Answer Key to exercises from Session 1 – 4 October 2013 6. Match A and B. KEY 6^th exercise A cube of ice A bar of chocolate A slice of bread A sheet of paper A bar of soap A bottle of milk A jar of jam A box of matches A pot of tea A tube of toothpaste Add a drop of water A pinch of salt A sip of tea A splash of soda A wisp of smoke 8. Fill the gaps with a, an, - or the correct form of a suitable verb 1 – 9 is 2 are/is 10 is 3 is/was 11 has 4 a 12 has/have 5 are 13 have 6 were 14 a 7 is 15 is 8 a 9. Supply a/an, the or – 1 (-), 2 (-), 3 (-), 4 (-), 5 The, 6 (-), 7 (-), 8 (-), 9 the, 10 a 10. Supply a/an, the or – 1 (-), 2 the, 3 (-), 4 a, 5 the, 6 (-), 7 a, 8 (-) 11. Supply the or – 1 the Dark Ages … Medieval Europe 2 Central Asia … the Arctic 3 Brazil … Argentina … the USA 4 London … Paris … Vienna 5 Montague Road 6 Brown’s … the Hilton 7 Bavaria … Ohio 8 London … Buckingham Palace 9 the Alps … Mont Blanc 10 the Sahara 11 the Nile … Luxor 12 Lake Geneva 13 Leoni’s … the Globe Theatre 14 Oxford Street … Oxford Circus 15 London Bridge 12. Put in a/an, the or - 1 the, 2 (-), 3 (-), 4 a/the, 5 (-), 6 (-), 7 (-), 8 (-), 9 (-), 10 (-), 11 the, 12 the, 13 (-), 14 the, 15 the, 16 the, 17 (-), 18 (-)