (Gullbekkzoog,^ ^ i.» / 40), Museum of Cultural History. ^ University of Oslo, Coin cabinet. ,\1 A7 Å ^ .k x^1 l -s.