m 3 S Q Frequency Adverbs Translate the following sentences into Japanese. 1. I often go to the library. htzlli_t I J; frL__ 2. Yumi often comes to my house. 3. I usually get up at six. 4. Professor Yamashita usually goes to sleep at eleven. 5. I sometimes read Japanese newspapers. 6. Takeshi sometimes drinks coffee at that coffee shop. 7. Mary does not eat much. (f) Translate the following sentences into Japanese 1. There is a bus stop over there. 2. There will be no class on Thursday. 3. I do not have a dictionary, (lit., There is not a dictionary.) 4. There is Professor Yamashita over there. 5. I have a child, (lit., There is a child.) (n) Answer the following questions in Japanese, l. *> L/c, T/l"U M?#> 'J i-f rf\ 2. OoB:£j§ home #............- supermarket town i. frltlí/Cli&Bf BU^**** ± Ifzfr 3. fett L í * ± L/c^ 4. fcltL3^iH«HUfa£l£l/=^o (Fill in the blanks.) tzliliHt_ I: T 5. «*, fa* Li L/č^o (n) Translate the following sentences into Japanese. 1. Yumi did not take pictures at all. 2. I often ate hamburgers when I was a child. 3. Takeshi did not study much when he was in high school. (^Translate the sentences into Japanese. Note that the particle 6 replaces IS, t\ and but goes side by side with other particles. 1. Mary went to the park. Takeshi went to the park, too. 2. there is a bookstore over there. There is a restaurant, too. 3. I drink tea. I drink coffee, too. 4. Mary will go to Korea. She will go to China, too. 5. Michiko ate hamburgers on Friday. She ate hamburgers on Saturday, too. 6. Yumi bought souvenirs at a temple. She bought souvenirs at a department store, too. 7. 1 took pictures at school yesterday. I took pictures at home, too. (T) Translate the following sentences into Japanese. If you are unclear about word order, read Grammar 6 in Lesson 3 (pp. 92-93) once again. 1. Mary watched TV for two hours yesterday. (3) (2) " (1) JT>)-i£L ti, * 2. at<)-*Ltttf►) Answer the following questions in Japanese. 1. &+£tz+j:t;tfi ft Jx. &A 4. ^aiiftfl^BT-fiK ispSBT-f >k 5. *n, ti*iz$Lz'igLi'k'