LESSON 1 Reading 3. Aitti friWfi Note that the particle wa is written li, not H. When reading aloud, pause slightly after the particles. Writing (Write the sentences, following the examples.) a a ft T t *L li A, V_ 1 X tz ft ^ li K 11 ^ I* ^ f 1. Kore w* hon desu. (This is a book.) 2. Sort wa hana dean. (That is a flower.) 3. Arc vri kasa Jesu. (That Is an umbrella.) 4. Are wa ginko desu. (That is a bank.) 5. Wat ash i wa Tanaka desu. (My name is Tanaka. [I'm Tanaka.]) 6. Taaaka-iaa wa Nibon-jin desu. (Mr. Tanaka is a Japanese.) E3 Reading u a : n ^^t-1-^•0 I A. Kore wa nan desu III. (What's this?) L! Sore wa kagi desu. (That's a key.I A Kara mo kagi desu ka. (Is this also a key?) B I)c, sore »« awisbi desu. (No, that's a business card.) Note thai > L (meiahi) is pronouced mfshi. with a long i II A. Kalo-san desu ka. (Are you Mr. Kalo?) B. Hal, KatS desu. (Yes. I am.) A. Tanaka desu. Hgjimemashile. DSio yoroshiku. (My name's Tanaka. How do you do? I'm very glad to meet you.) B. KatC desu. Dozo yoroshlku. (My name's Kato. Nice to meet you.) HIRACANA 2 )9 53 LESSON 2 Reading 2. tun trtt^ri". 6. ciiii ta^ux-t^ r-t. Writing L tf9 < 3 +0 U I ^ L i o 1. Kore wa watashi no kuruma desu. (This is my car.) 2. Sore wa Tanaka-san no tokci desu. (Thai's Mr. Tanaka's watch.) 3. Are wa Hayashi-san no d«u. (Thai's Mr. Hayashi's.) 4. Yamada-saa wa Kalo-san do hisho desu. (Ms. Yamada is Mr. Kalo's secretary.) 5. Kochira wa Tdkyo Denki no Taaaka-saa desu. (This is Mr. Tanaka from Tokyo Electric) 6. Kore wa uchi bo denwa-bangA desu. (This is my home telephone number.) 40 E3 Reading I A-.Ztlt* Vpfrh^A,<7) u» -i l j -ea & o i-b-/,, 4. Ana t-< s a -ctjt h o s-s-x,,, 5. eil li * i t ^ L Nole thai rfewa is written Tli, not "C^b. Writing (i L' **> 1 L 1 T (i n i ^ 0 Ii *> < f Ii h 0 -£ 0 1. Kore wa wataanl do hon dewa arimascn. (This is not my book.) 2. Sore wa uchl no jus ho de» a itinuii. (Thai is nol mv home address.) J. Kimura-san wa kaishain dewa arimascn. (Mr. Kimura is nol a company employee.) 4. Are wa Nikon no kuruma dewa arimascn. (That is not a Japanese car.) 5. Kore wa kyfi no shimbua dewa arlmaua. (This is not today's newspaper) 6. Kono kitte wa ChOgoku no dewa arimascn. (This postage stamp is not a Chinese one.) 42 Reading i a: zcr> £\*%m izllA,*) C^iTPf*, ii a:-*i[i *P i If A, $ a < tX-bliXC'T T-t*-. b : 788-9904-Ct. b : Z -7 n XLh\ZL r T (i 226-8768-t'1-„ I A. Kono eiga wa Nihou no alga dcsu ka. (Is this a Japanese movie?) B, lie, Nihon no dewa arimascn. (No, it's not.) A. Doko no eiga sen ka. (Where is the movie from?/Where was the movie made?) B. Chogoku do dull. (It's a Chinese movie.) II A. Kore wa yubiakyoku do denwa-bangfl dean ka. (Is this the telephone number or the post office?) B. lie, ySblnkyoku do dewa arimascn. (No, it's not the post office's.) A. YBbinkyoku no denwa-bango wa nan-ban desu ka. (What is the telephone number of the post office?) B. Nana-hachi-hachi-no-kyu-kyQ-nro-yon desu. (It's 788-9904.) A. Cakko no denwa-bangfl wa ? (What about the telephone number or the school?) B. Gakko no denwa-bangfl wa ni-ni-roku-no-hachl-nana-roku-hachl desu. (The telephone number of the school is 226-8768.) IIIRAfiANA 2 43 E3 LESSON 4 Reading STRUCTURE_~«-(,~JT_ 1. ^>nL f li 9 5 L'lttto 2. yx^Tii rfl 9 L'^A re 3 L'lttf„ r-a% sui^a^ 11ui-c-rt, 4. [/S^t^li I2L**iA I L'i5.;^i-r-Ti-0 Writing (Write the following romanized sentences in hiragana.) Kaisha wa ku-ji kara go-ji made desu. Kaigi wa gozen hachi-ji han kara jDichi-ji made desu. Natsu-yasumi wa shichi-gatsu jugo-nichi kara desu. 1. Kaisha wa ku-ji kara go-ji made desu. (Office hours are from 9:00 to 5:00.) 2. Gink* wa gozen ku-jl kara gogo san-JI made desu. (Banks are open from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.) 3. Kaigi wa gozen hacbi-jl han kara julchi-ji made desu. (The meeting is from 8:30 in the morning to 11:00.) 4. Hlrn-yasumi wa joui-ji kara gogo ichl-Ji jOgo-fun made deau. (Lunch time is from 12:00 to 1:15 pm.) 5. Natsu-yasumi wa shtchi-gatsu jugo-nichi kara hachi-galsu sanjd-nicni made desu. i Summer vacation Is from July 15 till August 30.) 6. Yasumi wa moku-yCbl kara gelsu-yobi made desu. (Our vacation is from Thursday to Monday./We are Dn vacation from Thursday to Monday.) 44 53 Reading I A: i>i i^L'f-t**. B : 7 I'li/^Ttc B : 8 L'i'bft. II A:^*^-fA(i lllllfffts B : I ttt. iii a :-f * t ■ nan-ji made desu ka. (What lime [when] docs lunch time end?) B. lihi-ji nijuppun made desu. (It ends at \ 111) A Kai(l >i nan-ji kara nan-ji made desu ka. (What lime docs the meeting begin and end?) B. Gogo ai-ji ban kara yo-ji made desu. (It's from 2:30 to 4:00 P.M.) III A Sugiura-sau •■ kyd yasumi desu ka. (Is Mr. Sugiura olT today?) B. Ee. Kino kara Sugiura-san wa natsu-yasumi desu. (Yes. he went on summer vacation yesterday.) A. Suglura-san no natsu-yasumi wa itsu made desu ka. (How long will Mr. Sugiura's summer vacation last?) B. Hachf-gatau nijago-nichl made desu. (Until August 25lh.) HIKAGANA 2 45 m LESSON 5 Reading 2. C %t» < tz 5 \ \ y lOiax < fe*31 Note that [he panicle o is written t, not fc. Writing Mizu o kudasai Kono ringo o muttsu kudasai. RokujQni-en no kitte o jO-mai kudasai. Ano Okii tokci o misete kudasai. I. Mlu o kudasai. (Please give me some water/Water, please.) 2 Kuroi kail o kudasai. (Please give me a black umbrella./I'd like a black umbrella.) 3. Sono akai hana a Jupson kudasai. (Please give me ten or Ihose red flowers.) 4. Kono ringo o mutlsu kudasai. (Please give me six of these apples.) 5. RokujQnl-en no kilte o jQ-mai kudasai. (Please give me ten ¥62 postage stamps.) 6. Ado Akli tokei o misete kudasai. (Please show me that big clock.) 46 Reading i a : b : a : Ztili ? b : **Ui 180* a : Ztit: < tz$<\ n a : 8 : a : 4lxXO 5otJ 152^ b : 1,855* in a : b : a : 1 a : b ; a : oui 3,ooo*/iT-f0 b : [ A. Kono dene hi Ikura desu ka. (How much is this battery?) B. Sore wa hitotsu hvakunijuhichl-en desu. (One of those is ¥128.) A. Kore wa ? (How about this one'.') B. Sore wa hyakuhachiju-en desu. (That one is ¥180.) A. Ja, kore o kudasai. (Well, give me this one then.) II A, Sumimascn. Kokujuni-en no kille o niju-mai kudasai. (Ewuse me I'd like twenty ¥62 postage stamps.) B. Hal, dozo. (Here you are.) A Sorekara yonjuichi-en no kilte o jOgo-mai kudasai. (Then I'd like fifteen ¥41 postage stamps, please.) Ikura dtsu ka. (How much does that come to?) B. Senhapayakugojugo-en desu. (That's ¥1,855.) III A. lrssshalmase. (May I help you?) B. Ano kasa o misete kudasai. (Please show me that umbrella/I'd like to see that umbrella.) A. Dore desu ka. (Which one?) B. Ano aol kasa desu. (The blue umbrella.) A. Kore desu ka. Doio. (This one? Here you are) B. Sow chiisai kasa wa ikura desu ka. (How much is that small umbrella?) A. Kore wa aanzen-en desu. (This is ¥3,000.) B. Ja, kono kasa o kudasai. (I'll take this umbrella then.) HIRACANA 2 47 LESSON 6 Reading 2. fct/=*/Ui *<<0t« liX 9 L'l: t d'*. 0 £ Itz, ( ^ 5 £ Ltzc 6. t 1 lOL'Ti-**^ a-*. 0 j-fo Note ihat both ni and e can be used to indicate the direction of movement. The particle e is written <■*, Writing Watashi wa asatte taishikan e ikimasu. Mö ja-ji desu kara, heya e kaerimasu. I. Watashi wa asatte taishikan e ikimasu. (I'm going to the embassy the day after tomorrow.) 1. Murala-san wa kinö no baa ku-ji ni uchi ni kacrinashila. (Mr. Murala went home at nine lau night.) 3. Mayashi-aan no tomodachi wa aiblta Nlhon e kimasu. (Mr. Hayashi's friend is coming to Japan tomorrow! 4. Wetaihi-lachi wa shfimatsu nl Kyflto ni ikimasu. (We are going to Kyoto over the weekend.) 5. Hayajbi-san no okusan wa senahD no do-yobi ni Narita KOkA e ikimashila. (Mr. Hayashi's wife went to Narita airport last Saturday.) 6. Mf jfi-jl dewkara heya t kaerimasu. (It's already 10 o'clock, so I'm going back to my room.) 7. Sekiguchl-san wa kyonen Osaka kara I Sky* ai kimashita. (Mr. Sekiguchi came to Tokyo from Osaka last year.) 48 Hayashi-san no tomodachi wa ashita Nihon e kimasu. Reading I A ^ifrh 1 zu*-* ^ **+0 B f,-^s frz. n £i-d\ A tu**, fri. 0 i -ti/U II A ^A-1-*bfJt0J: < i^oLf^H^CU' c*>b-N0 B A ^ fc;Wt < lil A B A B : tn*,Jt, tA^» L i Uli ^ * i-ttX. I A. tma kara Yokohama e ikimasu. (I'm going to Yokohama right now.) B. Kaiaba c kaerinuuu ka. (Will you return to the office'.') A. lie, kaerlmaien. (No. I won't.) U A. Konnich t» a. Yoku irasshaimashita. (Hello [welcome]!) Dozo kochira e. (Please come in.) B. Shltiurei shimasu. (May I [come in]?) A. Mio okake kudasai. (Yes, please have a seal.) III A. Natsu-yasumi ni doko e ikimasu ka. (Where will you go for your summer vacation?) B. Tomodachi to Kyüsha e ikimasu. (I'm going to Kyushu with a friend.) A. Hiroshima si mo ikimasu ka. (Will you be going to Hiroshima, too?) B. lie, Hiroshima ai wa ikimasen. (No. I won't [be going to Hiroshima].) HIRAGANA 2 49 LESSON 7 Reading Writing Ototoi wa watashi no tanjobi deshita. kino wa yasumi dewa urimascn deshita. 1. kaiuMlu-siin »a rskyfi Denkl no bengoshl deshita. (Mr. Kaneda was a lawyer at Tokyo Electric.) 2. Ototoi Ufa watashi no taitJAbi deshita. (The day bcftwe yesterday was my birthday.) 3 Kino wa yasumi dewa arimasen deshita. (Yesterday was not a holiday.) 4. Kino wa do-ydbi dewa arimasen deshita. (Yesterday was not Saturday.) 50 Kaneda-san wa T0ky5 Denki no bengoshi deshita. Reading 1. *tA,l*pn 5/1 *T Z fr^Zltzo EitiMi 39,000*. x,tl£0 2. J^ili £'I 3 t/X'l ft* IZ'ZU l2L**TTl/:0 J^ili £itz-tb<7) fzAsU x t CA'TL fz„ t£$||$g 1. SenshQ Gtnza dc Vono kasa o kaimashlla. Tdkel mo kaimashlla. Kasa wa ha&senfcohyaku-en desbila. I okci wa sanmankyOsen-cn deshita. (I bought ilns umbrella in Ginza last week. I bought a watch, too. The umbrella was YX.VX). The watch was ¥39.000.) 2. Kinfl wa do-jobi deshita. Shigoto wa juni-jl made deshita. Kind wa tomodachi no tanjobi deshita. Tomodachi to ban-gohan o tabemashita. Soshite eiga o mimashila. (Yesterday was Saturday. 1 worked until 12:00. Yesterday was my friend's birthday. I had dinner with him/her. Then we saw a movie.) HE RAG AN A 2 SI m LESSON 8 Reading and Writing Write the following sentences vertically in the squares. The punctuation mark „ is written in the upper right-hand quadrant of the square. it 1/ 1* A/ L ■? b b s s tz o L X a 3 -> X 3 t- X. * • t> y 0 1/ s t U * u -it • T h v. i± X a tfc *\ 5 Hayashi-iaa wa senshu Kyoto no aalaha kara TokyO e klmashlta. Sosbite asatte Kyoto nl kaerimaau. iMr Hayashi came to Tokyo from the branch office in Kyoto last week. He is going back to Kyoto the day after tomorrow.) 52 E3 Reading and Writing Write the following sentences vertically in the squares. h -* A/ ft < 3 A/ i t e b < \Z v. •> A, p t o Tz w t> 0 •> EC ft a 13: Ay T Tz ft « fl CO h * < A, A, t e Tz < i * A, Ima ai Kawatnura-san ta okroan ga imasu. ShokudO ni otoko no ko to onna ao ko ga Imasu. DaMokoro al na dare mo Imasen. (Mr. Kawamura and his wife are in the living room. A boy and a girl are in the dining room. There is no one in the kitchen.) HIRACANA 2 53