Kanji recognition practice (Practice reading the following kanji words until you remember them.) 1 . — I/IL -t /V + 6< lit. $n>-5 2. 30 R 500 n 7,000 R 40,000 R 3. 1 n 27 H 4 n 16 5 10^ 31 H 4. HBfH ^BfQ ^Bfg /JcHfB i:*> 11 If if^ H ^015 iafS 5. 5 # 10# 15 « yjs. 20 ft 30 # 6. O @ 3=- < *> *i T UCO^ ^<7)^ 7. * ^ %i? ^ fc 46 T /J\*ou 'hi^^- 9. %L & B ^ t Ti/7 £ ? J J: ? (JyC EA#<1 io. B^A 2MA Zfyi/JIA ii. ©i7^ Jj^^ 12. Oj ;i| tK 13. X K ^fcTt 14. ^)L/:li±iSTto Tomorrow is Saturday. *T J: ? 15. A # * *^ ^Tto There are few people 18—>g^H^£^£ ! (1) Divide the kanji! (1) *M example 20—m¥zwz\ sěí^si—21 6. % Identify the same component I^UBtfAUST*'—23