Seminar 9 – Library READING Task 1 Read the following article about libraries and fill the gaps with the missing words. LIBRARIES IN THE UK All cities and even most towns and villages in the UK have a public _1_ library. It is a resource open to all where you can _2_ many different books for a small membership _3_. This is also fantastic for EFL learners. Most libraries have a big _4_ of reading materials, from fiction, to children’s books to academic _5_. I recently joined my local library and was _6_ at how much it has to offer. You can _7_ up to twenty books, you can go there to use the internet and print and you can use it as a quiet place to study or work. The library also has lots of _8_ and for both adults and children. Plus, reading teaches you about communication and builds listening and vocabulary skills. If you are studying in London you can _9_ some very impressive libraries. Why not visit the Barbican library, which specialises in the arts, or the British library which _10_ over 150 million items! 1. a) borrowing b) lending c) checking-out 2. a) find b) find out c) discover 3. a) fee b) charge c) cost 4. a) range b) scale c) chart 5. a) manuals b) handouts c) literature 6. a) amazed b) shocked c) amused 7. a) check in b) check out c) check 8. a) actions b) events c) acts 9. a) attend b) participate c) visit 10. a) holds b) grabs c) places Adapted from VOCABULARY Study the useful vocabulary and phrases below Check out – to borrow something from the library; to take something home with you from the library. You will need to show a student ID or other photo ID to check out. Circulation Desk – the desk in the library where you can check out books, magazines, videos and other items. Due Date – the date by which you should return items you have borrowed to the library. If you keep a book past the due date, you will receive an email telling you that the book is late (or overdue) and asking you to return it. Loan Period – the length of time for which you can borrow something from the library. At the end of the loan period, you must return the item to the library. Periodical – a publication (usually a collection of articles) that is issued at regular intervals. Magazines, journals and newspapers are all periodicals. Reference Desk – A desk where someone can help you find information either in the library or online. The circulation desk and the reference desk are sometimes combined into one desk. Renew – to extend the loan period on an item; to check an item out again so you can keep it longer. Request – to hold a book for you when it is checked out by another student. You receive an email when the book is ready for you to check out. VOCABULARY EXERCISE Task 2 Choose the correct answer. 1. You don’t have to buy books. You can go to the library and ………. books for a specified amount of time. lend borrow search mediate 2. If you want to use the library resources and take books home with you, you have to get a library card b certificate c) tag d) licence 3. If you want to borrow a book, you have to ………. it out from the library. confirm prove test check 4. Whenever you borrow a book, you are given a ………. date. This is the date that specifies when the book must be returned. on-time premature timely due 5. Libraries are organized and separated into various ………. Some books are put into the non-fiction section and others are separated into fiction sections. film scans categories stores 6. A card ………. Is an alphabetical list of books. Librarians separate books according to category and title in this type of system. testimony memo trace catalogue 7. When you find the books you want, you have to go to the front desk in order to have the ISBN bar codes ………. for you. Then, you can take it home with you for a period of time. scanned signed timed initialled 8. Microfiche and micro ………. Systems are archival library directories. Archival information is written on photographic paper in very small writing. In fact, it’s so small it can’t be seen by the naked eye and specialized machines are needed to read the information. log record file film 9. When you borrow a book from the library, you have to return it on time. If you don’t , you will have to pay ………. fees. final late behind belated SPEAKING Sample Dialogue Sentences for Library Users. Task 3 Think of the library you go to and working in pairs, ask and answer these questions. 1. What are the reference materials? 2. How long can I keep this book/magazine? 3. What are the ESL books? 4. How much is the fine? 5. Can you show me where _____ (the viewing room, ESL section …..) is? 6. May I reserve a viewing room for tomorrow? 7. May I renew this book/magazine? 8. How can I use a computer in the library? 9. How much do I pay to make a photocopy in the library? In pairs, role-play the following situations. A is the student and B is the librarian A. You have just arrived at a foreign university library. You want to get registered and informed about the library rules. B. Help the student with the registration and answer his/her questions. · A. You have lost one of the books you borrowed. You are at the library and try to sort out the situation. B. Deal with the situation. LISTENING Task 4 Listen to these dialogues and fill in the missing parts. Dialogue 1 A: May I help you? B: I would like to ………. these books. A: May I see your library card, please? B: Yes. ……….. A: Apparently, you have unpaid late ……….. B: I do? A: You ……… some money. B: Exactly how much do I owe? A: You owe $24.50. B: I won't be able to pay that right now. A: Until you pay it, you can't check out books. B: I will pay it. Don't worry. Working in pairs, role-play the dialogue. Dialogue 2 A: What can I do for you? B: I was ………. for a book, but I couldn't find it. A: Did you check our database to see if it was on the ……….? B: I already did. A: Is it on the ……….? B: I didn't see it. A: ………. somebody took that book out of the library. B: Will you ever get another ……….? A: We will definitely be getting another. B: Could you please ………. it for me? A: That won't be a problem. B: Thanks. I really ………. that. Working in pairs, role-play the dialogue. WRITING – COMPLETING A FORM Task 5 Fill in the library membership form below.